Thanks all! Just needed to get that bad stuff outta me...and some good stuff in. Thanks for the good stuff!
How ironic...I'm reading this while I eat my breakfast; a yogurt--strawberry--Shaklee meal shake--smoothie. I really messed up this weekend; early Valentine celebration, daughter's 16th birthday, Saturday night homemade pizza feast. I decided to try the smoothie--for--breakfast--and--lunch thing for two days, just to get…
Yay, you! It seems silly to some, but being able to say, "I'm just overweight now!" is really fun!
Not a recipe, but Breyer's Rocky Road has 150 calories per half cup, and makes my sweet chocolate tooth happy! My husband and I have also discovered that a half cup of yogurt with a cup of mixed fruit is just as satisfying as ice cream, with less than 110 calories.
I should have checked beforehand, but I didn't. I'd like to add that this recipe has 84 calories per half-cup serving, with 7 grams carb, 5g each of protein and fat.
Guess I should find a club that isn't so inexpensive. :)
I don't mind the machine, itself. But I'm not much of a daytime TV watcher. If I do watch during the daytime, it's not likely to be cheating wives--promiscuous daughters--transvestite sons--yelling at their priests that I tune into. And that's what the rest of the clientele at my club seem to like.....
I, too, have done WW. I hope I'm not repeating what someone else has said; I skimmed the responses. What clicked for me with WW was the meeting; talking face-to-face with people, seeing the other person look at the scale when I weighed in, knowing that I had to step on that doggone thing at the end of the week with someone…
Testing my signature! I'm new at this, so I figured I'd bury it on one of my own posts.
I don't have a recipe, myself, but I would find the oldest recipe you can. One that uses flour, butter, real butter, all those things we avoid these days. The substitutes for butter have higher levels of bad fats and sodium to make them taste better. I had a pediatrician once who told me my two younger boys were chubbier…
You look great! Your brain is just trying to psych you out. Besides, as we get older, tummies just do that. You earned the right to just relax about it. Isn't it fun, though, to try those older things on? I remember going to Weight Watchers' in a size I hadn't worn for 25 years! It was a great night. Sadly, I "grew out" of…
I log all my exercise. (Well, maybe not waling to the bathroom!) It helps me to see what's been going on. If I have a busy week, and all I did was cleaning, then I realize I gained again, I can work my next week to do better at eating and exercise. It also helps me to see that everything I do is helping.