SKArunner Member


  • I am all about quick and easy . . . Just became addicted to Mission carb performance tortillas. Yesterday, I had peanut butter & sugar free Raspberry jelly. Today I took an Avocado with 2 tbsp of bacon bits mixed it up and filled two tortillas. Tomorrow might be tortilla ham and cheese wrap . .. I think I might be getting…
  • I bought both the white and wheat Mission Carb Balence Tortillas and they tatste amazing! Too Good! I am questioning the fiber . . . is it truly 'Net'able? The Carb Balance Medium/Soft Taco Flour Tortillas has 19g of carb and 13g of fiber . . . Can you REALLY subtrack them like as if it is a given? And are there any…
  • Didn't have them at my COSTCO today. :( I bought Smart Carb Bread instead Jullian Bakery 3 Net Crab. *Vitamin Cottage
  • Do they sell the La Tortilla Factory "One and Only Low Carb Tortilla" at Costco? I going there today then . . . Never heard of such a low carb tortilla - very cool!!! *was really excited for a second, thought they were a "one" carb tortilla. They still are very low though and probably cheaper then paleo bread. Thanks
  • All I know is that I like to see purple, it makes me happy. I just do not understand what I am looking at. Yesterday it was deep purple before I went to bed, didn't eat after or much hours before, and I woke up in the morning and it was light red??? Does that mean, my body used the ketones as fuel while I slept? I think it…
  • Also my buddy who is a competitive cyclocross and mountain biker is on day 21 in ketosis. He is hook and starting to be back to his same power output as before and 10 pounds lighter . . .
  • Keto stixs . . . I use then more than I should, just to prove to myself that I am still in ketosis . . . I guess? I know the next step is to use a blood monitor??? But I and not rich, will probably use one as we get closer to racing season. I guess I am waiting for the breathalyzer version . . . Check this out . . .…
  • Awesome!!! After my two day binge, and a week off resting my calf, I did not feel like running at all . . . OMG I felt like a new man after my run though and only had 2 g carbs in me, I started running at 2 pm - somewhat fasted. I ended up running 4 miles at a 7.5 min pace and and then 4.5 miles at about a 9 min pace. It…
  • Take a Tupperware bowl with top, fill it with ¼ cup of heavy whipping cream and then match that with a ¼ cup of frozen berries ( I like mixed). Shake well, then take a spoon and mash the fruit. Shake again and then stir instant no wait berry ice cream. I have found that I don‘t need to add anything else. Berry Addictive!
  • Everyone here seems to like it . . . the kidos don't though. It has a slight fishy taste; it is seaweed. It is something different.
  • Fresh whipping cream and heavy cream (like Indian food) destroyed me. Now I make a 1/2 cup of heavy cream with 1/2 cup of raspberries (like a yogurt) and then top it off with whip cream . . .
  • Yes, without a doubt! All of the above! I have questioned everything. I am inexperienced. I am excited. Leading up to my first 100 miler, I was running 100 miles/week (6 months ago) and spent way too much time running hills. I questioned all of that. Some of the guys I trained with ran 120- 150 week and others were maxing…
  • Here is the thing; I switched to Keto so that I wouldn’t be so dependent on carbs during ultra runs. A friend of mine, a Keto runner, ran his first 50 miler (third ultra and never run a marathon) on 3 gels and he broke the course record. That was my tipping point for switching to Keto. He is a little faster than I am, but…
  • I know that it was not written for Keto adapted athletes. It is just that literature out there is very limited, a handful of authors. I am just trying to really understand how the body works during endurance events. I am particularly curious about fast vs slow burning carbs and if insulin is blunted during exercise does it…
  • For some reason, I just can't eat cauliflower. Now I was going to try coconut flour this weekend on chicken fingers... I will let you know. Awesome! Pork rinds . . . wow what a great idea! I love them too!
  • I am running a lot these days . . . And I am still trying to loose weight my daily limit is 2100, but I generally stay under 1900. I was still loosing about 1.5 pounds.
  • Great article! . . . thank you for posting it. I have heard of the book, Good Calories Bad Calories, but it convinced me to go out and buy it.. . . Now I have a book to read over winter break . . . Thanks.
  • Yea, I haven't really been limiting my cholesterol. Looking over my data . . . it is all over the place from 50's to well over 750 per day. I set my goal to 300, but I do not know where I got that number and I have been ignoring it anyways. Somewhere I read, overheard, or made-up that I should not worry cholesterol.…
  • I just got a phone call from my doctor and he said I was "normal" . . . I generally do not accept what my doctor says, he is a good guy and all, and end up researching myself. So 100 seemed a bit high for me, lets see in 3 months or so. I wonder what is was 6 months or a year ago.
  • I haven't really experienced a "bonk" since I have switched; it is Keto day 35 for me. I have run 3 runs over 20 mile, one being over 26 miles with 6,347 feet of gain. With that said, I really haven't put it to the extreme test yet - meaning a true race. I have run a trail 20 mile completely fasted during a fun practice…
  • Yea, it was almost 2 years ago, that is a good point. Honestly, I did my math wrong in my head thinking it was less than a year; I was more focused on the results. With that said, I was at my worst then (which is relative), over 200 pounds and very high blood pressure - they wanted to medicate me. A s of today, I am 148…
  • Looks good . . . Too bad I just got back from the store . . . I have everything except the coconut flour. Looks like it is bacon and eggs again!
  • What an awesome discusion! Thanks everyone! Two months ago, I had never thought about diet, just ate what ever I felt like and a lot of it. Until I turned 40, it didn't matter, but then I became a dad of two which became the tipping, so to speak.
  • Thanks . . . very interesting indeed! I used whip cream and heavy cream as an indicator because prior to going keto, those were two foods that hit me hard. Like fresh whip cream on a dessert or cream based Indian food would keel me over within minutes of eating. I never gave up cheese, but leaned towards sheep cheese -…
  • Man, that really sucks! When I first started my low fat diet, I was injuried too. I thought it was the best time to start though. Me too! I think it will be a tipping point in ultra running world. Well Maybe ? . . . If they can run for 20+ hours, they can stop eating carbs . . . it is just their mentality. And yea my buddy…
  • I know everyone is different . . . I started off on a lower carb diet for the first month not knowing I was switching to a keto diet. Now at day 30 in ketosis, I don't have the cravings anymore. I do reward myself on days that my carbs are really low. I eat an ice cream sundae with Breyers low carb ice cream, Spanish…
  • I am in 'Ketosis', but from my research, it takes up to six months to be "fully" adapted. Now I am referring to running to PR as fast or faster than I did on carbs..
  • Hey! Well, I was tired of bonking during long runs and eating way too many carbs (gels). I met a guy who ran the same race as I did, a very technical 50 miler, and he ate 3 gels as apposed to my 26 gels. He had never run a 50 miler and new to ultras (19 years old). He beat the course record! I was blown away with…
  • Hey . . . I am 42 years old, ultra runner, and only been running 'really' for about 2 years now. Two years ago, I hit my peak 205 and high blood pressure. I was a 158 or so as a rock climber in my thirties. With a classic diet, eat less and run more, I lost majority of my weight. Even after a year training for the…