anyone wanting to quit smoking?

could do with some help!


  • Bexchubb
    Bexchubb Posts: 55 Member
    If Im honest, I just dont think I have the willpower to do it at the same time as being on my weightloss journey- I smoke between 5 and 10 a day, so not a huge amount, but since I started dieting in January I have attempted using an e-cig a few times. It was ok for a day or two but I have gone back to the cigs. My justification is losing weight is hard, and quitting smoking is hard, and I just dont think I have the ability to do both. I'll quit when I hit goal. How long have you estimated till you reach target? Might be better to wait, however THIS IS JUST MY OPINION, lol. Some people (much stronger than me) CAN do both at once. Good luck! :)
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    You can get an e-cig and start using it while at the gym.
  • LifeOfBrian78
    LifeOfBrian78 Posts: 397 Member
    I've been working on quitting for a couple of months now. Add me if you would like :)
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    I made it 7 months without smoking ... i don't even miss it :)
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    quit 2 weeks ago cold turkey haven't had a single thought about it. Hardest part is gettnig around my routine times to smoke i.e. anytime I'm in the car or when I'm stressed out.
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I almost 5 years smoke-free. I do miss it...but I don't miss the coughing, sore lungs, stink and the hold it had on me. I was kind of underweight back then so I wasn't trying to kick the habit AND lose weight so physical activity was out of the question. But I don't think I could have done the things back then that I can do now. It's hard but SO worth it!

    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    quit 2 weeks ago cold turkey haven't had a single thought about it. Hardest part is gettnig around my routine times to smoke i.e. anytime I'm in the car or when I'm stressed out.

    When I first quit...I would get home after work and realize I had cracked my window like I did when I smoked.

    I think that was one of my hardest things about quitting...if I'm not smoking, WHAT am I going to do!?! Now I don't know how I ever had time to smoke lol
  • Slyvestie
    Slyvestie Posts: 3 Member
    I also quit cold turkey 8 weeks ago, felt I was eating quite a lot to substitute but cravings have all gone, now I gotta get my food cravings under control
  • Eisenhoogle
    Eisenhoogle Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a 40 days into quitting dipping/smoking (mainly dipping). I've tried several times before but finally had the resolve to quit for good. I'm doing the patches and they work pretty good. I haven't had any major cravings since I've started on them. I have noticed my weightloss has stalled the past month or so...I think I hit the sunflower seeds to hard but I'm working getting that ball rolling again. Unless you want to go cold turkey I'd recommend the patches over the nicotine gum, lozenges, or ecigs because you can't really abuse the patch like you potentially could the others. Just slap one on in the morning and you don't have to worry about it the rest of the day.

    Good Luck!!
  • ink_b1tch
    ink_b1tch Posts: 101
    I am a repeat; put them down for a 1 yr, and the second time for 3 years. I am back smoking again. It’s hard when everyone around you smokes. I found I put on 60lbs when I quit the second time for 3 years, so it is a true fear. I think if you wait till the end, then you will very disappointed when you start gaining weight again after you reached you goal.

    For those who have quit, try chewing a straw, toothpick, or even a sucker. This helps A LOT with food cravings and the hand / mouth oral habit.

    So if you really want to quit, I would start with a very hard party night, and sleep for 2 days by then the nicotine is out of your system and it’s a mental game, the E-cigs still deliver nicotine to your body. Cold turkey or patches are really the best way.
  • laura0770
    laura0770 Posts: 161 Member
    I just started champix yesterday,so I chose a quit date of July 16th:drinker:
  • Sonja1211
    Sonja1211 Posts: 58 Member
    I smoked for 25 years (I started as an early teen), and I was a heavy smoker (2 packs a day). One day I noticed I was coughing more and more, clearing my throat, and it hurt to even attempt to run. I had tried many things, and they didn't work. Then I decided to take Chantix. Normally they tell you to set a quit date, but my doctor told me to just take it and quit when I want. I thought it would never happen. Four weeks in I noticed that cigarettes tasted bad. I'd still light them up, take a couple puffs, and put them out. One day (4 December 2012) I decided to see how long I can go without lighting a cigarette, and I haven't since. For six months I didn't smoke or vape, and I found it very difficult around smokers and in social situations. So I picked up e-cigarettes, and you can get cartridges with some nicotine, or no nicotine at all. I find it helps immensely. Don't think of it as "I can never have this again." Think of it as "I will start it again when I'm 80," which I do. :) Good luck!
  • mjohemme
    mjohemme Posts: 356 Member
    I also used Chantix. I didn't even have to finish the first package. This past weekend was my 1 year anniversary. It helps that I was ready to quit and I have very few people that I am around that smoke (only 2 actually). The not coughing all the time has got to be one of my favorite things about not smoking anymore. Good bye smoker's hack.
  • jvsghost
    jvsghost Posts: 11 Member
    Smoked for 5 years, 7 years smoke-free. I still get the occasional craving, but nothing I can't handle. I will never go back. I feel so much better not having that monkey on my back.
  • pinkaeryse
    pinkaeryse Posts: 25 Member
    yesterday was three weeks for me. i am using a nicotine patch, as im trying to do everything i can to not start back up.:smokin: from the research ive done, three to four weeks is the most common time period for people to start back up, as most havent been able to view themselves as a non smoker:ohwell: . i am so glad i do research on EVERYTHING! you can do it. if youre ready, or actually even if you arent. i didnt get ready. i just decided one day, that "hey, i dont want cancer, and this ****s expensive!":noway: and then i put on a patch, and here i am, three weeks later.:happy: im not going to lie, the first week was hell on earth for me,:mad: even with the patch. i am just now beginning to have less cravings, and i usually have them around my bf, because he still smokes.:smokin: ive been visualizing myself as a nonsmoker the whole time though, and it seems theres something to that. :) if you would like to add me, id be more than happy to support you or anyone else in their recovery process, it would more than likely help me as well. :drinker:
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    GOOD LUCK!!! My partner and I quit cold turkey 2 years ago shortly after joining MFP. We first tried the variety of aids but to be honest they can be kind of a crutch and cost more than the habit itself. Try to keep occupied, be physically active (you'll notice you will breathe better the longer you've been smoke free so it can be a major push to keep at it) and my main help was being anti social for a while, most of our friends smoked at the time and being around them was a sure fire way to pick up a smoke again. Happy to say most of them have quit now too, must mean its possible ;)
  • fayesascade
    fayesascade Posts: 11 Member
    I really want to quit smoking now I've quit twice before both times when I've been pregnant and it didn't even bother me but both times after having my girls and stop breast feeding felt an overwhelming urge to smoke again :(. I know when I quit it will be cold turkey, I know this sounds strange I've heard of the side affect from nicotine patches etc and the vapour are dangerous around children, so I'm told. Once I've got into the rhythm with this weight loss I'm going to quit for good! I'm going to stock up on mints!!

    Good luck to you! :)
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    I've quit off and on so many times...5 years here, 2 years there....The problem with me, is anytime I'm under huge amounts of stress, it's the first thing I pick up. I'm always going to be somewhat stressed, so I really need to find a substitute. I've just started back on MFP, and hate the thought of combining weight loss and no smoking straight out of the gate. We can always come up with excuses, can't we? I'm a cold turkey type of quitter. The funny thing is, when I've really had enough, I can put the cigarette down and quit with no cravings. The problem is, I REALLY have to be ready. I've done this numerous times....even smoking for 2 months, then not smoking for 2 years. I had a 2 yrs. off, 2 months on pattern going for quite awhile. I've been thinking of quitting again, so when I'm finally in the zone, I'll come back to this board. I'll need a ton of support, but feel like I can't be of much assistance if I'm still puffing. Good luck, and I really hope you all succeed!!!
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    This is my second time quitting smoking. I stopped for nine years the first time. This time it's been a month. Once you get over the newness of it, it's pretty easy. I had a rough spring, filled with loss, and I found myself smoking way more than i ever had, and i felt like crap. Now, while i still fell grief, i don't have the added stress that smoking add to the body.

    You can do it!
  • jackiemonx
    jackiemonx Posts: 343 Member
    aw well done to everyone thats stopped! ????

    i started when i was 13, stopped when i was 20 for 4 years, been smoking constant pretty much last 2 years. im getting ready to stop but not quite there yet, i find its easier to stop if finish at pack at night do then theres none in morning.
    i used patches before and they seem to work ok for me but make me feel bit nausious first fee days, way i see it few days of that better than life of smoke diseases tho!

    think ive got enuf to last me today so tomorrow might b the big day!