lost 31 lbs in a little over 1 month



  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I think that (prescription) diet pills, used under the supervision of a doctor, can be a good tool- under the right circumstances. When I gained 30 pounds from the Depo shot (nearly 10 years ago now, holy moly!), my doctor prescribed something that curbed my appetite. It also made me pee a lot. :)

    The pill helped with the water I'd retained, and because I wasn't hungry, my tummy 'shrank' so that when I went off the pill, I didn't have the desire to eat as much as I had before. I lost 20 pounds in a fairly short period of time (though I know that a lot of it was water). In the short-term, it was a good thing... but I agree, diet pills probably aren't the best long-term solution. I tried those same pills last year, by the way, and didn't have nearly the same results. In fact, they just made me pee all the time and kept me so jacked-up I couldn't sleep! Not fun. So I've resolved to lose weight, this time around, without the aid of diet pills or shakes or anything like that.

    It's good that we would be cautious and concerned for one another here. It's definitely possible to be supportive without necessarily agreeing with someone's choices. What's important is that we're aware of what we're saying, and not having any malicious intent.
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    :noway: Congratulations...Using the pills as a short term aid can be great, but don't let it be the only thing you do...make sure to track you eating habits and exercise...walking helps, alot...

    I have had two blood clots in the last few months and is now able to walk w/o all the pain, I have been out for the last 10 months...walking has helped give me back my energy and drive..hats off to you for your determination..:drinker:
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Take it from someone who's lost 100lbs three different times taking pills, food is not an issue for you now but as soon as you quit taking those pills your appetite will come back with a vengance.

    The only way to overcome the food struggle is to re-teach yourself how to eat....and that's HARD!!! It's all about decisions and learning how to dicipline yourself and make the best decisions. The Adipex take away your need to make those decisions because you don't need food at all right now. And your not having to deal with the "I dont' want to excercise today" because you have so much energy from the pills that you feel like excercising all the time.

    That being said, way to go!!!! Congratulations, that is a wonderful accomplishment, just be careful because I've been there three times and without teaching yourself new habits it will just come back when the pills are gone.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    There are a lot of "HATERS" on this website

    Im going to assume that you mean "haters" are people that are concerned for a drastic weight loss. If so, them I'm a total hater (hater meaning someone who is concerned).
    whatever....im not a hater, i just have never read anywhere or had any doctor tell me that is safe. guidelines say 2 pounds a week at the most.
    but, weight loss is different for everyone. I am happy if your happy
  • There is a big difference between being a hater and giving an opinion that comes from concern. There are alot of people on here that have lost alot of weight and gotten on a healthy path. I am afraid if they are attacked for their opinions some might not even want to post and then there is no help for anyone. Lets all try to be grown ups about this and understand that we are here to get and give help and support. Everyone has had a different journey therefore opinions are bound to be different.
  • Ckinse
    Ckinse Posts: 14
    wow that's amazing! Good work!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    There are a lot of "HATERS" on this website

    Are you kidding me? I can't believe you just said that. There are a lot of people who think ANY weight loss is good weight loss too.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    There are a lot of "HATERS" on this website

    Are you kidding me? I can't believe you just said that. There are a lot of people who think ANY weight loss is good weight loss too.

    Not kidding. Not sure what is so hard to believe. If your not a hater then there is no need to be offensive from my statement because I would not be talking about you.

    There are haters all over this website, not just this thread. No one knows what this girl did to lose her weight or how much she weighed but want to jump quick fast to say how it “sounds unhealthy” or “extreme”. She lost 31 lbs in a little over a month which could be average 6 lbs a week. No one knows if this girl started at 400 lbs and lost 10-12 lbs in her first week and then lost more from there. She could be working her butt off and going to the gym for 3 hours a day everyday…is that unhealthy? Those contestants on the biggest loser lost just about that much weight but I don’t think it’s unhealthy. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on what is healthy or not but to make those assumptions before you even hear what this person did to lose it….well….you get it.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    There are a lot of "HATERS" on this website

    Are you kidding me? I can't believe you just said that. There are a lot of people who think ANY weight loss is good weight loss too.

    Not kidding. Not sure what is so hard to believe. If your not a hater then there is no need to be offensive from my statement because I would not be talking about you.

    There are haters all over this website, not just this thread. No one knows what this girl did to lose her weight or how much she weighed but want to jump quick fast to say how it “sounds unhealthy” or “extreme”. She lost 31 lbs in a little over a month which could be average 6 lbs a week. No one knows if this girl started at 400 lbs and lost 10-12 lbs in her first week and then lost more from there. She could be working her butt off and going to the gym for 3 hours a day everyday…is that unhealthy? Those contestants on the biggest loser lost just about that much weight but I don’t think it’s unhealthy. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on what is healthy or not but to make those assumptions before you even hear what this person did to lose it….well….you get it.

    I get it, but do you?
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Okay fellow MFPers!! Let's all play nice. This is an amazing accomplishment! I would say that now the information is out there we all know a little more of the circumstances of this particular journey....

    I would also like to state my opinion.. be careful! The weight loss is fine but, using pills to control your appetite is helping you and I think by not acknowledging this you could find yourself regaining some of that lost weight once you have to stop taking the pills. They are appetite suppressants and someone mentioned a caution of taking the time to learn how to eat properly starting now so you're in control when the pills aren't in your system. I would heed this advice!!

    Good LUCK on continued success with your new lifestyle! Congrats!!
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    There is a big difference between being a hater and giving an opinion that comes from concern. There are alot of people on here that have lost alot of weight and gotten on a healthy path. I am afraid if they are attacked for their opinions some might not even want to post and then there is no help for anyone. Lets all try to be grown ups about this and understand that we are here to get and give help and support. Everyone has had a different journey therefore opinions are bound to be different.

    Very well stated..

    We have to remember that we are here to support one another. I don't think anyone is being a hater, I just think that out of concern for our fellow mfp member some have just stated that using weight loss pills can hinder what you have accomplished. Let us try to remember that everyone has their own opinions and experiences to share. We are all here for one common goal, that is to get healthy...:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Back on topic, It's wonderful that you lost that much that fast. I'm very glad that you've started off so well.

    I would like to give some advice and point out a few things based on my experiences and things I've gleaned over my years of changing my health.

    While this weight loss is a great start, know that it probably won't continue for very much longer. As we lose body fat, the ability to lose more lowers. All I'm saying is, I hope you know to set realistic expectations as you move forward.

    While pills do work for many, be careful (as I'm sure you're doctor already told you) because they can be habit forming. Also, as some mentioned already, pills don't teach you how to be healthy, they only help you to lose weight. While you're losing the weight I hope you are also learning about your body, learning how to eat right, and learning how to exercise.

    Many will be jealous or resentful of your weight loss, be aware of this, prepare for it, it comes as a shock to many that people don't always respond well to weight loss.

    Remember that this is a lifestyle change. That means that besides losing weight, you must also look at yourself and come to terms with what made you gain the weight in the first place, without acknowledging how we got here, we are destined to go back once we let our guard down.

    With all that said, I'm very happy for you, I hope you continue to do well. Best wishes for you.

    And to the people who claim "haters" I don't think that's the case. I've seen haters before (on here and other places on the web. Think carefully before you call someone a hater, ask yourself if their intentions are good, or if they are just being spiteful. Maybe their comments were less than accurate or a little harsh in your opinion, but that's different that being a hater, much different. I hate the term hater, it's a very strong term and shouldn't be thrown around IMHO. I haven't seen a hater in a very long time on these boards.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Back on topic, It's wonderful that you lost that much that fast. I'm very glad that you've started off so well.

    I would like to give some advice and point out a few things based on my experiences and things I've gleaned over my years of changing my health.

    While this weight loss is a great start, know that it probably won't continue for very much longer. As we lose body fat, the ability to lose more lowers. All I'm saying is, I hope you know to set realistic expectations as you move forward.

    While pills do work for many, be careful (as I'm sure you're doctor already told you) because they can be habit forming. Also, as some mentioned already, pills don't teach you how to be healthy, they only help you to lose weight. While you're losing the weight I hope you are also learning about your body, learning how to eat right, and learning how to exercise.

    Many will be jealous or resentful of your weight loss, be aware of this, prepare for it, it comes as a shock to many that people don't always respond well to weight loss.

    Remember that this is a lifestyle change. That means that besides losing weight, you must also look at yourself and come to terms with what made you gain the weight in the first place, without acknowledging how we got here, we are destined to go back once we let our guard down.

    With all that said, I'm very happy for you, I hope you continue to do well. Best wishes for you.

    And to the people who claim "haters" I don't think that's the case. I've seen haters before (on here and other places on the web. Think carefully before you call someone a hater, ask yourself if their intentions are good, or if they are just being spiteful. Maybe their comments were less than accurate or a little harsh in your opinion, but that's different that being a hater, much different. I hate the term hater, it's a very strong term and shouldn't be thrown around IMHO. I haven't seen a hater in a very long time on these boards.

    Well Said! Thank You!:flowerforyou:

    To the girl who lost 31 pounds....Good Luck on you journey!!:smile:
  • Back on topic, It's wonderful that you lost that much that fast. I'm very glad that you've started off so well.

    I would like to give some advice and point out a few things based on my experiences and things I've gleaned over my years of changing my health.

    While this weight loss is a great start, know that it probably won't continue for very much longer. As we lose body fat, the ability to lose more lowers. All I'm saying is, I hope you know to set realistic expectations as you move forward.

    While pills do work for many, be careful (as I'm sure you're doctor already told you) because they can be habit forming. Also, as some mentioned already, pills don't teach you how to be healthy, they only help you to lose weight. While you're losing the weight I hope you are also learning about your body, learning how to eat right, and learning how to exercise.

    Many will be jealous or resentful of your weight loss, be aware of this, prepare for it, it comes as a shock to many that people don't always respond well to weight loss.

    Remember that this is a lifestyle change. That means that besides losing weight, you must also look at yourself and come to terms with what made you gain the weight in the first place, without acknowledging how we got here, we are destined to go back once we let our guard down.

    With all that said, I'm very happy for you, I hope you continue to do well. Best wishes for you.

    And to the people who claim "haters" I don't think that's the case. I've seen haters before (on here and other places on the web. Think carefully before you call someone a hater, ask yourself if their intentions are good, or if they are just being spiteful. Maybe their comments were less than accurate or a little harsh in your opinion, but that's different that being a hater, much different. I hate the term hater, it's a very strong term and shouldn't be thrown around IMHO. I haven't seen a hater in a very long time on these boards.

    Thank you for that. Well Stated!!!!!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Back on topic, It's wonderful that you lost that much that fast. I'm very glad that you've started off so well.

    I would like to give some advice and point out a few things based on my experiences and things I've gleaned over my years of changing my health.

    While this weight loss is a great start, know that it probably won't continue for very much longer. As we lose body fat, the ability to lose more lowers. All I'm saying is, I hope you know to set realistic expectations as you move forward.

    While pills do work for many, be careful (as I'm sure you're doctor already told you) because they can be habit forming. Also, as some mentioned already, pills don't teach you how to be healthy, they only help you to lose weight. While you're losing the weight I hope you are also learning about your body, learning how to eat right, and learning how to exercise.

    Many will be jealous or resentful of your weight loss, be aware of this, prepare for it, it comes as a shock to many that people don't always respond well to weight loss.

    Remember that this is a lifestyle change. That means that besides losing weight, you must also look at yourself and come to terms with what made you gain the weight in the first place, without acknowledging how we got here, we are destined to go back once we let our guard down.

    With all that said, I'm very happy for you, I hope you continue to do well. Best wishes for you.

    And to the people who claim "haters" I don't think that's the case. I've seen haters before (on here and other places on the web. Think carefully before you call someone a hater, ask yourself if their intentions are good, or if they are just being spiteful. Maybe their comments were less than accurate or a little harsh in your opinion, but that's different that being a hater, much different. I hate the term hater, it's a very strong term and shouldn't be thrown around IMHO. I haven't seen a hater in a very long time on these boards.

  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    just make sure that once you stop taking those pills, that you continue to exercise and eat healthy. you wont gain the weight back as long as you stay on track. but you HAVE to stay on track.... once you lose the weight, you cant start eating whatever you want and you cant stop exercising. this is going to be for life. be safe and congrats!!
  • Congratulations! Everybody loses differently. If she's eating healthy and exercising, why should she be condemned for losing weight so fast. That's what everybody wants! I'm 177 I've lost 17 pounds in 10 days and all I'm doing is low carb/low calorie.

  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    Congrats, that is great.
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