rorysmommy Member


  • When I send lunch with my child, I send sandwhich, chips, fruit, maybe string cheese and some sort of "treat" whether it is a small piece of candy (fun size snickers), a few Oreo's, a couple cookies, something. I would be livid if the school acted this way towards me. I'm the mom, let me make the decisions for my child.…
  • This makes total sense! I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago, why? because I promised my 5 year old daughter that I would quit when she was done with chemo. THAT was a good enough "why" for me. Now I need to really find one for weight loss. I've been struggling a lot with trying to stay on track. I'll do good for a couple months…
  • I do 1200, I'm short (5'2) though so it works for me. I eat mainly fresh fruit and vegetables. I do add in chicken breast, fish, egg whites, and either feta or parmesan cheese. I also try to eat every 2-3 hours which keeps me satisfied. I actually have a difficult time getting enough calories in during the day!
  • I'm in the same boat. I'm always thinking about losing weight. I want to be healthier (and smaller) but then something happens and I lose my motivation. I go to the gym, I even have a trainer...I don't like it, I don't want to go. I NEED TO though. At this point, I'm trying to get into the swing of things. Counting…
  • I too have been gone a long time. Life got in the way and well, you can't always watch what you eat while living in a hospital. Anyway, welcome back to both of us! I know tracking calories and weighing (yuck and yuck) works well for me. Good luck!