UrbanLegend Member


  • Ironic you should bring this up. In December a study showed that, i believe, officer deaths were up 30%, the night the story was released a female deputy was killed. Im a cop in San Antonio, two nights ago we had a drunk driver hit an officer who stopped to assist a stranded motorist. The officer was nearly thrown off the…
  • I wanna know who the Mensa member was that looked at a dish of pesticide and decided to do the "TJ Hooker Narcotic drug test" and stuck a finger in his mouth to discover the sweet taste sensation!!! The ignorance of people never ceases to amaze me and how do you get a job tasting crap in a pesticide lab?!?!?!?!?!
  • The posts on here are often heartfelt and very sincere, yours is one of those posts. God bless you and your decision to take control of your health. i wish the greatest success. You are right it will be a lifestyle change, the way you look at food will change and you have to find the best possible sources for nutrition for…
  • I think its all about perception. Yeah there will be those who possibly misunderstand the concept. But I think these days everyone is way too sensitive. That being said, I think what your doing kicks *kitten* and you're doing it for the right reasons so "black, white, purple or green" tear it up girls... Much Love, A…
  • 42 here, and would love the added motivation so, add me. I'm sooo in!!
  • Hey Ken, welcome. I've been on for a couple weeks and all I can say is, if your honest with yourself and recording your progress this site is really helpful. Prior to logging in I had lost 5lbs myself doing it my old way. trying to keep track of everything in my head. This is just way easier. Since joining up I've dropped…
  • Congrats, you became the HOT WIFE. ;) You should be extrmely pleased...
  • I know its a difficult task to motivate yourself to exercise after a long day, but trust me you can do it! Years ago i dropped a ton of weight while working 12 hour shifts and what i found was that on the days that I was the most exhausted and the least motivated, I seemed to perform better. I dont know if it was because I…