homemade crescent rolls

Does anyone know how to make homemade crescent rolls? Without filling them full of sodium?


  • ahbach2005

    looking for low sodium stuff myself:ohwell:
  • ptrppl6
    I don't have a recipe, myself, but I would find the oldest recipe you can. One that uses flour, butter, real butter, all those things we avoid these days. The substitutes for butter have higher levels of bad fats and sodium to make them taste better. I had a pediatrician once who told me my two younger boys were chubbier than they should be, "But," he said, "don't go for those low-fat, artificially sweetened things. Modern ingredients aren't good for you. Give them sugar, butter, eggs; just less of them" So, make an old-fashioned recipe (I'd find a copy of The Joy of Cooking, or Julia Child's book) and just eat fewer of them.
  • Belle_Fille
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    Here is one....I haven't tried it, but have used many other recipes from this website and love it! Now I am curious and will have to try these, too.

    No-Knead Refrigerator Crescent Rolls

    This recipe is SO easy! It makes the equivalent of 2 ‘cans’ purchased refrigerated crescent rolls; or use as crescent roll dough base (will cover the bottom of an 11×15x1 pan), I love using this recipe during the holidays. Recently, I encouraged a newly married friend who has never made rolls to try this recipe…..was she ever excited when she called to tell me “I can make rolls”.

    2 tsp. dry yeast
    ½ c. lukewarm water
    1 stick butter or margarine, melted
    1 T. sugar
    6 T. beaten egg (1 large + egg white or 2 smaller eggs)
    ¼ tsp. salt
    1 c. whole wheat flour
    1 to 1¼ c. unbleached flour

    Mix yeast and water; set aside. In bowl: mix melted butter or margarine, sugar; add eggs and salt. Mix in whole wheat flour and yeast mixture. Stir in enough unbleached flour, until dough leaves side of bowl and is soft; do not knead. Cover; refrigerate overnight. Two hours before meal: remove dough from fridge, punch down. Turn out on floured surface. Divide evenly in half. Gently (do not press hard) roll each ball into a flat circle. Cut into 8 even wedges (a pizza cutter works). Roll up each wedge, starting at wide end. Place on greased baking sheet; can curve form crescent shape. Cover; raise about 1½ hours. Bake at 350° for 20 to 22 minutes, until golden.

    Makes 16 rolls. Or just make one large flat circle and cut it into 12 wedges for a dozen bigger crescent rolls.
    Share and Enjoy!


    edit: not sure about the sodium content, I imagine you could experiment with unsalted butter, etc.