Real women drink beer.



  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I average out my calories over the week, this means I eat under during the week and at the weekend i can use my saved calories and spend them as I wish ... mainly on alcohol :D
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    I love beer - but when I say beer I mean Real Ale, not the pils/lager stuff. I fit beer into my diet - In fact yesterday I enjoyed a Betty Stoggs and a Fursty Ferret.

    Actually thinking about it, my devotion to beer stretches to doing long hikes based around stopping in real ale pubs and micro-breweries, plus 3 trips a year over to Belgium where I have a few favourite bars that have beer menus in excess of 300 different types.

    As far as I'm concerned, a diet is a lifestyle and you don't give up things that are important to your lifestyle, you just find a way to mitigate the downside of them.
  • jackiev0626
    Beer is my weakness too (or any alcohol for that matter)! I just started my weightloss journey & have no problem (so far) cutting back on food and cutting out junk, but this one's gonna be a toughy because I can't just have 1 or 2 ???? I'm really trying to limit myself to just wait till the weekends and maybe have some vodka mixed with orange juice instead. And if I'm really just craving a beer, I'll eat less that day ????
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    So, my weakness is not chocolate, cake or sweets. Microbrews are my weakness, as they should be coming from the PNW. I am wondering how all of you other beer drinkers manage this? I tried and have failed to give up beer entirely but I am still really needing to shed about 25- 30 lbs. Sure, I could drink light crappy beer but let's face it, I've been spoiled with heavy delicious, high calorie dark beers. How do you make up for this in your diet and exercise routine?

    I'm sorry but you have an need help to stop drinking before you have more serious issues than weight...
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    I'm sorry but you have an need help to stop drinking before you have more serious issues than weight...

    Ok, I'm genuinely interested here. How does the OP's liking of a few beers equal an addiction?
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    So, my weakness is not chocolate, cake or sweets. Microbrews are my weakness, as they should be coming from the PNW. I am wondering how all of you other beer drinkers manage this? I tried and have failed to give up beer entirely but I am still really needing to shed about 25- 30 lbs. Sure, I could drink light crappy beer but let's face it, I've been spoiled with heavy delicious, high calorie dark beers. How do you make up for this in your diet and exercise routine?

    I'm sorry but you have an need help to stop drinking before you have more serious issues than weight...
    I really don't think you can diagnose her without knowing her or without a proper degree and license in the profession. We ALL have addictions. However, addictions in moderation are not bad. She's fine!
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    no they don't, it is not ladylike.

    I disagree. It all depends on the lady drinking them. I go out all dolled up, dress, high heels, nice make up and hair and love to drink beer straight from the bottle. Men seem to love it too. Doesnt make me less of a lady inside or out.

    Please don't get offended but i completely disagree. doing that would make any lady look less lady-ish, i am sure you are one though
    If ANYONE wants to stand in a BAR and JUDGE me for drinking a beer then I don't want to associate with them anyway. A person who judges whether I am a lady or not a lady by what I drink isn't anyone I would like. And what others think of me is none of my business. I am very much a lady and I drink my beer from a bottle. I grew up in Nebraska. It is just what we do. I think the REAL judgement call here may be not WHAT you drink, but rather whether you get DRUNK or not. Real ladies don't get drunk for that is when they act "not lady like".
  • zealousmissjj_wechange
    no they don't, it is not ladylike.

    I disagree. It all depends on the lady drinking them. I go out all dolled up, dress, high heels, nice make up and hair and love to drink beer straight from the bottle. Men seem to love it too. Doesnt make me less of a lady inside or out.

    Please don't get offended but i completely disagree. doing that would make any lady look less lady-ish, i am sure you are one though

    None taken hun! I'm guessing you have a different definition of what a 'lady' is. I'm 100% a lady, but not a Barbie. I'm real, from flesh and blood. I talk like a lady, dress like a lady, groom myself like a lady, act like a lady. But I also run, sweat, lift heavy, work like a boss, do CrossFit (okay, I just started) and when I feel like it, I drink beer from the bottle.

    I guess it all depends on what you consider to be a lady. I'm a lady. Not a Barbie.
  • zealousmissjj_wechange
    really i thought butch manly women drunk beer.....
    real women stick to water deary....

    Oh girl, you need a drink, stat!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Alcohol is like chocolate. You don't need it. But some people like it. And if you can account for it in your totals, then it's a bit of a non issue.

    I like lager, Guinness, bourbon and vodka. Not all at once.

    I don't wear all floofy skirts and dresses, high heels are for laying down in, not for staggering around in. I'll drink from pint glasses, half pint glasses and from bottles. It's never been assumed that I'm easy. Or less than female. Or not been heterosexual.

    And yes, I do occasionally get a bit drunk, usually with one close friend and it ends up with the two of us singing rock songs, laughing like complete morons, then him going home by cab and me walking Round the corner to my house. Oh, with a huge hug and kiss as we go.

    If real women drink stuff I don't like, if ladies only sip watered down white wine, does this mean I'm a man?
  • zealousmissjj_wechange
    I don't wear all floofy skirts and dresses, high heels are for laying down in, not for staggering around in.

    Almost choked in my drink there... hahaha, High heels are for laying down in? Girrlllll... you're doing it wrong..
  • silverainn
    I make my own beer, and it's really good, so it's hard not to drink it. I manage to fit a few in occasionally, without affecting weight loss. I split the alcohol calories over two days and plan my meals beforehand. If I stick to things like omelets and veggie curry, I can still have a ton of food and save a few hundred calories. I usually allow myself to go over goal calories slightly, but not over maintenance. Add in some extra exercise those 2 days, and it's not a problem at all.

    I love Shakespeare stout (unfortunately it costs the equivalent of $17/bottle where I live) and whisky. I'm definitely not a man.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    How about you try this- Don't Drink it. Just like with us "Fake women?" Who give up cake and sweets and Tequila shots- Beer is one of the things that got you with pounds to lose. Set goals. Reward yourself with a pint.

    I don't give up anything in my diet and still maintain a good weight. The key is moderation.

    Oh, and beer is also a good after workout drink. Scientifically proven. So, I'll have another, thank you very much. :drinker:
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I don't wear all floofy skirts and dresses, high heels are for laying down in, not for staggering around in.

    Almost choked in my drink there... hahaha, High heels are for laying down in? Girrlllll... you're doing it wrong..

    Oh, I dunno - I don't break my ankle, the guy thinks I'm some sort of sex goddess, everybody's happy - WIN-WIN from where I am.
  • BellaSpeer
    BellaSpeer Posts: 28 Member
    I tried and have failed to give up beer entirely but I am still really needing to shed about 25- 30 lbs. Sure, I could drink light crappy beer but let's face it, I've been spoiled with heavy delicious, high calorie dark beers.

    This couldn't have come at a better day for me :) I was shocked and appalled at how many calories my favorite beers are. My husband is trying to lose weight too and brings home the "light crappy beer" and I would rather not drink beer if that's my choice. I think what I'm planning to do is give myself a few nights to have just one, maybe right after my kids go to bed. Then one night a week, I can have a few and just exercise double that day or eat fewer calories to fit it in.

    I'm with you girl!
  • bviv89
    bviv89 Posts: 36 Member
    To all you beer drinking ladies....prost!!!!


    Also, I'll cut back on a few carbs if I wish to partake in a beverage. Being from Idaho and employed by a Food Co-operative...I definitely am exposed to many delicious micros. I make sure my daily diet is pretty lean and clean and 200 cals under since a couple of beers will take me 200 cals over :)

    And...I don't miss a day at the gym. Even my rest day includes some biking. I have a troubled metabolism so I try to cater to it - I need all the help I can get!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I just limit my intake to one or two beers a night (depending on format and ABV and how the rest of my day went and such). About to hit beer number 800 in the past two years.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    I still drink my beer!! I l lost 84 lbs. while still fitting my beer into my lifestyle. That is just one of the things I won't give up. I just exercise a little more so I can have it. :)
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I just limit my intake to one or two beers a night (depending on format and ABV and how the rest of my day went and such). About to hit beer number 800 in the past two years.
    I always knew you were a woman. A real one, at that.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I just limit my intake to one or two beers a night (depending on format and ABV and how the rest of my day went and such). About to hit beer number 800 in the past two years.
    I always knew you were a woman. A real one, at that.

    I set my profile to male because I am a crossdressing woman. It threw a lot of people off....until now.