To the OP: have you tried roasting your vegetables? I am not a big veggie eater myself, but roasting brings out the natural sugars and frankly, just tastes better. Cut up your favorites (I like red bell peppers, onions, zucchini, fennel, garlic, tomatoes) roughly the same size, toss with a little olive oil, s&p and spread…
Taunto- I get why people like you. :drinker:
Is that basically a macaroon with an egg cooked inside?
Honey crisp is my fav. But honestly, any crisp apple, if eaten with "side" of salted caramels is pretty much the best snack ever!
I could care less about this thread, but Steve, if that's you in your profile pic then pop tarts do a body good! How you doin?
Ummmmm, what she said.
Cocktails. But when I do indulge my sweet tooth, I prefer a small piece of something really good. A well made salted caramel, a beautiful macaroon from the French bakery up the street, a perfect dark chocolate get the idea. I used to eat crap and in bulk, now I've decided if the calories are to be worth it, it…
That was last year. Tell him you'd like to "pop some tags".. All the kids are singing that now.
I am over the age of 23 AND drank multiple Lomg Island Iced Teas, so I qualifiy for the "no life" category. Can we be friends?
Not too many things on this forum make me ACTUALLY laugh out loud...this one did. Well played Sir. :drinker:
What are you talking about? Jesus had an awesome thigh gap.
No, you are not the only one. "Your" religious beliefs, or my lack there of, have absolutely no place on a fitness site. But then again, I don't get the "date, marry, shag" threads either.
I believe National League Baseball and Lance Armstrong also endorses responsible juicing.
I want to be bitten! :blushing:
Okay, one more. Cook your asparagus in some vegetable or chicken stock, along with chopped onion till very soft. Take the contents to your blender and add cream or even plain yogurt, season, and you have a simple cream of asparagus soup.
Simply roasting is best. But, you could always chop them up and add to a stir fry or as the base for an omelette. There is also the old wrap small bundles of asparagus with proscuitto and broil till crisp.....yum!
The real question is not how old he is, but is he hot? Oh right, all 20 years old are hot. Carry on young people.
I have no idea what she is talking about...I am TOTALLY hot!
I believe Cranky meant the royal "we" and we all know who that is... Not that I am speaking for you your hotness, I mean, highness. :blushing:
As a trophy wife, I can tell you that most women dress up for themselves first and for men second, but it's nice to be noticed by anyone...admit it. If a man compliments me, it's probably because of my figure, if a woman compliments me, I know it's because she appreciates the effort that went into to making myself look…
People snack in the real world. It is your choice when and where to do so. If this truly is a lifestyle change, then you have to acknowledge that fact and "spend" your calories as you see fit. No one can sabotage you unless you give them the power to. Geez, who needs Oprah when I sound all preachy and *kitten*? Testify!
49. My shelf life in this thread ends in November.
I'd like mayo AND a spank'n please....not necessarily in that order.
Six pack? No, I'm really more of a wine than beer drinker. And bulk? Are we talking about the size of his....wallet?
Sorry young lady, but sensible relationships and being responsible for your own actions are not allowed here on MFP. Now go let someone sabotage your diet before I go all wobbly on your *kitten*!
Dude, I thought the same thing. I've been called a MILF (which, I'll take as a complement) but if its followed up with "but she's older", that would take all the wind out of my sails.
No, sorry, WRONG! We don't do nice here.
We do not....JERK!
My favorite (when strawberry season hits) is simple and delicious. Take 2 or 3 large ripe berries, cut off the stem and make a small slit or core them. Push 1 square of good quality dark chocolate inside and place them into a ramekin and bake in 400 degree oven for a few mins or until the chocolate has melted. It's like an…