How do you distribute your 1200 calories throughout the day?



  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Tarcyd55 wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »
    OP, you may want to eat more than 1200 cals. with only 6 lbs to go your weekly goal should be to lose 0.5lbs/week and you should be eating back cals burned from exercise. Then you will not have to worry about dividing up 1200, should be more like 1400-1900 depending on how much/long you workout.

    I would also suggest stopping the quick add calories and weigh solid foods and measure liquids so you actually know how much you are eating, instead of estimating

    I cheat on the weekends so I have to be extra strict Monday- Friday that is why I have been sticking with 1200. I have been maintaining my current weight with doing so. Also I stopped working out as much. I plan getting my *kitten* in gear again soon! Thanks a lot that is great advice!

    I echo his advice and say that if you plan on losing a few lbs to take it slow and TRACK your weekends. Trust me. Don't kill yourself with ccardio to make up for mystery weekend calories. Not tracking adds up FAST. Trust me.

    I'm 5'3.5 " 120 lbs, to put it into perspective and lose weight eating 1700 not exercising. I'm also meticulously logging, though. So, first place to adjust is logging accuracy and make sure you don't burn yourself out eating so little. Fuel your body and maintain your muscle as you lose, you'll be much happier.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I am also on 1200 (us shorter folks do need to go that low to lose, even with just losing .5lbs/week).

    Not necessarily. I am 5'2 and lost 1 lb/wk at 1500 cals and lose close to 0.5 lb/wk now at just under 1700 cals (both of these are net numbers - I eat anywhere b/w 1800-2000 cals/day probably).

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I usually have about 250-400 for lunch and about 800-1200 for dinner/dessert.
  • rorysmommy
    rorysmommy Posts: 7 Member
    I do 1200, I'm short (5'2) though so it works for me. I eat mainly fresh fruit and vegetables. I do add in chicken breast, fish, egg whites, and either feta or parmesan cheese. I also try to eat every 2-3 hours which keeps me satisfied. I actually have a difficult time getting enough calories in during the day!
  • LuckyShimmer
    LuckyShimmer Posts: 18 Member
    I always start my day with a heavy breakfast. It gives enough energy to survive the walk to school.

    Anyways, I usually start my morning with a cup of coffee and oatmeal porridge with honey or bananas. It's sweet, fills my tummy and has about 400-500 cal. Sometimes, I skip the porridge and eat yogurt, usually around 200 cal.

    My lunch is always light, either soup or salad, or pretty much anything they serve at our school canteen. So, my lunch is usually an apple and soup or 1/2 a plate of potatoes/risotto/buckwheat porridge and 1/2 a plate of salad. I keep it around 200 cal.

    Sometimes, I have an apple two hours before dinner. That's about 70 cal

    And I waste what I've got left on supper.

    Breakfast: 400-500 cal
    Lunch: 200 cal
    Snack: 50-100 cal
    Supper: 300-400 cal

    I try to burn a minimum of 200-300 calories per day and I don't eat them back. It's given good results so far :D
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    I go for breakfast and lunch at less than 300 calories each, probably 300-400 for dinner, the rest of my 1400 in snacks. I'm known to go skimpy at dinner in order to save for my bowl of ice cream later. because, priorities.
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    seriously... why are people hell bent on opening the trap but not giving constructive criticism or advice... " uh why are you on 1200 calories?" doesnt help the OP. if you cant help the OP then don't post. and to all you who are helping her ... good on you its nice to see other peoples perspectives. being short does not help i am 5ft1 and i have a 500 calorie deficit sometimes it isn't enough and more cardio is needed
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I see a trap open.

    Complaining about people not following and answering the OP is not following and answering the OP.

    straight divide by zero ya'll.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    seriously... why are people hell bent on opening the trap but not giving constructive criticism or advice... " uh why are you on 1200 calories?" doesnt help the OP. if you cant help the OP then don't post. and to all you who are helping her ... good on you its nice to see other peoples perspectives. being short does not help i am 5ft1 and i have a 500 calorie deficit sometimes it isn't enough and more cardio is needed

    Where is your advice?

    People generally tell other people that you can eat more than 1200 because generally you should. Everyone jumps on here, and inputs their information and sees "lose 2 pounds a week" and thinks "I can do that? SWEET!" and so that's what they choose, without considering factors like how active they are, how much total they have to lose - and those things matter.

    If you only have 6 pounds to lose, there's no reason to eat 1200 calories a day, period. I have 16 pounds left (of 85) and my deficit is set to lose .5 pounds a week. I could set it to 2 pounds a week, but I'd be eating very little. I want this weight to stay off, so I'm going about this in the smartest way possible. That means making my goals reasonable and attainable.

    The end goal here is to eat as much as you can, while still losing weight.
  • How does anyone survive on 1200 calories? 200 calories isn't a meal. It's hardly a snack.

    Easily, I do it daily and its a 150g+ high protein based diet.
  • I'm also doing a 1200 calorie diet and have always heard it's best to have a light meal for dinner in stock up on your calories early in the day when you're most active. I typically do 300 for breakfast 500 for lunch and 400 for dinner. I include mainly protein fresh fruits and veggies. Strawberries are Le in calories and i love cutting then up in a 90 Cal yo plait yogurt :p
    Hope this helps
  • scaryg53
    scaryg53 Posts: 268 Member
    I am eating 1200 calories, too. I'm 4'11 and 3/4 so I'm tiny. I usually eat under or around 300 in the morning, I have a 130 calorie snack. Another 300-400 for lunch and then then the rest for dinner. It varies daily depending on how hungry I am at "breakfast" time which is usually around 1 pm for me because of my work schedule. But mostly I like to eat light the first part of the day and heaviest in the middle or at the end of the day.