

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, ladies. We had a pop-up snowstorm overnight, but just left us with a dusting of snow. It is however freezing as all get out. They said with the wind chill it will be around zero today – good day to stay in. Now who can I get to go to the store for me . . .

    I broke out my Herbivoracious cookbook last night – Michael Natkin has a website/blog and cookbook with truly unique and interesting ingredients and flavors, most with an Asian, Mediterranean or Mexican flare. He lives up in WA state and has access to the wonderful farmers’ markets there. Anyway, so many creative ideas – really inspired me to come up with some new dishes. Tonight I’m making cold Thai noodles with a sauce including tahini instead of the usual peanut butter. I’ll throw in some tofu (I’m on a protein kick, remember?) and some sugar snap peas I picked up at Costco the other day and have a fab dinner. Excited.

    Nancy, I’m sorry you were feeling a little blue but impressed at how quickly you perked up – by reading about how everyone feels that way :laugh:. Yeah, I won’t be having sticky buns again!

    Gail, good for at least walking around the house – it’s a good way to stay warm too!

    Joy, I hope you have fun with the Zumba – even if you feel like a complete klutz it’s a blast. At least you get a second chance to be a fun parent :smile:. As for running, I’ve never been a runner but I wasn’t losing weight from walking no matter how far I walked. Once I started cardio I found I was able to expand my lung capacity and now mix running and walking with ease. Practice, practice, practice. I have read there’s no better exercise for cardio than running, but you need to mix it up with resistance training (weights) because running won’t build muscle.

    Lila, lol at Mooker’s post. My cat does that every afternoon around happy hour.

    Lori H, how true for the acrostic! The hummus wrap sounds yummy too – I’m going to have to try that.

    DebA, yes to what your specialist told you. I tend to retain belly fat when my carbs are too high so am trying to keep them in the 40% range. Interval training is the new rage too :smile:.

    Renny, congratulations on those new babies! How fun.

    Judy, how fun that your children are helping cook and clean up. The dinner with your dad sounds like it was a huge success. What is a Cosmosize class? It sounds . . . um, like it could be really interesting :laugh:. A little word of advice: if you have a sensitivity to msg and sodium, watch out for using packaged spice mixes and dressings – they’re usually full of it. If you can try using straight spices instead.

    Barbie, thanks for the story/background. My story is very similar – lots of walking but no real shift in weight, just barely keeping below 200. For me it was the combination too – increasing my exercising, especially adding in cardio and weights, along with tracking calories religiously. I had to give up the empty calories as I don’t have a lot of room for anything but nutritious food before I hit my daily limit. I’m not afraid of any food but I know I don’t have a lot of wiggle room, so I try to keep my portions small and most of my meal nutritionally dense, and I add in extra exercise wherever I can for those splurges.

    Robin, your travels and interview are all coming up fast! You’re going to have so much fun – and best wishes on the interview. I’ll be sending lots of powerful vibes to you.

    Eileen, what a great picture! You look lovely.

    Laura, I had a weekend like that too, but I didn’t do it at the Brown Palace, darn it! How wonderful to see your son perform there and just be in the building – it’s such a wonderful place. Enjoy your week!

    Ohiomom, good for you for sticking to healthy choices. Glad you were able to help your DD. I’ll tell a story about my DD in a sec.

    Julie, keep trying! When I first started really exercising last summer I felt like I had been beaten with a baseball bat (I think I keep saying this over and over - sorry). I couldn't do any pushups from my toes and had to do "girl pushups" too, and even then I was weak. I just kept trying, getting stronger, and now I can do so much that I would never have believed possible. You can do this!

    Last night DD called me on her way home very upset. She works at a Montessori school with an on-site daycare, but yesterday was an in-service day so they didn’t have the kids or daycare kids, just the employees. As a result the daycare was condensed and on part-staff, none of which DD knew. She went to drop off DGD and discovered she was being put into a room with much older children and three young girls she had never seen before. Long story short, the girls didn’t know they were supposed to do things like change diapers or give the babies water, and they couldn’t put them down because the room wasn’t adequately child-proofed for babies (DGD is 15mos), so the babies didn’t get to play or run around. DD was very upset – she’s still in new-mama mode. I felt bad that I couldn’t do anything for her except just listen – one of those moments I so wished I lived down the street from her so I could keep DGD on those days. However, she got home, took DGD out to play with the neighborhood kids, then we skyped so I “ate dinner” with DGD and watched her run around with the dog. She’s getting so big! I commiserate with those who are far from their beloved children and grandchildren and am so jealous of those who are closer – enjoy all those moments while you can!


  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Well, it's day two at work since I've had to cancel vacation, and I am starting to accept the fact that we will not be able to reschedule for this year. We thought we'd be able to make it there for week two, but the cost of flights has gone up so much, that it is impossible for us to justify spending the additional dollars. We're going to save the credit we have with the airlines for next year's flight and make our vacation to Mexico next year extra special since it will be our 5th wedding anniversary. :heart:

    We have lots of family coming in for the funeral, and Frank's brother & Aunt & Uncle will be staying with us since we have two guest rooms. The weather here is freezing, and we are expecting snow on Friday, which is the day of the funeral. Somber weather for a somber event. :cry:

    Well, back to the living.....

    :flowerforyou: Renny - Congrats on those two new bundles of joy! The cycle of life, right?

    :smile: Judy - Good luck on your interview. I'm sure you'll do great!

    :happy: Barbie - Thanks for sharing your inspiring journey.

    :glasses: Robin - Enjoy your vacation.

    :laugh: Laura - Sounds like you had a good time with your family. There should be no guilt for that!

    :ohwell: Sue - Everyone is different so it does take a little tweaking & experimentation to find out what works for you.

    :huh: Gail - 60 push ups??? I can barely manage 5!

    :blushing: Julie - I'm with you on the exercise....I really am starting to see that I need to work on my upper body strength.

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tuesday Greeting Vit F,

    Only a moment to catch up and say Hi as I have a new hire coming in shortly and I have to process him.

    Last night I decided I was going to hit our weight machine and this morning I'm a bit sore, but it's the good kind of sore and in places that I usually don't have aches. It was good to be back in the routine of coming home from work and doing a workout and then fixing dinner with hubby. it's always so much nicer when we do it together.:happy:

    Work continues to plague me and I best get to it, it seems that there aren't enough hours in the day to get it all done and I'm just not willing to stay past my time when my commute home takes almost an hour and I'd actually rather be working out than working sitting at a desk:ohwell:

    Have a good day all let's keep moving, drinking that water (it really does make a difference) and logging your food:drinker:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues VIT f.
    another Burrr day.high of 11 maybe.2 this am.
    Hanging with Violet today.Do some needed cleaning here.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning!

    Nancy,you can't even be uniquely depressed :laugh: Oh that's a good one. It's certainly a tough time right now, depths of winter, bills due, etc. I waltzed right through Blue Monday in a pretty good frame of mind, thanks to a full day with my wonderful students who have a way of bringing out the best in me.

    Lori, the CRAP list is a good reminder. Definitely a bunch of no-nos there. Focus on real FOOD! And water! :drinker:

    Juilie, even the "girlie" pushups from the knees are not easy at first. Do a few every couple of days for a week, maybe start with 5 or a number you can handle without screaming. :wink: Increase the following week and keep track. I'm doing 30 every other day now, in 3 sets of 10. When I first started I could barely do 2.

    Barbie, I enjoyed your story. :flowerforyou: It's truly amazing when we look back at how far we've come on this journey!

    Deb A, I'm right there with you in wanting to get rid of the belly fat. I can still grab hold of a considerable amount! :ohwell: Jogging and walking in intervals is truly a great workout, I feel the best when I do that routine regularly.

    SueBDew, chips and me are terrible housemates! :grumble: They stare at me, relentlessly, begging my attention. I do my best to ignore them completely. Last week I had great success keeping them at bay.

    Katla, it's been nice seeing the blue sky hasn't it! :love: I've been loving every second of it. Freezing and foggy here again this morning, but I hear it's supposed to warm up a bit and start raining again. Oh for the love of Oregon.

    Lila, had a little helper there, did you? Mookers is quite talented. All those 5's with no mistakes! :bigsmile:

    Sunshine, (Joy) Oh you had quite a workout! Walked 4 miles AND went to Zumba! Wowie! Cold showers, ugh! :noway: And that box of chocolates, grrrr. They call my name whenever they show up around here, too.

    Upstairs I go to do Yoga. Aerobics on the agenda as well this morning, and if I wasn't such a wimp I'd go run a few laps around the track. Too cold out there! I'll run with the terrier later, he's good for a 40-45 minute non-stop jog as long as I give him plenty of time beforehand to do his male dog sniff-n-mark routine. I've been doing squats while he's busy with that. :wink:

    Remember it's Tuesday good-news-day! Do good!

    Stay warm, stay happy, stay focused and bright,
    For today is good-news day, all day, until night.

    :smile: jb from frosty Portland
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Lori H – I have a vacation property in Missouri and trust me, no one has ever heard of Gravois Mills, Mo. But when I say it is in Lake of the Ozarks, then they know.

    MWheatcraft – sugar is my addiction and even with watching my calories I still manage to get plenty into my diet. I think next week I will concentrate on eliminating ice cream and cookies.

    RebelRenny – congrats on the two GREAT nephews. I would love a baby in my life. I am baby crazy.

    Positive Power – good luck on your interview tomorrow.

    Barbie – your walking story was interesting. I tend to walk between 6000 and 10000 steps a day simply because I am nuts busy.

    Robin – 20,000 – you are ambitious

    Kaki – I’ve been eating my exercise calories for the last 4 months and still steadily losing – albeit it is starting to slow down now that I’m down to my last 12 pounds

    Laurie – Wow, you sung with your son!! If I ever sung in public the place would empty out.

    Sue – you are right – the quality of calories consumed really counts. Unfortunately only about half of mine are quality.

    Exermom you have the busiest life ever.

    Sasha – red paint – is that the Peta people who do that? I am actually against killing tons of small non-edible animals for a coat when a down jacket would do, but since I bought it, I’m wearing it. Especially today when the temperatures start with a minus sign.

    Sunshine – yep we are a lot more easygoing the older we get. My 34 year old son is always amazed at what I’ll let my 11 year old son get away with.

    DeeDee – Hi

    Mazaron – your recovery from your “depression” made me laugh.

    Mwheat – skyping grandkids – yay for modern technology

    I am working from home today as one of my tenant’s furnace broke last night – of course it chose the coldest day of the year – and I am waiting for the repair guy.

    Cheryl from north of Chicago
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I'm going to try my very first Zumba class today. I am so excited and went to the exercise part to see how many calories I could burn and Zumba was not there under cardio. Does anyone else do Zumba? How do you count the calories?

    Tusen Takk (a thousand thanks!)

    Hi Joy. I found a website how to count Zumba calories: http://caloriesburnedhq.com/zumba-calories-burned/
    If MFP does not have anything on its database, you can create it. Looks like great fun!

    Weigh-in this morning did not see any changes on the scale :grumble: However, DH remarked yesterday how my belly had gone down.:love: Of course, I already knew that, since I can now do up some jackets I could not before :laugh: Besides, as was previously commented, I am more than a number on the scale.

    Walking at lunch time is on the menu today.

    :flowerforyou: Have a Terrific Tuesday!

    :heart: Rebel
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    A quick good morning to all yu ladies - I am determined to actually accomplish something today!

    Michelle - snow shoeing is actually quite easy - walking with big clown shoes on your feet?!?!:laugh: so a little more strenuous for sure. But it gets me out into some beautiful scenery and spots that wouldn't be accessible in the deep snow without snowshoes or cross country skis.

    LinC I am in southern alberta, so not too close to Nelson, which is a beautiful area. Hope the move goes well for them.

    Lucy - so sorry about the loss of your FIL and your cancelled trip. I hope you can enjoy some time with family while they are there for the funeral and are able to look forward to a trip NEXT year. Fights can be crazy expensive, can't they. I usually make a trip to Mexico with some friends but they are saying they just can't affford the flights this year - and they already have the time share!

    Joy -I think grandkids might be God's way of giving us a second go at it!:smile: Aren't they delightful! I get so many giggles out of mine and they just fill up my heart. How did the Zumba class go? I tried an aquatic version once when I was on vacation - that way no one could see how bad I was!:bigsmile:

    Nancy - I too heard that clip about blue Monday. Interesting. The dark and grey probably doesn't help much. Sunshine makes such a difference!

    Kate - could you please get it to warm up a bit there by the weekend? :laugh: I am heading to Edmonton for a conference and will have to do some walking outside moving from venue to venue! Please, no minus 20?

    Robin - It sounds like you have some adventures in your future. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy - the trips, the little ones,family time, the sunshine and warmth, the recharging!:happy:

    Thanks to all for the reminders on keeping calories up, on eating nutrition dense foods, for fueling and feeding our bodies, for 'right' priorities, for effective exercise, ......you all keep me going!:smile:

    Now to tackle those tasks:tongue: .........
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Sooo cold here in Virginia but got the little dog out for a short walk.
    I have always heard that 3 miles a day is the way to lose weight and stay fit. It can be really hard
    to get that in, but I'm inspired by your stories and I love to walk!

    I was at Costco and saw the Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred video so I thought I'd give it a try. I really enjoyed it yesterday...
    and today I'm so sore! haha! It's a good sore though and I felt like I accomplished something on my road to fitness.

    Have a great day ladies!

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Posted to the locked thread, missed the continuation.....will try to catch up with these pages later today!

    Stay Warm everyone!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello my friends. I ended up spending the entire night watching Hoarders and got absolutely nothing done. Not a good way to start the week. I got home later than usual, was starved and ate dinner, then wanted to put my feet up for a bit…and well, there you have it. I really missed my dose of vitamin F! :sad: And tonight I have to do the exercise I was supposed to do last night!

    Woke up to about ½” of snow this morning…very pretty, light fluffy snow. I just wish people would learn how to drive or get out of my way! My usual 20 minute commute took nearly an hour! And the roads weren’t bad! Grrrrrrr:grumble:
    I’ll try to respond to every one, but I can’t promise!

    Jane: stay warm!

    LindaC: you stay warm too!

    Lila: your shopping trip sounds successful…I can’t wait til I have to shop!

    Renny: congrats on the loss! It all counts! Your parents sound wonderful!

    Sara: your mom sounds like one grande olde dame! I had to laugh about your soup!:bigsmile:

    Lin: you have given me a goal…beat your dad for the oldest with no cavities. I shall update my dentist!:tongue:

    Glenda: I’m jealous of your snow shoeing trip! It sounded beautiful. I wish we had more snow here; I would love to try it

    Judy: your family evening sounds like fun! Can you share the Brussels sprouts recipe?

    Liz: I need to get back in the habit of partly preparing meals for the week; hope DH is feeling better by now

    Lucy: I’m so sorry for your loss! Hugs to you!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Suebedew: more pecans! Holy cow you must be swimming in them! I do make the world’s best pecan pie so you can send them to me!:wink:

    Michele: your cooking and baking always sound so wonderful to me

    Gail: it does sound like your son made a miraculous recovery!

    Barbie: no dogs in our bed! Too many cats. Problem is that they fight! The old man (he’s 18) just doesn’t think these young kitty-snappers should take up any of his space! :laugh: It is quite odd to wake up because of 2-3 cats howling, biting, and carrying on all while being on top of you!

    Sunshine: I may have missed it but how did you end up in Norway? I never thought about not being able to find dried beans there

    DeeDee: sending you hugs too!:flowerforyou:
    Julie: good burn!

    Linda C: I too am allergic to dogs…and cats…and I have four. My eyes are always red. One day, about 6 months after we adopted the kids, the younger one came up to me in the kitchen, struck a very cheeky pose with one hand on her hip and said “Mama I think you drink” and pointed to my eyes! :laugh: Thank goodness for the Russian-english dictionary; there was a picture of a guy with allergies!

    Sandy : I hope your day was productive!

    Tammy: ahhhh wedding planning. I hope my DDs elope!:tongue:
    M: Can you share your german chocolate cake recipe? I’m always looking for “slimmer” recipes!

    JB: great tips! Also I would add that eating <1200 slows your metabolism as your body thinks “starvation”

    Wessecg: I have a great mental image of your riding with your fur and for some reason you have borrowed DeeDee’s tiara! You do look grand! Even the horse is impressed!:smokin:

    LoriH: can you share your veggie and hummus wrap recipe?

    Dear heavens, I have been trolling here for an hour and a half! I have work to do and best get to it. I’ve finished my yummy lunch including a giant red bell pepper….so sweet! Now it’s back to the grind. I’d rather zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Take care, stay warm, keep moving! Meg in snowy Omaha:drinker:
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Since we are in Norway, we get some shows a day behind y'all. Some shows are months behind. But Biggest Loser in only a day. So, I'm sitting here watching Biggest Loser wishing I had a pizza. Is that bad??? :angry:

    Have made actual plans for exercising this week so we'll see how it goes. I'll do a Zumba class on Thursday and Friday, meeting someone at the gym to do treadmills on Friday afternoon (after Zumba) and then Saturday we are doing cross country skiing all day. Going on a trip with the base. We'll be at the resort at 9:30 a.m. and ski until 4. Should get a good workout in. Then Sunday off to Rome. Where I will probably eat it all back in pizza and pasta. Those 2 weeks are going to be HARD. I wonder if I should take my scale with me? :brokenheart:

    PositivePower - the bison in chili is yummy! And the V8 gives it lots of flavor too. You should try it!

    barbiecat - I walked my 4 miles today .... in the freezing cold (-6) but I got it done. Not sure I can do it everyday but I WILL make sure I do it everyday when we are in Italy. It will be MUCH warmer then.

    DeeDee2211 - my dad use to say that if he had known grandchildren were so much fun he would have had them first. I must say that I agree with him 100%. :laugh:

    mazaron - OK, I will give that a try. Thank you!

    mwheatcraft54 - zumba was "ok". There were only 4 people there and I knew 2 of them. They told me it would be several months before I feel comfortable with all of the moves. But they were very encouraging .... and I'll go back.

    RebelRenny - thanks for the website! I will check it out!

    glendalight - aquatic zumba? That sounds wonderful. Today was actually the first time EVER I've been to an exercise class. And then I walked afterwards. I told them I would be at Zumba on Thursday and Friday so hopefully sometime soon it will start to make sense.

    tammytylerjon - I've been thinking about the 30 day shred. I think the video is on youtube .... maybe I can try it when we're traveling since I'll have the computer with me. Is it something I can do in my hotel room or do I need equipment for it?
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    My cloak is getting its share of arrows this morning. It is just sad. :grumble:

    I am grumpy because my neck is out of whack. I must have slept wrong. :noway:

    At least I got a 10 minute snooze/cuddle when Bodi decided to come up on the bed with me right before I had to get up. I love it when he does that. :love:

    Got all my goals yesterday so I am back on track and counting down the days to OLIVIA!!!!!!

    Have a great day all.

    Robin Bodi and Ritter,
    The Great Pacific Northwest.
  • jodymaryk
    jodymaryk Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Ladies! My name is Mary and I just found your message board on here. I am 50 and am trying to get into better shape and take off 30-40 pounds and need all of the motivation and help I can get! I spend a lot of time with what I call my D3 (stands for Dojo3, the name of the studio) family, my Zumba group at a wonderful studio here in Renton, WA. I have also been doing some Crossfit there and am enrolled in an 8 week toning challenge the owner is doing right now. A few of the women are my age, but most of them are in their 20's and 30's. I love them all dearly and they are great support and encouragement but find myself wanting more women my age to connect with on this journey. I hope that this might be the spot! Although I haven't read through all of the posts (gotta head to work soon!) you all seem so supportive and encouraging!

    I hope I am not intruding! I also hope I can find out how to subscribe to this board! Lol! Thanks so much!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    :frown: Whine: My yoga class is upstairs in an old building and the heat vents are at ceiling level. My teacher brings a space heater to try to warm things for us. Today, the floor was COLD and about 10"-12" up, it was too warm. The higher up you stood, the warmer it was. Does anybody have a suggestion as to how to stir the air so the heat gets to the floor, and the cool mixes in enough that standing up doesn't give you a hothead and cold feet?
    :happy: Appreciation: I do appreciate how good my body feels after doing yoga for an hour. I feel both relaxed and energized for the rest of the day. Right now I feel great.

    The fog is gone where I live, but it isn't as beautiful as yesterday. We have a mix of sun and overcast. NOAA says rain will be here in a day or two so I want to get out and enjoy dry while I can. Walking the dog is an excellent idea and I'm pretty sure he'll like it too.:bigsmile: Maybe later.

    Some dear friends are planning a get together toward the end of the month and I'm looking forward to seeing them. :flowerforyou: We'll be having dinner at the Olive Garden. I haven't said a thing about dieting and I wonder if they'll notice any change in me. If they do it will be a pretty neat NSV.

    Did I ever mention how grateful I am for all of you? Vitamin F is definitely the best thing that money can't buy.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    NW Oregon
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have a little time right now, see if I can get caught up a little bit!

    Nancy:smile: Uniquely depressed:laugh: , that made me laugh too!

    Julie:smile: I wouldn't call you whimpy, I can't do even one pushup, well honestly I've not tired:blushing: , but I'm pretty sure I couldn't do one, keep it up you'll be doing many before you know it!

    Joy:smile: Chocolate:love: , good for you putting it outside, out of reach! Too funny, watching the biggest loser and wanting to eat pizza:laugh: . Sounds like you have good exercise planned for the week! Rome.....I am so jealous!!!! Hope you have a fabulous time!

    M:smile: You're dinner sounds delish, not too fond of tofu though, but just the noodles...yum!!!!

    Lucy:smile: You'll have fun re-planning your trip to Mexico! I know it's disappointing right now though:flowerforyou: .

    Laura80111:smile: I need more hours in a day too:angry: !!! It's nice that hubby is home in the evenings now! How is he doing with his diet? He had lost about 27 pounds or so in Dec., hadn't he?

    JaneMartin:smile: Hope you've had a wonderful day with Violet! How is the baby doing?

    Jb:smile: Love the "Tuesday-good-news-day"!!!!!

    Cheryl:smile: Hope the repair man got there and your tenant has heat now...brrrrr! Sending you a tiara to wear (per Meg) when you're on the horse with your fur on, hey, your horse might like to wear it too:laugh: !

    Rebel:smile: Doesn't it feel good when those jackets button or zip with ease:bigsmile: , congrats!!!!

    Glenda:smile: Hope you got some things accomplished today!!!

    Tammy:smile: It's cold in NC too, brrr! When you're sore you know your muscles got a good workout!

    Bj:smile: I've responded to a locked thread too:embarassed: , it goes somewhere into cyber space:laugh: !

    Meg:smile: Yes, do those exercises!!!!! Oh, how funny that your youngest thought you were a drinker:laugh: !!!

    Robin:smile: Just dust off the rainbow cloak and put it back on! Good luck wth the interview! Looking forward to seeing some new pics of beautiful Olivia:love: !

    Mary:smile: Hi! Welcome to the group! You joined just by posting, come in often and just start chatting! We are a chatty group of great women!!!

    Katla:smile: Hot and cold at the same time:angry: , looks like there could be some way to figure out how to get them mixed together, however, I have no clue as to how! Going to the Olive Garden, check their website for the calories before you go, I met a friend there on Sunday spur of the moment, I ordered the Caprese flatbread...it was 600 calories and about 900 mil of sodium:noway: :angry: ! Wow, it was good, however it wasn't that good:noway: ! Hope you have a good time!

    Okay...I'm going to hold my breath and try to post this.....

    Have a great evening ladies!!!

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I can't shake what seems a real depression today. There was a young man in our neighborhood who went missing on Sunday morning. He left a party on foot with just a hoody on. He called friends at 1:30 am and said he was cold and lost. They said they couldn't find him, but damn, why did they stop trying?? Yesterday evening his being missing was announced locally and on facebook. The community rallied and went looking for him this morning. It didn't dawn on me to take my horses out and cover the fields a little faster. By the time I did his body was found minutes later. He graduated from the high school where my daughter is a senior in 2011. Oddly, his best friend was a young girl my daughter played basketball with last year. She just committed suicide in November. Two young lives gone. It just leaves me overwhelmed. And in fear of the dumb things my kids might do one day. I know there are things I did when younger that I appreciate still being alive to talk about. These two kids aren't.
  • KNAMsMum
    Hello lovely ladies,
    Have just had a few minutes to scan the latest e-mails - welcome to all the newcomers. You can never intrude and of course everyone is welcome.

    wesscg - hang in there! It is very depressing to have suicide not once but twice. We can learn from this though and there is always a silver lining somewhere.

    barbiecat - saw your inspiring story and it reminds me how individual we are and how we need to listen to our bodies and what they need.

    I noticed when reading some responses to my last e-mail that it sounded like I had lost 35 lbs since October - I have actually lost 35 lbs since August. I started MFP at the beginning of October and I had already lost some weight since end of August (about 8 pounds). I am still very happy - I keep telling myself that slow and steady is the way to go. My biggest challenge is fitting exercise into my days.

    Have a good night,
    Tomorrow is a new day!
    Toronto, ON Canada
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DeeDee: Thank you so much for the suggestion about getting a calorie count on Olive Garden food before I go. You are one smart lady! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Wessecg: The loss of the young man’s life in your community is heartbreaking. My prayers go to your entire community. I'm sure there are a lot of people grieving today.

    NW Oregon