

  • I beat myself up when I don't eat right either. My best motivation has been that when I eat crap, I feel like crap. It tastes soooo gooood but I feel soooo badddd. I made the mistake of trying to do a Turbo Fire workout after eating fast food. What I was able to give in my workout was reflective of the fuel I put in my…
  • If you made your weekly goal to lose 1 lb. If you stay within your daily calories AND eat your exercise calories back, you will still lose your 1 lb per week theoretically because they build in the deficit. I say, eat if you're hungry and stop if you're full. Some days you may feel like you need to eat those calories…
  • My best advice is to worry less about time and more about how hard you're working. Make sure to do 2 to 3 days a week into strength training days and the times you have dedicated to 30 day shred / kickboxing to MAXING out your effort. If you work out SO hard during 30DS that you can't handle kickboxing, you might be better…
  • What I'm curious about it how you're at the gym for an HOUR and burn about 200 cals?! what is going on there because i would think your burns should be a lot more i agree that if you have to ask, you're not working out hard enough. more time does not equal more intensity.
  • Fatigue and tiredness is definitely not what losing weight and fitness should be about. Glad you found a good balance!
  • The more you cut out processed and pre-prepared foods, the easier it will be to limit your sodium because YOU control the salt content. AND, it is generally cheaper to make pretty much anything from scratch than to buy processed or pre-packaged
  • 1. When they're cheap at the grocery store, I like I buy a whole pineapple, cut it up, and freeze the pieces. I take the frozen pineapple and blend it with a little water to make "sorbet"! Delish! 2. I like to take "popped" chips and dip them in salsa. They're less calories than regular chips and have lots of crunch and…
  • AND... do not take any additional tylenol with the lortab because lortab already has tylenol in it. True that on the constipation factor! Push the fruits & veggies & tasty fiber one bars :-)
  • My favorite breakfast is to have some granola that had some melted peanut butter mixed in. You can even add a splash of your morning coffee to add some flavor. Don't knock it until you try it! :-)