baconsgirl Member


  • I'll be doing this day tomorrow. Congrats to you! I'm right behind you.
  • First, I am still obese. I'm not officially jogging at "real" jogging speeds. Right now, I jog at speeds most people power walk at (currently at 3.9). I actually really enjoy it and also started with a C25K app. What has helped me most is listening to my body and using the slower speeds to start. I also planned on…
  • To the OP, I really like your post and how supportive this is for those just starting out. One thing I would add is that it's ok to like seeing what the complete your diary option tells you- just don't take it as exact information. For instance, when I see that based on my workout and eating for the day, I will lose 10lbs…
  • Hey, I feel similar to you Lori. I've been on MFP for a while and had on and off phases with it. One thing I found is that many people will delete you when you're off the app for a while and now I'm finding myself without many other people to check in with. I found your post looking for other people to add. I'll send you a…
  • Hey dear, it's great that things are going well for you and eating definitely the hardest part. As for me, I've had plenty of struggles and ups and downs and stalls. We all do. But, I find that paying attention to how you feel helps more than anything else. No matter what the scale is telling you. Keep it going and you'll…
  • Hi all, I'm looking to lose close to 180 pounds and have lost 68 so far. I don't have a knee injury, but I'm also struggling with making progression with my overall fitness. Feel free to add me and we can lose together. :smile:
  • The elliptical is always great for beginners. You can start out with manual and increase the resistance as your mile time gets shorter. And, you can play with it: I love the aerobic mode, around the world and interval (both under hill). Good luck and have fun!
  • Moment 4 Life- Nicki Minaj Power- Kanye West Raise Your Glass- Pink Also, I made a pandora station for my workouts- Diva Radio.
  • Hey! I have a long way to go and I love to encourage others! Add me!
  • You know you're on a diet when (some double ups here, but this is my list ) * you spend more time on MFP than you do on facebook * you baggie up portion sizes to stop from over eating a portion * you log EVERYTHING you put in your mouth! * you feel flat (and sometimes fat) when you don't exercise * you push yourself harder…
  • I think tracking body fat percentage is the way to go, especially if you think your muscle is building at the same rate as you weight loss. Still though, 100 pounds is amazing; I'm sure to get there you already know what you're doing pretty and you should be more patient with your body. I found this article about toning.…