
  • I am back on my Fitness Pal - starting slowly. I am grateful for having a laptop to log onto every day. I am grateful for my warm bed at night, and I am grateful for the fall beauty of Southern Ontario.
  • Oh how lovely a fall day in Toronto, Canada is! It is sunny and cool and the coloured leaves are amazing this year. For this I am most grateful. I am grateful for being able to curl up on a couch and grateful for my bike which I am about to go and ride!
  • Thank you for all your gratitudes. I am grateful to have a place online to write my gratitudes. I say them at night be fore I fall to sleep but there is something powerful about writing them out for others to read. I am grateful for Saturdays. I am grateful for having my dear cousin and her husband visiting with us this…
  • Love this theme and have been avoiding doing the gratitude thing eventho I know that it lifts me up and out of myself. It is Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend and I am grateful that I have a family to celebrate it with. I am grateful for the crisp autumnal weather, the coloured leaves and the bright sunshine. I am…
  • Anyone taking Arimidex? I am 54 and I had DCIS tumor and had one breast removed. Now I am on Arimidex possibly for 5 years. My weight started going up last year prior to the cancer (April 2014) but since has gone up more. It is more emotional eating esp at night. I presently have a cough leftover from a cold and it scares…
  • I'm wanting to try anything. I am struggling and need to be accountable to someone so thank you!!!!
  • Many thanks for all the "cholesterol" comments and support. Special thanks to Renny, Michele,Barbie and Laura. * And Laura - woo hoo! I can't imagine being 1.4 lbs away from your goal weight?!?!? A job well done I might add! *Brooke - thank you for giving shovelling its proper due! I was able to calculate calories used…
  • Hello one and all! Hope this finds you logging in and drinking lots of water. I had time tonight to read page 11 of this thread and it really is great to hear what everyone is doing in their lives. It is amazing all the ups and downs we experience as we journey along; however, isn't it great that we can support and inspire…
  • Hi one and all, Saturday is almost over and we have had the calm after the storm. Yesterday we received nearly 12 inches of snow (30 cm for those of us who are metric) and today was sunny and beautiful! The world is a lovely place when snow ices everything. Jane in Colorado: I fully agree about the care of parents. My…
  • Hi everyone, We're having a snowy day here in Toronto and I have shovelled our driveway twice now. That is a great way to burn some calories!!! I don't think we will have nearly as much snow as the NE US so good luck to all of you! My school called a snow day so here I am with the luxury of time and I can actually read…
  • Hi y'all! @DeeDee - DH means "dear husband" and then you can keep going with DD = "dear daughter", DS etc..... What is it about those carbs? I too love carbs! Was at the store yesterday taking my Mum for a quick shop (she's 88) . She was wondering if I needed any cereal and I said no way because if I did I would eat all of…
  • Happy February! Welcome to all our new friends! Even if you can't always read all the posts or answer them the support that this thread gives is wonderful. Without fail I find someone I can relate to and I feel understood. I haven't been able to read all the posts but I did catch up on the latest ones. I love the idea of…
  • I went to OA and did have some good success. I was able to go off chocolate and then later refined white sugar. I am still off of chocolate and couldn't go back if I wanted to. It seemed to make me binge. Once I was off the chocolate for 5 months I was then able to cut out all the sweet stuff. I went for about 4 years and…
  • Just a quick good night to all of you who are still up! Had fun skimming the past posts and love the Vitamin F. Welcome to all the newbies - Mary and Janice - there is always room for more and as you can see everyone writes what they can, when they can, and all in very different ways! Anyone out there do spinning classes?…
  • Hello lovely ladies, Have just had a few minutes to scan the latest e-mails - welcome to all the newcomers. You can never intrude and of course everyone is welcome. wesscg - hang in there! It is very depressing to have suicide not once but twice. We can learn from this though and there is always a silver lining somewhere.…
  • Wow! Thanks for all the welcomes and you're not kidding when you say you are a chatty bunch! That's right up my alley! Hey Sally - So I made my first soup in the vitamix today and it was terrible - poured it down the drain. I think I put in too many dried herbs - I wasn't measuring and just poured some in my hands. Anyway…
  • Hello to all my 50+ sisters, I saw this post on the message board a few weeks back and tried to get to the most recent post and couldn't and then I lost it. However you have now been found again and so I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Sara from Toronto, ON Canada. I started MFP October 2012 and just quietly logged in my…
  • I found a few years back that when I went off of chocolate, sugar and refined flours, I experienced withdrawal and was weepy and crying more than usual (which for me was unusual since I don't tend to cry easily). I recall someone telling me that it was due to my body adjusting to the lack of sugar in my diet. I persisted…