

  • Oh, yes, I definitely agree. Taking a pill and not doing anything to change your diet is just going to be a big flop, we took the pills to help us stay on our diets. These pills help correct your endocrine system, so there not EXACTLY a fat loss pill, it is designed to return your balances back to normal which sometimes…
  • And let me also add that not only did I take the pills, but so did my mother and aunt. My mom is no longer diabetic, I am no longer pre-diabetic. My mother has been to the doctor several times and they keep telling her that her stats are absolutely perfect AND her doctor who told her the only way she'd lose weight was by…
  • I stopped using American pills because I figure they're all crap and anything that will give you great results, America Bans. I went on ebay and found these Chinese pills called "slimming factor" I took these with a low carb diet, lost 62 pound in 5 months and only gained 10 back (due to thanksgiving) after quitting for 1…
  • Well first off, she tried upping the calories and gained weight, plus I've heard that situation far too much. I'm just speaking from experience and what has worked for me, my mother and my aunt. Here I am second time around and I've lost 20lbs this month and unlike many others, when I stopped, I didn't gain all my weight…
  • Try low carb/low calorie for only one week. This will knock you down a few. People hold fast to the "eat more calories" thing, but it rarely works, ask the people who gained a few trying to up the calories. I know everyone is about doing it the slow and steady route, but that can be a real motivation killer and sometimes…
  • Yes, it is! I went up to 183 (from 176) this Monday. Here it is Saturday and I'm back down to 176.
  • It's very possible, I've lost 18 pounds so far and it's been two weeks (minus a day) I will say though, I'm on a very strict plan. Under 800 calories and under 20 carbs.
  • I'm in, I'd like to lose 20 pounds by then. SW: 176 CW: 176 GW: 155
  • These are such great changes. I always find post like these so motivating to keep going.
  • I hate that! It's like, if you're fat than just call me Shamu!
  • That is true. I didn't realize that she was 130. It might be a little harder to lose that much then. I've never been that weight so I'm only speaking by what I've heard. @ladileslie Thanks, I eat between 500 - 800 calories, under 20 carbs. It sounds hard but after a few days it gets pretty easy. And the great thing about…
  • What is the fear with losing weight fast? I don't know anyone who lost weight quickly (due to diet and exercise) that ended up having medical problems. I lost 60 pounds in 4 months and have had no problems. My mom lost 80 in 5 months and has been to the doctor several times and they tell her that her stats are absolutely…
  • Thank god yes, and then some. I went from 183 on Nov. 24th to 194 on Nov. 28th. I'm now 177.
  • Well, I've been on the other side of this thing. In 2007 me and my mom both lost alot of weight. I lost 60 pounds, she lost over 100. Even though we had both lost weight, I was a bit uncomfortable with her. First off, she had always been my big mom. She was warm and soft and cushy... Then all of the sudden, she had bones!…
  • Congratulations! Everybody loses differently. If she's eating healthy and exercising, why should she be condemned for losing weight so fast. That's what everybody wants! I'm 177 I've lost 17 pounds in 10 days and all I'm doing is low carb/low calorie. MORE POWER TO YOU!