Weight Loss Pills

Has any one here ever tried a weight loss pill & saw results from it? I've tried Hydroxicut, the one Anna Nicole Smith was promoting & 2 others. Sometimes I felt like they worked & other times I felt like they were a huge waste of money.

Anyone ever used one that really works?


  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    a while back i used zantrax 3 and it definately worked for me (im gonna start useing it again soon!) i also did zantrax 3 and relacore together it worked, but i dont know if it had anything to do with the relacore since zantrex had already worked for me ( it kinda made me happier ) then again i could just have fallen victim to the placebo effect. also, i did this crazy diet were you had to get a b vitamin shot in your butt twice a week,( the diet was crazy hard to fallow and i cheated ALL the time) but i still lost weight so i think the shot helped.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Has any one here ever tried a weight loss pill & saw results from it? I've tried Hydroxicut, the one Anna Nicole Smith was promoting & 2 others. Sometimes I felt like they worked & other times I felt like they were a huge waste of money.

    Anyone ever used one that really works?

    I've also tried those pills, as well as others, and LOTS of "diets" out there. Hell, I even tried hypnosis, TWICE! But, nothing really worked until I came here to MFP! :love: I can't say enough good about it! :bigsmile: It's ALL I needed to lose "most" of the weight that I wanted to lose. :bigsmile: I guess all I really needed was to see my daily numbers, and then work with them through better food choices (MOST of the time! :laugh: ) and getting some exercise. I absolutely loved that with doing that, I was in control of my food, and NOT my food being in control of ME! :wink:
    Anyway though, I'm sure you'll get lots of advice about this or that pill, or this or that plan, like WW, Jenny Craig, or Atkins (or the like,)but, in my opinion anyway, all you really need is this FREE website, and all it's wonderfully supportive members, and you WILL lose the weight that you want to! :smile:
  • butterfly25
    butterfly25 Posts: 186 Member
    Has any one here ever tried a weight loss pill & saw results from it? I've tried Hydroxicut, the one Anna Nicole Smith was promoting & 2 others. Sometimes I felt like they worked & other times I felt like they were a huge waste of money.

    Anyone ever used one that really works?

    I've also tried those pills, as well as others, and LOTS of "diets" out there. Hell, I even tried hypnosis, TWICE! But, nothing really worked until I came here to MFP! :love: I can't say enough good about it! :bigsmile: It's ALL I needed to lose "most" of the weight that I wanted to lose. :bigsmile: I guess all I really needed was to see my daily numbers, and then work with them through better food choices (MOST of the time! :laugh: ) and getting some exercise. I absolutely loved that with doing that, I was in control of my food, and NOT my food being in control of ME! :wink:
    Anyway though, I'm sure you'll get lots of advice about this or that pill, or this or that plan, like WW, Jenny Craig, or Atkins (or the like,)but, in my opinion anyway, all you really need is this FREE website, and all it's wonderfully supportive members, and you WILL lose the weight that you want to! :smile:

    very well said...i agree with you 100 %
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I tried them all and when my metabolism wasn't so messed up, they worked great for me... but today with a pretty confused metabolism, none work for me. I would caution you strongly about using them, especially some of the dirty ingredients that they tout as being safe. Just not worth messing with your heart, body and yes, also your mind because you'll be tweaking on them, to get a quick result.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    So, as others have said, yeah, there are plenty of diet pills that work. The problem I have with diet pills is that they treat the symptom (BEING overweight) not the disease (unhealthy diet and lifestyle). Taking pills will never teach you how to become more healthy. The only way to do that is to LEARN how to eat in a manner that feeds your body the way it needs without overfeeding it.

    Now, if you're on a program that includes learning about your body, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle, and you think that you have the mentality, and the willpower to take diet pills and learn how to eat correctly after you are off of them, more power to you. But that's not as easy as it sounds, it's impossible to practice eating healthy while in an altered state (pills) because once you remove the pills, your body will require different amounts and types of food anyway.

    So I'm just saying, if you feel like you need pills to change your weight, then you probably need to examine yourself more, because there's either some physical issue stopping you from losing weight on your own that most likely can be resolved, or you have a psychological issue blocking you, which (possibly with professional help) will have to be worked on before any permanent changes can happen.
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    I did alli and lost 40 lbs on it, but it all came pouring back on once I stopped.
  • NikkiSchlitz
    So, BrenNew, you work for MFP? That was pretty transparent.

    Anyways, thanks everyone for your input!

    SHBoss, I know you're right. I've just been stalled at the same weight for months & I'm getting frustrated.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    LOL, Nikki, MFP is 2 Guys, Mike and Al. That's it. I WISH they needed help, I'd volunteer in a second.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So, BrenNew, you work for MFP? That was pretty transparent.

    I think a lot of people are just excited about MFP because they never thought it could really be this easy. I talk up MFP all the time because I hate seeing people falling for diet scams. If you stick with MFP and listen to what the educated veterans of MFP are telling you instead of trying to find an easy way out (read: diet pills without really working on the actual problem), you'll most likely feel the same way in a few months. :wink:
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    So, BrenNew, you work for MFP? That was pretty transparent.

    Anyways, thanks everyone for your input!

    SHBoss, I know you're right. I've just been stalled at the same weight for months & I'm getting frustrated.

    work for MFP...that's cute......maybe true actually.....we all do in some way...because we all are walking billboards on how great this site it!!! Honestly...diet pills are a waste of money because they dont address the issue with why your overweight.......they'll work to get the weight off but as soon as your off it comes right back .If all you want is to lose numbers on the scale and dont care how you do it. Stop drinking any liquid. Guaranteed in a week you'll lose at least 5 lbs of water weight alone.......
  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    Weight loss pills aren't good for several reasons. Sure there are some that work but what happens as soon as you come off of the weight loss pill? You gain all the weight back. Do you want to lose weight and get healthier for GOOD or do you want to lose it temporary only to be back where you were in a couple of months. Changing your eating habits, working out, and eating right will get you there and you won't be pumping your body full of god knows what.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    About 8 years ago, or so, I was given some prescription weight loss pills by my doctor. They worked much the same as the kind you can buy in stores today only stronger. It was, I believe, a diuretic (so much of the weight lost would have been water weight) but also gave me extra energy (interferred with my sleeping actually) and took away my appetite.

    While taking this pill I went from 150 pounds to 130. And I did keep that weight off for about 5 years. It worked for me because it essentially 'made my stomach shrink', and got my body used to taking in less food. I didn't eat any healthier, I just ate less. So in that regard, it was like using portion control. However, when my lifestyle changed and I was less active, I started eating more. Because I'd never eaten properly to begin with, and my portions were getting bigger, I gained weight. Lots of weight.

    Now, for the first time in my life, I'm becoming more aware of WHAT I'm putting in my body- not just how much. This is critical, I think- and really draws the line between being thin and being healthy. Getting thinner is my goal, yes- but I want to do it in the best way possible.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    <double post sorry :) >
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    So, BrenNew, you work for MFP? That was pretty transparent.

    I think a lot of people are just excited about MFP because they never thought it could really be this easy. I talk up MFP all the time because I hate seeing people falling for diet scams. If you stick with MFP and listen to what the educated veterans of MFP are telling you instead of trying to find an easy way out (read: diet pills without really working on the actual problem), you'll most likely feel the same way in a few months. :wink:

    Yup, EXACTLY! I WAS just trying to keep someone from falling for a diet scam and wasting their money.
    Never had anyone say I worked for MFP before, that's a new one on me! Now, if she'd said Curves, sure! I DID work for one of those before, just didn't get the great results there that I got here with MFP:laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So, BrenNew, you work for MFP? That was pretty transparent.

    I think a lot of people are just excited about MFP because they never thought it could really be this easy. I talk up MFP all the time because I hate seeing people falling for diet scams. If you stick with MFP and listen to what the educated veterans of MFP are telling you instead of trying to find an easy way out (read: diet pills without really working on the actual problem), you'll most likely feel the same way in a few months. :wink:

    Yup, EXACTLY! I WAS just trying to keep someone from falling for a diet scam and wasting their money.
    Never had anyone say I worked for MFP before, that's a new one on me! Now, if she'd said Curves, sure! I DID work for one of those before, just didn't get the great results there that I got here with MFP:laugh:

    :laugh: People are always looking for an easy fix.

    Just yesterday someone asked me what I was doing to have lost so much weight over the last 3 months & I said "Eating right and exercising -- turns out those experts have been right all along!" She looked at me like I had just killed her puppy or something. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • passionhi
    I was talking with other parents at my little one's soccer practice one evening about losing weight. And one parent told me to take diet pills. :noway: Her words were "that's what I do. I take one around 3 with a big glass of water, and then Im not hungry later" I just said "oh...ok." I just dropped the conversation after that. Mind you she is slim, but not healthy at all, she looks kinda gauntly. But to each his/her own, I guess.
  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    People are so stubborn. Just pop the magic pill and then you'll look like a super model right! Ha. Ha. If it were a simple pill we would not have th obesity problem we have. We have all worked hard to lose the weight we've lost here maybe some have had small successes with pills but the long term lifetime loss is going to come from learning how to eat and exercise.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I've never taken a diet pill...they scare me.
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    I did take some of those weightloss drink mixes...they wheren't really that worth it. I like them becuse the trained me to drink more water...but that's basically all they did.

    As for pills I don't take them...there was one comic I read ( Petshop of Horrors):

    The plot of that chapter went like this: Two girls where trying to lose weight, one went to the petshop and got a pill. The other one was talked into bringing home this personal trainer(actually a cat turned human). They both lost the weight.

    Pill girl turned into a freaky wasp parasite thing( the pills turned out to be eggs!!) And trainer girl lost the weight but gained TONS of self confidence,willpower and realized that the guy she was trying to lose weight for was a complete ugly stupid face. I kinda like that chapter because of how they portray the girl that gained her selfconfidence and lost the weigth the RIGHT WAY!! (Diet and excercise)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    The literature consistently shows that "external" interventions like fad "diets" and pills have a long term failure rate of 95%-98%. It is complete denial to think you can beat those odds.

    To me the other issue will pills--in additional to the physical ones mentioned by Banks and others--is the emotional effect. You get a lot of social reinforcement from the initial weight loss. We all seem to hit a plateau eventually and it is a challenge to deal with under any circumstances. I think the physical challenges are even greater if you are trying to give up taking pills at the same time. Seeing the weight creep back up can be pretty devastating emotionally and it makes further attempts to lose even more difficult.

    I think that pills should be used only in the most extreme medical cases, where it's the only alternative and the result of not doing anything would be worse than dealing with all the issues associated with the medical intervention. Needing to lose 20lbs is NOT a justification for a medical intervention.