FitForLaw Member


  • Because I love to sweat! Because when I'm working out I forget about everything else. Because I love to feel the exertion. Because I like it when I look in the mirror and like what I see. Because I want to live longer and be happier. Because I want to be able to keep up with my teen age son. Because afterward I feel calm…
  • Sounds like you are in to a lot of positive activity. I am logging almost daily, both exercise and food, and so perhaps we could support each other in that. I will send you a request.
  • Sounds good to me. I work out weights about 2 - 3 times per week and do bicycling and other stuff another 2-3 days per week. Been doing this for about 4 years. Would love to provide mutual support on this.
  • No particular exercises cause injury, I just notice it more on the heavy ones. I have had a personal trainer off and on for the last 5 years, so my form is pretty good. I'm not one of these who uses bad form to try to get a heavy weight up. If I can't lift it correctly, I use a lighter weight. If I move up to a heavier…
  • Well true that high weight, low reps does seem to build more strength faster. But still build strength at 15 - 20 reps from personal experience. I tend to get injured more easily with the higher weights, so its a trade off. Part of getting older I guess.
  • Have you tried a personal trainer at the gym? They really help. Works for me. Even if you can only afford once per month. Also, post your exercise online, in addition to logging food, and see if you can get support for working out that way.:smile:
  • Yes, I agree with your approach. I think as we get older it becomes more important to be consistent. Support is an important part of that. Especially if you try to log daily and egg each other on.
  • Here in Washington. Will soon be moving to Bend in Central Oregon. Looking forward to being in a dryer climate with warmer summers (swimming, kayaking) and colder winters (skiing!! yeah!!). Like to bicycle, lift weights, and may get into yoga. Feel a lot better emotionally when I am active. Try to log most days, like to…
  • This study below shows that low weight/high reps (16 reps) and high weight/low reps (8 reps) were pretty similar in building strength in a study of post-menopausal women.
  • I think its a misconception that low weight, high reps is just about stamina. It also builds strength, maybe not as fast as high weight low reps. At age 61, I emphasize more the low weight, high reps, and still build strength. Over time, I can still lift more. But probably need to define what I mean. High weight, low rep,…