notsosimplyabby Posts: 138 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I am a Commuter College student with tons of homework and 2 jobs. Fast food is just cheap, and quick and that's all I really have time for. On top of that I have absolutely no time to work out. (ok, i have ONE DAY.)

A few years ago I lost 40 pounds but now I've gained almost all of it back....

I feel as if I just cant be successful and its disheartening. Any advice? :sad: I'm so down because of all of this..


  • just take it one day at a time. If you have to go to fast food try and get either a salad with no dressing or any grilled chicken sandwich. Make Subway your new best friend. And drink lots of water. Keep healthy snacks in your car. 100 calorie packs and fruit. Dont beat yourself up. One day at a time. At least you're aware that you need to make a change. that's the first step. You can add me as a friend if you like. Good luck!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Try drinking more water to fill you up. Cut way back on soft drinks and sugars.
    Maybe popping a mint into your mouth or a different hard candy?
    Packing healthy snacks like carrot sticks, almonds, an apple .. etc to get you through the urge to stop @ a fast food restaurant.
    Wake up 20 minutes earlier in the mornings to get in a quick workout to start your day.
  • atucker0821
    atucker0821 Posts: 106 Member
    i'm brand new as well and definitely understand your struggle...i work full time (120 mile round trip commute)...full time student...and full time mom...i lost about 30 pounds and was doing great...fell completely off and gained it all back...so now i'm starting all over =(

    i have quite a bit more weight than you that i want to lose...have you tried finding healthy alternatives that are just as cheap and easy as the fast food? My breakfast takes me 5 mins to cook and it's less than $15 for the week...I love healthy choice steamers for lunch...4 mins and $3 each...not sure about what kind of food you like...

    don't get down on yourself...i've struggled with this all my life...
  • On your one day off, maybe you could prepare some healthy meals for the week. Things that you can just grab and go? I did that last semester when my schedule was jam packed and it was pretty useful. Fast food is quick, but it's the quickest way to weight gain too. Use any opportunity to walk up the stairs instead of an elevator, do crunches in between homework assignments and walk around at work if you aren't busy. But mainly-- GIVE YOURSELF SOME CREDIT. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Your schedule won't be like this forever, so make sure you take time to have fun and appreciate what you're doing RIGHT.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I'm done with school now, but for a few years I was working a full time 8-5 job and attending graduate school for my Master's degree in the evenings (also a commute to get there). There's no magic solution for you - to be honest you have to want to change. If you want to change, you WILL find time for it in your hectic life.

    For example, the first thing I thought when you said "Fast Food is jsut cheap, and quick and that's all I really have time for." is that making your own food to go does NOT take that long. Buy some fresh fruit and veggies - plus some things like no-salt-added canned beans, frozen chicken breasts (cooked or uncooked), whole grain wraps, yogurt cups, etc. Pick one day a week to do some cooking - it doesn't really have to take long. I'll take a half an hour to cook up 3 or 4 chicken breasts which last me all week for my lunches. Pre-portion those up so they're ready to grab and go. It only takes five minutes to throw together a salad (or wrap), add some beans for fiber/good carbs/protein, and then add in some of the chicken or whatever protein you cooked and have ready to go. Other easy to use protein sources include hardboiled eggs (again - cook a batch once a week and keep a bowl in your fridge) and canned tuna. You can also take 10 or 20 minutes to cut up some veggies to take as healthy snacks. Baby carrots are great because they're already perfect snacking size! You can include hummus or peanut butter or something like that if you want a little more substance to the snacks.

    You CAN do this - just erase from your mind the idea that you "don't have time" - you just have to step out of your comfort box and be willing to make some real changes in your routine. After awhile, making snacks/foods to bring with you will become habit and you won't even give it a second thought.

    Edited to add: I'd definitely focus on fixing your diet over fitting in too much extra exercise, though getting in exercise where you can will really help, if it's not feasible to add in many "dedicated" exercise sessions to your week, you can add more exercise by adding spontaneous activity - take the stairs instead of the elevator, take a quick walk during breaks from class, park in the back of the parking lot, if you have a lunch/dinner break at work, go for a quick walk if that's realistic... things like that don't require special trips to the gym and can go a long way in making you feel better.
  • Keep your fridge, cabinets, and book bag stocked. I try to keep meals at home that are quick to make and healthier than fast food. Some suggestions- TGI Fridays chicken fajitas. (They sell them in the frozen section), lean pockets, Smart Ones, etc. I also like to keep things like Oatmeal to go bars or granola bars that I can snack on in a hurry if needed. You can also buy crystal light singles. They have tons of flavors and you just mix them with a water bottle. As far as Fast Food you can look for deli type restaurants for quick but healthy food. Just make sure you check them nutrition on it. I have a few restaurant meals that are my "safe" options when I am in a hurry. You can also make dinner meals ahead of time like on a Sunday night make enough for a couple days and have leftovers. As far as exercise you can go for walks or park farther away, take the stairs, or Walmart sells lots of great work out dvds. Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred and Jackie Warner's Xtreme Time Saver are both 30 minutes or so and are great work outs.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I'm a busy mom to 5, I don't work full-time but my day is pretty much booked from the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning until I get to sit down finally at about 8:30pm.
    One of my favorite methods for saving time when on the go (and saving money) is food shopping on Sunday and before putting my groceries away I prepare and measure everything out for the week. . . I'll throw together some egg salad, tuna salad, chicken salad, put them all in seperate containers in the fridge do the same with salads, I'll cook up a few Turkey burgers measure out all of my healthy snacks, like wheat thins w/ Laughing Cow cheese, celery w/ p.b. carrot's w/ hummus and put them in zip locs or tupper ware and fill all my water bottles. Makes it alot easier to just grab and go and your alot less likely to stop for fast food or even for a snack at the gas station. :smile:
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    I'm super busy, two jobs, etc as well. I typically try to plan ahead for the week on the day that I do have off. I'll cook up chicken before hand. Salads are super easy too. I have a couple of containers that I'll throw salad into. I used to cut up my lettuce, etc. but for me it works better just to pay for the convenience of those bagged salads. But be careful of salads at fast food places a lot of them have TONS of calories. Just make little changes, don't try and do it all at once.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Be aware of what fast food place have to offer, such as -

    McChicken (no mayo, add ketchup)
    SALADS! (everywhere has these)

    Avoid anything that say double, anything fried, any french fries, and the words "big" "extra" etc.

    Take some time when you're at home to look through each places nutrition and write down a "cheat sheet" to put in your car with some of the foods and the calories they contain so you are aware.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I recommend planning the night before for breakfast and lunch. It doesnt take long if you do it at night when you are winding down- there's plenty of sandwiches and snacks you can just toss in your bag and go! I have a basic structure that i use as a base for everyday, and though I don't ALWAYS stick exactly to it, its really helpful to have it to fall back on:

    Breakfast- emphasis on protein (eggs or pb toast, or pb oatmeal)
    Morning snack- some form of veggie
    Lunch- Soup, salad, sandwich +fruit or left over dinner from night before
    Afternoon snack- Greek Yogurt or popcorn or pretzels
    Dinner- Meat+carb+1-2 veggies

    Also when you buy veggies (and some applicable fruits- pineapple or mango) I cut them up right when I get home from the grocery store so they are ready for anything when I feel like using them- soups, salads, veggie wraps.

    Ask for Tupperware for Christmas (or next applicable present holiday) its a HUGE help in transporting meals as well as keeping pre- chopped food fresh. Until then use sandwich bags!
  • Mak a walk a must do on your to doo list! You have to take care of your self first so you can take care of others and do your best work. Walk briskley for a solid 30-40 mins a day about 4-4.5 miles per hour look at it as a way to increase your productivity. Your task masters will appreciated it especially you. Its important to make the time, because if you dont you will burn out. A walk should be an enjoyable experience too, 30 to 40 mins still leaves you time to eat, bring your lunch, dont eat out it will save you 5-10 $ a day, Good Luck! I have been doing this since last may lost 25 pounds and two pants sizes, and i am much happier my wife likes it too. The exercise lets you enjoy more food too! :-)
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    My family has been eating more fast food than we normally do because of finances!! So I try to just figure out what I can have before I go. Now I just know what I can have and I never get extra stuff. Do you walk around at any of your jobs? Do you have time between any classes to take a quick walk? I would start out by setting small goals and you will be amazed how they turn into huge life changing goals. I first stopped eating after dinner...no matter what I don't eat after dinner. If I want a sweet I have it with my dinner. I then started logging everything I was eating on MFP and that started me on my journey. Best of luck to you!!! You can definitely do it!!!
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    My husband really likes fast food, and I have gained about 100 pounds in the 4 years we've been married. When I started last month, I went to the websits of all of his favorite places and figured out what I could eat that wouldn't push me over my calories. Now when he says, "I'm going to get Burger King for dinner" I can say what I want without even thinking about it. The Whopper isn't even tempting anymore. Also, don't let Subway make you think you're eating healthier. I had a sandwich from there recently and it was over 700 calories. Pot Belly's has some healthier options, if there's one in your area, and Jimmy Johns falls in between the two.
  • MTLumps
    MTLumps Posts: 82 Member
    First and foremost - hear what others are saying about not beating up on yourself!! That is self-defeating, girl, and you CAN do this! I also work full-time, just got married a year ago, and am going to school full-time. My school is online but some of my work days are 10 - 12 hours which still makes fitting it all in difficult. Fast food is cheap and if you must, just pick things that are not fried - that will at least help. Do grilled chicken sandwiches and a side salad instead of fries, no cheese helps, too. All the other advice about healthy food and snacks is right on target - make yourself as important to you as the job and school. It isn't always easy but you are worth it. =) I did the no time to exercise for a long time and now I just drag my rear out of bed very early in the morning and do 30 to 45 minutes. I don't always want to but by the time I'm done with a warm up I'm glad I did and then I'm ready and awake for the day. Start with 10 or 15 minutes and just add on.

    This site is amazing for support, so use the tool. You can add me as a friend also, if you like. :flowerforyou:
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