I've restarted mine at This time it's all ballet related.
I love one particular caramel flavored blend, vanilla is ok too. Especially with soy milk in it, sometimes I add stevia but not necessary, it tastes nice even unsweatened. When enjoying my coffee out/to go I sometimes have sugar free vanilla or sugarfree caramel syrup in it, but normally I just have a soy cappuccion with a…
Almost exactly the same!!!
I´m vegetarian, lactose free (not completely vegan though). Open diary would be too much stress for me so I keep it close, but if you don´t mind, I´ll be happy to talk to more people and have more friends here...
Soy cappuccino. Unsweetened, sprinkle of nutmeg or cinnamon.
Unbearable Lightness is my favorite so far.
Quite similar here, but for me losing weight is just one part. The other, maybe even stronger part is that I don´t want to eat normally. No matter if I´m losing/gaining/maintaining, I hate the idea of eating 1200 on daily basis, I hate the idea of eating normal warm meals instead of what other would call "snacks" in most…
I often have dance after work, but I often have my downs after practice or even during the day when I feel sleepy and low in energy. I live on my own and don´t have to cook, so it´s easier in some way, but I sometimes struggle and end up binging and purging too. Sometimes it helps to have a cup light soy milk with a half…
I´m quite happy about the restar progress, I can see improvements each time. I know it will slow down eventually. I have individual classes and it´s totally worth the extra time and costs.
Hi Jenna, I would like to say you´re never too young and never too old to struggle with this kind of problems. I am "too old" for self harm and eating disorders - and here I am. The struggle is the same real no matter how old (or young) you are. I have only joined this group last week and I hope to find some support and…
Hi, just joined this group. I´ve been struggling with an eating disorder, self injury, mood swings, insomnia, depressive tendencies, (rather mild) anxiety. Last three or four months or so have been quite harsh for me, some up and downs yet to come, but I believe things are slowly getting better... But as one of my favorite…
Quality jasmine tea is my all time favorite!
I love coffee and I wouldn´t give it up. I drink it with light soy or almond milk, no sugar, or occassionally I use stevia instead of sugar, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Back to pointe after several years of break and excited! I missed it! Good luck everyone!
Idk if I have one. A big cup of chai latte maybe.
That sounds great! You will remember the terminology quickly. Good luck and enjoy your classes!
Who cares what "real men" like. The only thing that matters is that there´s someone who likes YOU.
Current one!
For me combination of mostly dancing, walking/running and STRETCHING works pretty well. Stretching is helps building lean and long shape of muscles and also helps to tone up. I awoid doing too much weights since I don´t want any bulky muscles, but I suppose some will disagree in this point, I´ve seen conflicting opinions…
I have the same experience. Hungry of eating too little + tea (any kind, bur mostly strong black for me) may cause nausea. Try eating some rice cakes.
No :-) VeinsAnsBones - German?
Lol... hard to say. Italian? But I love the pic :-)
meat fries Oreos whipped cream tomatos, especially heat treated oily/fried foods any kind of spicy food anything smelling bad when cooked heated leftovers dark chocolate muffin - blueberry, chocolate natto pomegranate mayonnaise
I have a scar from figure skaing. I was performing some step pattern backwards and another skater approached jumping, we were both concentrating on what our coaches wanted us to do and didn´t notice each other until it was too late. We crashed, both ended up sitting on ice, "Are you ok? I´m fine, you?" I got up and wanted…
Make sure you logged things correct - amount, calorie content, maybe you might underestimate the portions, also the foods in the database are not always accurate. The number of calories itself... it might be important, but there´s a bigh difference between 1000 kcals of quality nutritious food packed with protein,…
Don´t look at me like this. Even your charming eyes won´t make me change my mind, it´s over, I´m sorry!
25, taken, artist
At least half of the cooking smells, I hate these! Especially meat, fried onion, some soups and sauces... And fries! Also I can´t stand grains of salt on top of bread rolls. There´s one kind I really love, but it has salt on top of it I have to pick every little grain first.
Ballet (does it count?) and figure skating.