

  • There's tons of herbal, sweet, spicy, and zesty teas out there. I like Egyptian Licorice, Dragonfruit Melon Green Tea, Cinnamon apple, white pear, and blueberry.
  • Good advice from others. I use a headlamp, a pack around my waist that carries a few small water bottles, my phone, and pepper spray. I carry with me a small flashlight that has a whistle on one end (you can find them easily now with trick or treating coming up). It has 3 modes; flashlight only, glowstick, or flashing…
  • I find that these types of guys have no social skills whatsoever. I mean, who would keep bothering someone who was showing all body language that said "piss off?" Try "sorry, no time to talk, gotta focus on my workout. Have a nice day." and then just keep moving, look down at your log book, or otherwise avoid eye contact.…
  • For me it is my thighs that have a deep itch. I was told this was because histimines are kicked up from the high impact, circulation and intensity. I was advised to take an anti-histimine (obviously not Benadryl, lol) 30" before a run. Hope that helps.
  • 1 cup kale pomegrante juice strawberries or blueberries 1/2-3/4 cup cucumbers 3/4-1 cup or 1 cup kale 1 cup pineapple 1 cup cucumbers splash of fruit juice (orange, pineapple, pomegranite) to taste
  • Tell me more about this almond milk. Do you have to refridgerate it? I tried soy and can't stand it.
  • I wonder if you are put in a hard boot or something that protects your foot if you could still do the recumbant bike or something that doesn't have impact? I doubt you'll be able to swim right after surgery....because I was considering the same and doc said it would be weeks until I could get in the pool post -surgery (too…
  • Thanks SecretLobster. They don't tase oily (I hate oil), and I thought rice noodes were a much better choice. I usually divide a take out order of pad thai into 2 or 3 servings. I will try the steamed veggies w/ peanut sauce ordering off the menu instead.
  • Three things to be careful of: 1) all the chemicals that are in the gum (who can pronounce all that crap?), 2) bloating from taking in extra air chomping all day, 3) doing this at work or other professional environments. I personally like a hard candy or hard sucker (especially See's chocolate lollipops- 80 cals, lasts…
  • What's wrong with pad thai? I thought it was a healthier option, no sauces and the noodles are low calorie? I'm vegetarian and this is one of the choices I thought was good. Please advise. Thx.
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