jvsghost Member


  • Smoked for 5 years, 7 years smoke-free. I still get the occasional craving, but nothing I can't handle. I will never go back. I feel so much better not having that monkey on my back.
  • Hi! I started a paintball thread about a month ago and broke down what I believe is an accurate count (for me). I would be glad to hear anyone else's opinion! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1278450-paintball?hl=paintball#posts-19858649
    in Paintball Comment by jvsghost June 2014
  • Cool thanks for the feedback guys! I play for fun as well, but it is really cool to see how the stuff we do to get into shape effects PB.
    in Paintball Comment by jvsghost June 2014
  • I lost 26 lbs in just over 3 months, so yes you could probably do 20 lbs in 2 months.
  • I have been a member for about 6 months now, but didn't start seriously dieting and lifting until 3 months ago.
  • Also I would like to point out that contrary to popular belief you can cut weight and build muscle at the same time. Now don't get me wrong, you won't make the muscle gains you would from bulking, but your muscles will grow as you lose fat. I know as I've dropped 30 lbs of fat and increased my muscle mass exponentially as…
  • Nothing wrong with a well muscled female. I think the majority of the time guys and gals that demean female body builders have their own self esteem issues. I support anyone that works as hard as a body builder.
  • Hi welcome to MFP! You don't have to submit to a "chained" or fad diet to lose weight. You just need to keep track of your calorie consumption and as you said eat healthier food. I have lost 30 lbs just from doing this. I would recommend you calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and set your MFP manually. A lot of…
  • Also a form metabolic conditioning. I do not compete in Crossfit or train specifically for it, but I do have metabolic conditioning written into my current plan and have on occasion done some of the Crossfit workouts.