Real women drink beer.



  • kaylabdermer
    this thread needs to be renamed ''real woman drink cat piss''
  • danmcgarrigle5
    I save my beverage-partaking for the weekend, and make it fit my goals. Whether that means cutting back on other things or exercising more, I make it fit. That said, I don't go overboard: 3 drinks at most really (or else it would cut into my food too much). Plan your day, put the good stuff in your diary early, and work around it :)

    This, and I am a 330lbs 6'5" guy, I like IPAs and double IPAs so while they might be between 200-300 calories when they are 9-11.5% (12% is the highest you can sell in my state) 3 isn't too hard to budget for, a little extra cardio and skip a snack, and maybe skips the day before's snack. Also, while I try to stay under my calories daily I really aim to keep my weekly average under my goal so one day going over by a couple hundred calories. For example one of my favorites is Flying Dog Raging B**** it's a little below 9% coming it at 8.3% but it is delicious and 221 calories, not too hard to fit into my calories. Then again I am a giant dude
  • hayles333
    hayles333 Posts: 105 Member
    Yeesh...I swear I haven't started drinking yet...somehow managed to double-post!
  • hayles333
    hayles333 Posts: 105 Member
    I just try to plan for it...but I also limit myself to one or two on Saturday (big workout day for me). I'm about to enjoy a yummy microbrewed IPA -- super hoppy and super delicious! :drinker:
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    LOVE BEER and if real women drink beer, I am as real as they come.

    I prefer bud light lime which is about 116 cals per bottle. The Canadian 67 lime is really not bad, and only 67 cals.
    Usually when I drink I knew it's an affair so I don't count my calories, but if I am having one or two with dinner I just make sure to fit it in my calories.

    I think you need to enjoy your life and if you wanted to adjust your beer choice solely for calories that is great, but I can't give up things i love or I would never stick to the plan!
  • NGT351
    NGT351 Posts: 31 Member
    To all you beer drinking ladies....prost!!!!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    This is a real dilemna. A couple of weeks ago I was on a business trip to Romania and found myself at a brewery restaurant with colleagues. Needless to say there was a variety of good beers and they were being served by the litre! I just couldn't afford the calories so I drank whisky (fortunately I love whisky) but it was hard. It was so cheap too, a meal and all the drinks for six people worked out at around US$15 per head!
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Me too! I moved the the PNW and got more active but also started loving Micros! I try to limit it to only going out nights because it is more expensive so i dont drink as much. Also, i work out as much as I can on the days i am going out. I don't buy beer to have at the house because it is a social thing as well for me and i like taps better, hubby on the other hand buys IPAs often but i dont drink them.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    So, women who don't like beer are...fake? Weak?

    Or,is this about how women prefer to be perceived by men?

    Real women do whatever they want to.
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    I am a beer lover, but now that I am in my forties I can't drink beer like I used to without major reactions in my body. Most all of my friends and many of my clients (in the same age bracket) say the same thing. It NOW makes us very, very bloated, gassy and full quickly. One day our bodies just have had enough, I guess. All good things must end :( That said, I have to red drink wine when I drink. Wine makes me feel no affects the next morning (except very thirsty). They have now come out with a "wine pill" because there is something in red wine which aids in fat loss. Works for me, I'll drink up.
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    Just like anything, measure it out, count the calories and if you are worried about macros then skip the rice/bread and lunch and indulge yourself once in a while. :bigsmile:
  • zealousmissjj_wechange
    no they don't, it is not ladylike.

    I disagree. It all depends on the lady drinking them. I go out all dolled up, dress, high heels, nice make up and hair and love to drink beer straight from the bottle. Men seem to love it too. Doesnt make me less of a lady inside or out.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Change your poison. My tiny wife always has champagne in hand.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I think this thread would hold a lot more weight if we came to an agreement on what constituted "real beer".

    American beers need not apply.

    And, to reiterate, real women do whatever they want to do.
  • zealousmissjj_wechange
    I think this thread would hold a lot more weight if we came to an agreement on what constituted "real beer".

    American beers need not apply.

    And, to reiterate, real women do whatever they want to do.

    Jupiler = Belgium beer. Try it :)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I think this thread would hold a lot more weight if we came to an agreement on what constituted "real beer".

    American beers need not apply.

    And, to reiterate, real women do whatever they want to do.

    As a real beer swilling Englishwoman I would hasten to disagree. Yes, there are numerous liquids produced in America that call themselves 'beer' that are vile and tasteless (Bud I'm looking at you), but I think what the ladies here are talking about are the microbrewery products, many of which are not of the corn variety (what is corn doing in beer anyway?)

    I've had some of those beers and they are pretty good. Shame we can't get them over here because the variety is great.

    You're right though, real women should be able to do what they like, personally for me I love the taste of good beer, be it IPA, Mild, Bitter or the occasional Belgian or Czech lager. Fitting it into my calories is pretty hard though
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I drink beer, love it, also like ale. May go to the pub twice a week but only have 2 at time. I just make sure it fits in with my daily calories.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I think this thread would hold a lot more weight if we came to an agreement on what constituted "real beer".

    American beers need not apply.

    And, to reiterate, real women do whatever they want to do.

    As a real beer swilling Englishwoman I would hasten to disagree. Yes, there are numerous liquids produced in America that call themselves 'beer' that are vile and tasteless (Bud I'm looking at you), but I think what the ladies here are talking about are the microbrewery products, many of which are not of the corn variety (what is corn doing in beer anyway?)

    I've had some of those beers and they are pretty good. Shame we can't get them over here because the variety is great.

    You're right though, real women should be able to do what they like, personally for me I love the taste of good beer, be it IPA, Mild, Bitter or the occasional Belgian or Czech lager. Fitting it into my calories is pretty hard though

    Just cut out the cous cous haha.

    Real women do whatever they want.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    It's time to repeat a saying of Spike Milligan, a late British comedian, who said that "American beer is like making love in a canoe - it's f*cking close to water"

    This of course doesn't apply to microbreweries who make real beer.
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    I love beer - I am talking British real ale but there are some great microbrews in Americia. I also love red wine and champagne too. I have a lot to lose and giving up drinking is not something I wish to do so.....

    I only generally drink on Friday / Saturday and look at my weekly allowance in the phone app and try to stay under my weekly cals (rather than daily) exercise certainly helps. I try to work out and or do lots of walking on Saturday to offset. Sometimes we combine the two = pub crawl (win win). This generally works best if we do some serious walking prior to starting drinking and plan our route and miles. I do have some weeks completely off though.