

  • Compensate in other places and work out like hell... The problem with alcohol is it enhances the appetite and often leads to laziness the NEXT day. SO you'll have to be extra aware and dedicated to fight some of those natural urges.... Drink lots of water to flush out your system
  • I eat baked lays when I get salt cravings! They aren't too bad, and not bad for you if eaten in moderation! Cashews are my absolute FAV, however I have a hard time stopping myself from eating too many bc I love them so much...
  • When you get EXCITED to go home and make your lunch...
  • On your one day off, maybe you could prepare some healthy meals for the week. Things that you can just grab and go? I did that last semester when my schedule was jam packed and it was pretty useful. Fast food is quick, but it's the quickest way to weight gain too. Use any opportunity to walk up the stairs instead of an…