

  • What are you trying to do?
  • I used to use pumpkin seed protein powder. I heard disturbing things about whey and soy as sources. Also, the hemp powder started messing with my digestion. The pumpkin seed powder took less for an 8 oz portion and gave a higher percentage of protein. It was flavorless so I could add whatever flavor I want.
  • Hi, I'm Nancy. I'm back exercising after recovering from an illness. I walk outdoors when weather permits. This winter I started back on the treadmill at the gym. Being 70, I go for 40 minutes at various speeds. Outdoors I just walk 40 minutes. I'm starting on weights in two weeks. I know it seems silly at my age but I…
  • Your post sounds just like my daughter. She has been on one high protein, low carb diet after another. She has great success the first week and then nothing. Recently she found the Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type diet. It sounded like a fad to me but when she got her blood type it turns out that she's A+ which means that she…
  • I would love to be your friend. I haven;t really lost any weight even though I stick close to the 1200. I have fluid issues so its a battle. However, Monday I start back on my daily exercise so it may change.
  • Luis, just eat your regular meals and then thrown in three snacks. You can carry these in your backpack and nibble while you walk to class. Your last snack can be a bedtime one if it won't keep you awake. You should cut back on the amount of food in your regular meals so you don't go over your calories. Eating 6 meals a…