davidji Member


  • I have taken one, maybe two spin classes, but just the idea of HIIT is HIGH intensity and if you're in a spin class for a whole hour I don't believe you're really putting out that high intensity that will allow you work close to your VO2 max. 25minutes of 60seconds all out and 60seconds slow cycling is optimal for HIIT on…
  • Remember even if you do have a little pain on the day of the marathon don't be phsyced out as the DOMS doesn't necessarily affect your athletic performance. Keep stretching and moving, nothing is worse than inactivity.
  • You're right in that strength and muscle mass are different, however there is still a correlation between the two. It depends on how long you've been strength training and how much of you're "noob gains" you've milked out of yourself. I would say if you haven't properly strength trained for at-least a year you would still…
  • I wouldn't reccomend any of these tools as they are mostly gimmickly and aim to just make you feel good or bad about yourself when looking at the numbers. Just use myfitnesspal and track your macros and see how you're progressing from one week to the next. If you're getting X amount of calories a week and for that week you…
    in Tools Comment by davidji October 2013
  • 24 Weeks to lose 20 pounds if entirely feasible but then again it really depends on your current bodyweight. Looking at your current allocated gym time, I would reccommend cutting out the 15minute abs whatever that is, and replace that with some high intensity cardio as I don't see any of that on your current program.