You know you're on a diet when...



  • NomiS6
    NomiS6 Posts: 67 Member
    Keeping the packet of digestive Biscuits away from me when drinking tea...
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    all you can thnk about is a nice cristy baguette.. awwww
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    ...when hubby says, "Let's have *insert food item here* for dinner tonight." And you say, "Tomorrow we'll have it, so I can pre-log it and do an extra 10 minutes on the elliptical to make room in my calorie goal for it." All without looking at the label or servings because you KNOW how many calories are in it.

    Or when going to a restaurant with family, as everyone is ordering you inadvertently blurt out the calorie counts for each item ordered because you already looked the information up before you got to the restaurant and you know which foods are loaded and which you can squeeze into your goal without having to do 3 hours on the treadmill.
  • ChelSleeve
    ChelSleeve Posts: 144 Member
    Your workout clothes get washed more than your everyday clothes..

    And for us ladies... A regular bra feels weird because you are so used to wearing a sportsbra!!
  • When you head out for dinner with your friend, then talk her into a four mile run over dessert. An hour later we were out on the road lol
  • I so recognise all these posts. Especially reading the labels in the grocery store and putting more than half of what you picked up back again.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member plan your entire day's worth of food so you know how many calories might be left for dessert. Then, you make sure you get in enough exercise so you CAN safely eat dessert and not stress the enitre day.

    LMAO...not that I'VE done that. I've heard other do that sort of thing:laugh:

    For "dessert" read "evening snack"......I regularly have to change what I was going to have for something much lighter if I've pigged during the day....
  • baconsgirl
    baconsgirl Posts: 11 Member
    You know you're on a diet when (some double ups here, but this is my list )

    * you spend more time on MFP than you do on facebook
    * you baggie up portion sizes to stop from over eating a portion
    * you log EVERYTHING you put in your mouth!
    * you feel flat (and sometimes fat) when you don't exercise
    * you push yourself harder than you ever have before, and than you ever thought possible
    * you spend FOREVER ordering when eating out because you're working out the calories in each meal
    * you spend FOREVER food shopping because you read EVERY SINGLE label and end up putting more than half of it back on the shelf
    * most of your food shopping is done in the fruit and veggie section
    and the best thing of all (drumroll please)

    * you feel happier, healthier and can see and feel the changes all of the above have made!!

  • dianeellen2
    dianeellen2 Posts: 259 Member
    I like to plan - if i know some difficult situation is coming up - i can have my 'no thanks' ready in my head, make sure i am not hungry etc.

    However, the other day, i went to an afternoon training session, no need to plan, no food would be involved, when i arrived and signed in a guy was there giving out cakes, for no reason, and i said, without thinking, 'no thanks i have just had lunch!'

    I wanted to pat myself on my back - i would never have done that before - and i didnt even plan for the event!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    When I buy boxes of snacks, I look at the serving size and split the whole box into little baggies so I don't accidentally eat more than one serving

    Done that. I have my snacks all in zip lock bags, weights & calories written on it just so I can easy enter it. I have about 30 bags of each :) That also means I can have one in my handbag with me in case I skip a meal by being busy :)
  • spskinny
    spskinny Posts: 96 Member
    You look at the trunk of a palm tree as a stack of Rolos.
  • Your workout clothes get washed more than your everyday clothes..

    And for us ladies... A regular bra feels weird because you are so used to wearing a sportsbra!!

    Love it!!!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    You know your diet has become a lifestyle change when you decide not to pre-log for a holiday or birthday and find at the end of the day you ate everything you wanted and still came 20 calories under for the day.
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    When you end up not talking to your Hubby on Valentine's night because he bought you a
    wait for it...........Box of Chocolates...........!!!!!!

    Yes for the 1st time in the 30 years we have been Married :love: , I ask him not to buy me any candy :brokenheart: for Valentines day! but bless
    his heart , he did make breakfast! :bigsmile:
  • jewelswye
    jewelswye Posts: 49 Member
    bump. some great tips here ;)
  • chrissiij
    chrissiij Posts: 47 Member
    ..........your boyfriend mockingly waves a large slice of lovely pizza in your face but you take one glance at his beer belly and smile serenly into your salad.
  • MumMumOfMany
    MumMumOfMany Posts: 79 Member
    haha, i so do tht!x
  • bluemist248
    bluemist248 Posts: 207 Member
    I made a valentines cake for me and my boyfriend to share (out of a box - it was Betty Crocker's devils food cake!) designed to be cut into 8. I however, cut myself a 16th. Half the calories and I didn't even notice the difference in size :happy:

    Generally, if it's cake, a chocolate bar or something, I halve the portion size and if it's veg, I double the standard portion size.
  • Spending time, sometimes up to 30 minutes, on a restaruants website examining the nutritional information so that I can get something I want and at the same time not feel guilty and truly enjoy my meal.

    I thought I was the only one that did this...
  • .... you consider murdering a co-worker who offers you a box of donuts you have to turn down.
    Who's with me?? Anyone??

    Oh my God! Totally!:explode: