

  • I use MFP just as tool to check how much I eat in a day I dont calorie count. I am on the Harcombe Diet which does not count calories and works for me. As I said although I am on the Harcombe Diet I use MFP to keep a diary of what I eat and it keeps me focussed on a daily basis. According to MFP very often I will have…
    in Fed up! Comment by Oxjo February 2013
  • Natural Yoghut is best - no added sugar
  • Protein - chicken fish eggs steak with salad or vegetables avoiding potatoes or any white rice. Brown rice or brown pasta is good. Avoid sugars also within sauces. I use the Harcombe Diet which is non calorie dieting but I use MFP to record what I eat and keep me focussed. Good combination of both. Go back to natural foods…
  • Try Kallo Rice Cakes with Dark Chocolate on top that normally gives me a choc fix without too many calories
  • I gained 2lb's but had no exercise and plenty of hot toddies as I have been down with a heavy cold. I ate more than normal as I was comfort eating. Today I am back to my routine apart from the race walking as it is horrible weather and my energy levels are not what they should be. Hopefully the 2lb wont take long to get…