Weight Loss Pills



  • The literature consistently shows that "external" interventions like fad "diets" and pills have a long term failure rate of 95%-98%. It is complete denial to think you can beat those odds.

    To me the other issue will pills--in additional to the physical ones mentioned by Banks and others--is the emotional effect. You get a lot of social reinforcement from the initial weight loss. We all seem to hit a plateau eventually and it is a challenge to deal with under any circumstances. I think the physical challenges are even greater if you are trying to give up taking pills at the same time. Seeing the weight creep back up can be pretty devastating emotionally and it makes further attempts to lose even more difficult.

    I think that pills should be used only in the most extreme medical cases, where it's the only alternative and the result of not doing anything would be worse than dealing with all the issues associated with the medical intervention. Needing to lose 20lbs is NOT a justification for a medical intervention.

    I agree! Also if it is an extreme medical situation the patient is usually monitored by a doctor, which I feel is needed. I used to take diet pills (Yes I was Young and Stupid) and I had some horrible side effects mostly involving rapid and irregular heart beat. It took me months to get my body balanced again. My doctor was mad at me when I told him what I had been taking. After talking to him I will never do diet pills again.
  • I stopped using American pills because I figure they're all crap and anything that will give you great results, America Bans.

    I went on ebay and found these Chinese pills called "slimming factor" I took these with a low carb diet, lost 62 pound in 5 months and only gained 10 back (due to thanksgiving) after quitting for 1 1/2 years. My mother also lost 80 pounds and my aunt lost 50 using the same pills in the same time frame.

    And let me tell you about the 3rd girl who lost the weight taking diet pills... She lost the weight, got the guy, went to the club and was actual eye candy for Dallas Cowboys Player, asked to model at a car show, became comfortable eating in public, lost her agoraphobia, and actually danced for the first time with the guy she fantasized about for years.
  • And let me also add that not only did I take the pills, but so did my mother and aunt. My mom is no longer diabetic, I am no longer pre-diabetic. My mother has been to the doctor several times and they keep telling her that her stats are absolutely perfect AND her doctor who told her the only way she'd lose weight was by gastric bypass.... asked her to write down her diet plan and bring her pills so that he can research whats in them for his other clients.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    And let me also add that not only did I take the pills, but so did my mother and aunt. My mom is no longer diabetic, I am no longer pre-diabetic. My mother has been to the doctor several times and they keep telling her that her stats are absolutely perfect AND her doctor who told her the only way she'd lose weight was by gastric bypass.... asked her to write down her diet plan and bring her pills so that he can research whats in them for his other clients.

    Well, let me say first that I'm very happy that you and your mom lost the weight. With that said, I'll say this, the proof that you give is anecdotal. Further more, 2 points that I would like to emphasize. a) you also did a diet, and b) 2 examples does not a good case make. See, there have been many studies done by reputable private labs that prove out the concept that of the people who take pills and weight loss aids, 90% regain their pre-weight loss weight and of that 90% about 30% of them actually gain more weight. That means that not only does almost everyone regain the weight, more than a quarter of them actually put on more weight.

    The initial post was asking if we thought pills were a good idea. Many people have tried weight loss pills, and while a lot of them do just what they claim, that doesn't change the fact that they don't teach you how to eat healthy once you stop taking them, and it also doesn't change the fact that when you are on them, you are altering your body chemistry, which may or may not have serious implications to your health. So I'll reiterate what I said earlier, which was, if you think you can take them and still learn how to eat healthy once you are off them and change your lifestyle to be more healthy, and are fully aware and accept the inherent risks involved, then go for it, it's not something I feel people need, but maybe others do, it's not my place to make that decision for you.
  • Oh, yes, I definitely agree. Taking a pill and not doing anything to change your diet is just going to be a big flop, we took the pills to help us stay on our diets. These pills help correct your endocrine system, so there not EXACTLY a fat loss pill, it is designed to return your balances back to normal which sometimes gives you the benefit of weight loss. But I do definitely agree and this time, I'm doing the same diet without pills and still seeing the same type of result. So was it the pill or was it the diet? Can't say, but I will say that the diet/wol was one of the most important factor.
    And let me also add that not only did I take the pills, but so did my mother and aunt. My mom is no longer diabetic, I am no longer pre-diabetic. My mother has been to the doctor several times and they keep telling her that her stats are absolutely perfect AND her doctor who told her the only way she'd lose weight was by gastric bypass.... asked her to write down her diet plan and bring her pills so that he can research whats in them for his other clients.

    Well, let me say first that I'm very happy that you and your mom lost the weight. With that said, I'll say this, the proof that you give is anecdotal. Further more, 2 points that I would like to emphasize. a) you also did a diet, and b) 2 examples does not a good case make. See, there have been many studies done by reputable private labs that prove out the concept that of the people who take pills and weight loss aids, 90% regain their pre-weight loss weight and of that 90% about 30% of them actually gain more weight. That means that not only does almost everyone regain the weight, more than a quarter of them actually put on more weight.

    The initial post was asking if we thought pills were a good idea. Many people have tried weight loss pills, and while a lot of them do just what they claim, that doesn't change the fact that they don't teach you how to eat healthy once you stop taking them, and it also doesn't change the fact that when you are on them, you are altering your body chemistry, which may or may not have serious implications to your health. So I'll reiterate what I said earlier, which was, if you think you can take them and still learn how to eat healthy once you are off them and change your lifestyle to be more healthy, and are fully aware and accept the inherent risks involved, then go for it, it's not something I feel people need, but maybe others do, it's not my place to make that decision for you.
  • Yeah this placeis the only thing that worked for me. 1.5 months and 17 pounds lost. 9 more pounds and im at my goal! No diet pill, just watching what I eat!
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    I used relacore to step off of some anti-anxiety medications.... its all herbal stuff anyway and then after a month or so, I stepped off the relacore.

    The most I will ever take is PGX if I am working a long shoot and I need what I eat to stop me from eating at the "kraft" (aka. krap) table. I also don't often have time for a snacking break so this helps extend the life of what I eat. But, I stress, on occasion.
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