Private dancer
In Amsterdam: "You dance like you're horny. Are you horny?"
I was diagnosed with PCOS ten years ago. Right now my levels are normal, but I'm still struggling to lose weight and have other symptoms: mood swings, depression, facial hair. I'm on meds for the emotional stuff, and I've had laser treatments for my beard, but these darn follicles just keep growing back. I know I'm one of…
Love me some White Stripes. For me though, it would probably be the Beatles. A little cliche I guess, but it was my first thought on the matter, so I'm going with it as a final answer.
Hey, that's fantastic! Maybe the key to the next 30 lbs. is a new challenge for yourself. I see you bike ride (awesome,) have you ever done a triathlon? Or just a bicycle race? My personal goal is to get fit enough to run a 5K. I've got much, much further to go than you have, though. Hopefully, I'll be fit enough to do it…