peanut butter and banana on toast, yum!
Well, coming from an anorexic who ate less then 400 calories a day for two years, it can be done. But no, they can't do it and claim to be healthy.
this thread needs to be renamed ''real woman drink cat piss''
I'm gluten intolerant so I don't, straight after I bloat and have trouble breathing!
Go low-carb for a week or two, makes a huge difference :)
NaturallyOliv - why on earth did you give up peanut butter?! the fat in peanut butter is healthy!!
That's a sign that you're not eating enough.
Nope - don't eat your exercise calories back, that number INCLUDES the exercise you'll do. Just stick to around that number and you'll be fine.
I would try this out and see what it tells you you need to maintain, then increase your calories slowly (maybe 200 every three days) For WOMEN: 655 + (4.35 x Weight in pounds)+(4.7 x Height in inches) - (4.7x Age)= BMR The amount of calories your body burns just from being alive FOR MEN: 66+(6.23 x weight in pounds) +…