New to MFP, looking for motivational friends.

BKNeenz Posts: 17 Member
Hi all. So I've joined MFP, got a Fitbit and a Polar HRM. I'm logging food & exercise. Now I just need new friends to help me keep doing that!

I'm 38 and have gained a considerable amount of weight over the past 6 years. To the point where I really hate looking at myself in the mirror. Diets don't work for me because...I love food...and I love to cook. I've tried a lot of fad but find that they never work in the long run. What I want to do is make a lifestyle change that is realistic for me. That means cooking more healthy food without sacrifcing delicious food. I know it can be done. Portion control is where my problem lies so I'm working on that. Entering how much food I ate for the day is helping.

And while I used to be in pretty good shape in my younger days (yoga, running, Pilates, high metabolism), I am certainly not in shape now. So I'm trying to move my butt and muscles more. I'm starting slow because I don't want to burn out like I have in the past.

Hoping I can find some friends for this journey so please feel free to add me. (Sorry for the overshare post, haha.)


  • Lcruz2014
    Lcruz2014 Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome aboard !! be happy to have you in our team
  • jvsghost
    jvsghost Posts: 11 Member
    Hi welcome to MFP! You don't have to submit to a "chained" or fad diet to lose weight. You just need to keep track of your calorie consumption and as you said eat healthier food. I have lost 30 lbs just from doing this. I would recommend you calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and set your MFP manually. A lot of times it will recommend eating 1200 calories off the bat, but you need to transition into a new lifestyle. Anyway, feel free to add me.
  • bargainshpr
    bargainshpr Posts: 14 Member
    Would love to join you,motivate, encourage, and support one another. I also have a Fitbit and absolutely love it. I'm in my 40's. Had a lot of stops and starts with getting on a regular, consistent exercise plan. I'm doing a countdown to Memorial day 5 weeks away with a weight loss goal of 8 lbs. I've set a goal of walking 5,000 steps daily which I track with my Fitbit. Let's keep in touch.
  • No such thing as oversharing! Welcome! I'm new here too and can use motivational friends also!
  • AmZam05
    AmZam05 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm also new. Feel free to add me! I plan on updating my food and exercise diary every day so we can keep each other motivated!


  • 197Kiki
    197Kiki Posts: 129
    Feel free to add me! You can totally do good with this site :) I love to chat and we can help each other with advice and that! :)
  • Real007
    Real007 Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • hopper602
    hopper602 Posts: 204 Member
    im active and very positively focused. I am down 28lbs and counting and prefer to cycle and lift weights to get my fitness on.
  • Hi! I am also new to MFP. I would love more friends to help motivate me as well! I loved your post!
  • I'm new too; the more the merrier! I've done the faddy diets on and off for years, had no motivation to exercise and cannot stand looking in a mirror! Just recently, I decided enough was enough and I had to face up to being obese and unfit; for my own sake and for my family. After reading an inspirational article, I decided a pound a week was manageable and that is what I am aiming for. Baby steps, sensible eating (no rubbish) and ease into exercise. Please add me and we can do the journey together. Joy
  • Welcome to MFP!! It really is a nice thing to be able to reach out and connect with others for support and encouragement :) Feel free to add me!
  • lots2lose51
    lots2lose51 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm also new! well 3 weeks ive been here lol. Feel free to add me! I plan on updating my food and exercise diary every day so we can keep each other motivated!
  • BKNeenz
    BKNeenz Posts: 17 Member
    Love all the new friend adds I've made today :)
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    Hi! I'm also 38 and looove to eat! I've logged in and been active every day since before new years and my diary is open. All about welcoming new friends that want to reach their goals through a healthy diet and exercise :)