ChangeIsADecision Member


  • Daily Check-Ins, accountability, and May goals! I'm In!! Good Grief I need a kick in butt - mainly on the weekends! I lose my mind a little on the food/drinking side of the weekends! I'm better than I used to be so I'm making progress .... but I would really like to feel good about myself this summer! Let's Do This!! .…
  • Original starting weight - 170.4 May starting weight -166.6 May goal - 160 Ultimate goal - 140 May 1st - 166.6 (this was my weigh-in for Friday, 4/27) May 8th - May 15th - May 22nd - May 29th - Total loss for May -
  • ~Southern Indiana~ B)
  • Just got my IT guy to get me a platform so I can work standing up!! Plan to stand everyday 9am-11am and 1pm- 3pm. If I feel good going longer, I will!
  • I'm in the same boat as @72smile - I'm 43 going on 44 in July and need some friends that are in my mindset of health and weight loss. All of my friends literally are in "i don't care" mode - or are at a great weight and don't need to lose. UGH!! I'd like to all you all - hope you don't mind. Feel free to add me as well!
  • 43 here...will be 44 in July. Not concerned at all... it's just a number. I'm already going thru menopause, actually on the back side of it. It's been tough but getting better!
  • Goal for August 31st: 158 July 22nd (starting weight):165 July 29th: 160.8 August 5th: August 12th: August 19th: August 26th: August 31st: I've done really good this week so far. We have plans with some friend tmrw night and I'm considering that my cheat meal (pizza and beer). My challenge will be to get back on track…
  • A little Motivation I heard at lunch: You can either power up and take positive action or you can sit, wear your poutty pants and be negative. This is the fork in the road - which way will you go... ? •♦ Every time you make a decision (be it positive or negative) you are going to get more of what you give!! ♦•
  • Bootcamp went well last night. I actually jogged a little and my leg didn't hurt! It was another sweat fest!! Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Good Morning Ladies.... Here's me weigh-in, check in time. Starting weight: 7/18 - 164.2 7/21 - 163.0 7/25 - 163.0 ( I guess no gain is a good thing) How are we doing ladies? @MeinProgress - Way to go on the lose!! Keep it up!! :) @FitEqualsSmile - @janetay01 - @jdelaroy - @danan01 - @Kait_Dee - @ngolden3320 - We had a…
  • Screen name: ChangeIsADecision Goal for August 31st: 158 July 22nd (starting weight):165 July 29th: August 5th: August 12th: August 19th: August 26th: August 31st: I started a bootcamp at the local YMCA but with a leg and back injury it has kept me from giving it 110% - so I've got to get my eating back in check until…
  • Jessica Smith TV on You Tube is another awesome channel. I love her videos - tons of strength and cardio workouts.
  • Morning everyone... Had a fun night with my Pinterest Drink Night girls. I didn't do great but I didn't do horrible. The place we had planned on going to was PACKED so we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant - got some freshly made guacamole (SO GOOOOOD). Went back to one of the girls' house and had a bevie on the back…
  • @Rachel0778 – Good for you to take some you time and not couching it!! We all need resets from time to time… You’ll find your social butterfly soon.  @Kait_Dee – WOW… Way to go on the total weight loss!! That is so inspiring!! When is your competition? @ShyCush6 - Glad to see you're back. I had to take a break too! So…
  • Morning Peeps! Hope all is well with everyone. Just wanted to check in with some insta posts - and an accountability weigh-in. Starting weight: 7/18 - 164.2 7/21 - 163.0 Monday bootcamp: Last's bootcamp: I've been having back pain lately so I got a steroid shot and a pain shot yesterday. Kind of funny - I was talking to…
  • Hey Ya'll.... Bootcamp was good last night. Although I was late getting there... I swear Murphy Law's gets me every time! I swear I thru my tank top in my bag... I go to change after work and i packs a pair of my husband's BOXERS! :open_mouth: Same color as my tank top... GRRRR :p Anyway, got there a little late but we did…
  • We did have a great time yesterday!!
  • @Rachel0778 / @FitEqualsSmile / @MeinProgress - Alright ladies… I’m going to be completely honest. I did not do well this weekend! I’ve done much worse but I didn’t do as well as I had hoped. (not even close) Friday I gave myself the evening to have a few “good” beers… we were working outside on the Jeep all evening.…
  • Is anyone else missing messages on here? The last one I see from yesterday is @danan01 at 3:18pm and the next one is @janetay01 at 8:51am. I know that can't be right with this group! No ONE posted the entire evening!??! What am I missing? Moving on... no bootcamp until Monday (it's only Monday and Wednesdays) so this AM I…
  • @Rachel0778 / @FitEqualsSmile / @MeinProgress - Alright MFPeeps... we're entering the danger zone for me. THE WEEKEND! I'm going to try to get in the mind set of it just being a normal week day (food wise). Our good friends are leaving town so that will help keep me focused - LOL - that's terrible to say but we have so…
  • AWESOME!! No need to steal my goal... let's do it together!! Along with anyone else that's wants to join in! We can share the goal. LOL!! I certainly need the encouragement and a kick in the *kitten* - (that sounds so funny) :D Let's do this - Let's report in on Monday b/c the weekends are my most challenging time of the…
  • This is a goal of mine...I think before I can truly lose the weight for good I have to learn to take responsibility for my own actions! Not my husband's, not my BFF's... My Actions! (unhealthy eating, drink my calories, etc.) This isn't for them... I want to lose the weight for ME! So it's up to ME to take action to meet…
  • @Rachel0778 Glad to hear you are feeling better and way to go on inquiring about becoming an instructor!! HOW EXCITING!! @jdelaroy I love the pacing the house to get to your goal!! ♥ Keep it up and keep us posted! It's great motivation!! @FitEqualsSmile I've been feeling the same way about my body - although I've let…
  • LOL! Thought I would share this - Hope everyone has a great day! Bootcamp - Day #2 - tonight. Let's hope day 2 goes better than day 1! :/ Every night the workout is different so that might help!
  • @danan01 - Thanks - we love the Jeep!! **Oh GOSH...BOOTCAMP was literally a HOT MESS DISASTER! :dizzy: :neutral: I didn't pace myself - came right out of the gate trying to keep up with everyone - 90 degree heat that I'm not used to at all - I almost passed out about 15 mins into it. The heat zapped me! Then when I…
  • I start BOOTCAMP at the Y tonight.... EEECK! I'm nervous! My back is still acting up and I have a head cold but I'm still going. I'm hoping to sweat out the head cold and my back with get back in line. We'll see. But last weekend was my birthday and we have celebrated a lot but one of the best ways was.... WE GOT A JEEP!!!…
  • WOW.... I've been on a MFP break for a little while and I can't believe this thread is up to 108 pages! That is SO AWESOME! Looking forward to reading thru the last few pages. I'll never get caught up from the last time I was on here.... :D I see a lot of new "faces"/names!
  • @CariTJR - you crack me up... "Lard *kitten*" - Keep your chin up sister. We can do this... one way or another. So funny that MFP changes that word to *kitten*... :s :# :D