Drinking and dieting

emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
So I have a confession to make: I like to drink. Not tons, not to get wasted, but I like wine, vodka, and even beer a lot. Certainly way too much to give up... So my question is: how can I keep my lovely social habit and still stay on track? Any ideas appreciated :)


  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    pray, the two don't mix well
  • Great question!! I've been wondering how I'm going to still be able to enjoy a couple drinks AND still lose weight. Everyone says "Lose the alcohol if you wanna lose weight" and I really do want to...but I love having a glass of wine or a couple beers with friends.

    I'm interested to see what success (if any) others have had while dieting and not giving up the libations :)
  • My guess is that you should work out a lot the days leading up to a hard night out.. and maybe the couple days after. that way you're burning even more calories, so you're not going to be hit as hard.. I would suggest making sure you eat well the days leading up to drinking as well, make sure to keep your metabolism up..

    My guess!! I don;t know the true answer, but that's what makes sense to me! :)
  • adkmountainguy
    adkmountainguy Posts: 50 Member
    Get a heavy stein to drink your beer from. That way you get a workout while you're drinking :)
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I just try to keep them within my calorie intake. :) If I know I"m going to play hard that night I try to make sure I work out. I went from having wine nightly to having maybe 4 drinks a week. Not a bad thing all the way around.

    Just think when you way less it's going to take less to make you tipsy and when you abstain it will take even less. So fewer calories. LMAO
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    If you enjoy drinking (as I do, love it) it's not realistic to cut it out completely. You just gotta learn to balance it, work out extra beforehand if you know you're going out.
  • magenta4c
    magenta4c Posts: 53 Member
    i agree with jessimacar,
    at weight watchers (at least the old systems i know) you have some kind of a weekly approach. so when you know you have a party on saturday, save some calories (points/units) every day for this event. it's about the weekly sum that shows on the scale.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Great topic. One of the things I have learned from using this website and app for the last couple of months is that if I omit dessert and alcohol I can almost eat whatever I want!! The problem is, I also like alcohol in moderation and (even more) I LOVE desserts. So in order to keep within my calorie limit, I have to be REALLY good the rest of the day, and also work out as several have suggested, and on top of that limit the alcohol to 1 or two drinks, and limit the portion size of dessert. It's hard- but it's worth it!!
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    Its funny I find that the only time I go over my calories is when Im having drinks and that is not a LOT of drinks but it is 4+ times a week! Thanks for the input- I just need to get my *kitten* to the gym :)
  • I agree with the whole balance thing. Calculate it into your calories for the day. Find out how many calories your favorite beer is or drink is and find ways to cut it back or save your food calories.
    I went to Michelob Ultra because it is like 50 calories and it really isnt that bad lol I also know that my wine, which I almost have a glass 5oz 3-4 time a week is 100 calories so I usually work that into days that I am gonna work out :)
    Best of luck to you, there is no such thing to me as give up the foods and drinks I love, I just find a way to make them fewer calories!!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I'm a huge wine drinker - heaven's, I even have my own wine cellar.
    I just finished 31 days without alcohol (added sugars & dairy) - I lost 6 pounds. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it is when you consider I did not lose muscle mass (I crossfit)
    Now I'm saving my drinking days for friday/saturday only. January I'm going to challenge myself to another 30 days (Forget February - it's my birthday "month" - :laugh: )

    Good Luck...
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    I lose all self eating control when i have a few drinks :( Everything seems ok to eat. When i do not drink i have far better willpower.
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    I love a good Captain & Diet! SO, if I'm going to have a drink, I just figure it into my meal plan......I measure out the rum, and count the calories (60 calories in 1 oz. of Captain Morgan, and none in the Diet Pepsi). It isn't that bad....60 calories, and a bit of socializing!

    NOW, I don't drink like I used to.....I used to have a drink or two every night. Those days are gone! Now, I may have one or two all week. But, I don't really miss it. I still socialize, I still go out with my husband.....But I make different choices. I may have one mixed drink, and then switch to ice water. (I've given up soda too, unless it's with my beloved Captain Morgan.)

    Alcohol is not all evil......Having a drink or two is not going to make you fat. BUT, when you overdo it and don't track your calories it's very easy to take in more than you think!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Maybe this is just because I'm young, and fit, but I found when I first started on this site, I blew well over my calories on alcohol and junk about once a week. ( I blame student life..) I would stick to 1200 or a little under all week long, than Friday or Saturday I'd just have whatever I wanted after dinner. Drinks, junk, whatever, then got right back on track the next day. I found I could still lose about a pound and a half doing this, so I just enjoyed my one day.

    I've since learned a few things about this:

    1) The cheat day was probably the ONLY reason I managed to still lose weight. 1200 calories a day (I never used to eat my exercise cals, roughly 600-900 a day) is NOT nearly enough for me to eat day in and day out for weeks at a time. I would have completely shot my metabolism. So the unintentional cheat day helped balance things out.

    2) However, alcohol is a bad choice for getting in these extra calories. It lowers leptin levels, the hormone that controls your metabolism (more or less).

    3) An even bigger HOWEVER, it worked for me. I didn't stress about going over once a week. I usually ate healthy and normal up to dinner on those said days, then stopped logging. For some this might be a bad idea, but for me it meant no guilt and a clean slate tomorrow, so it didn't turn one night into a downward spiral. I kept losing weight, and I felt like I was in control of my diet. I was happy with myself for sticking to the plan well enough to see results without feeling deprived.

    SO, I guess what I'm getting at here is you can't sacrifice something that makes you happy, and expect to stick to it. Especially if you have a lot to lose. You'll get miserable of not having the things you like (like alcohol! ) well before you get to your goal weight, so work it in to your plan. If your older, it might be wise to keep it to 2-3 servings a week, but if having all of those servings at once on a social night with friends is what you want, go for it! And feel good about it, too, because you've earned it by sticking to the plan the other 90% of the time =)
  • Everyone seems to have the same idea. Workout more on the days you drink which is what I do too. In addition I would say switch to diet or coke zero or the equivilent. I really hate diet sodas so I have coke zero and whiskey. I saw someone else has the same problem of getting the munchies when you drink. Just keep that in mind if you have that problem. I know it seems like a lot of work just to go out but it is definitely worth it to keep your social life :) Good luck!
  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    i eat less on the days i plan to drink my calories, and try to work out a bit extra. drinking and dancing or drinking and bowling might help cancel things out a bit. just try to be active when drinking.
    you have to find your own way to live fit, if you cut out everything you will reach your goal but are more likely to gain it back
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    To my favor, I do not drink soda at all or juice for that matter. In the event I have liquor I typically drink it with club soda and lemon. Additionally it's not like I'm 21 (nothing personal- been there) going out to the bar, getting wasted, and eating an entire pizza. I have a 1 yr old so I have to keep my witts about me.. I just occasionally have a few drinks in an evening and its getting in the way of my daily report card :( oh well I will just spend a little more time at the gym and hope for the best! thx all!
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    This is pretty much what I do as well .... Allow myself a cheat day and have whatever I want all day and get back on track the next day.

    I too love to drink and can not give it up ... well will not give it up. So I kind of alter what I drink now... for instance I will get one of the flavored vodka's and a lime ... or a splash of juice. I may also drink it straight on the rocks with a lime ( I don't recommend this if you aren't a heavy drinker) but for me ... it helps me drink slower because its stronger ... and it takes me there quicker than all the mixed stuff.
  • Compensate in other places and work out like hell... The problem with alcohol is it enhances the appetite and often leads to laziness the NEXT day. SO you'll have to be extra aware and dedicated to fight some of those natural urges.... Drink lots of water to flush out your system
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