Real women drink beer.



  • Kelea87
    Kelea87 Posts: 6
    I know what you mean ! I don't want to become a social outcast and avoid drinkin with my friends because I am on a diet. So i'm allowing myself a day or two a week, and I cut back on the daily calories to try and make it even. Salad for dinner instead of steak. Almond milk or water in the protein shake instead of cow milk. To make room for the the good microbrew :)
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    You can have craft beer. You just have to make sure to fit it into your calorie count for the day.

    Here's a great resource;

    Generally how it works is the higher the abv the higher the calories.

    So I know if I've been good all day I can have a stout or a porter with my dinner, post dinner.
    And I haven't been so good well then I'll reach for a pale ale or hefe

    Make room for the food that matters and that will keep you on track.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I just limit my intake to one or two beers a night (depending on format and ABV and how the rest of my day went and such). About to hit beer number 800 in the past two years.
    I always knew you were a woman. A real one, at that.

    I set my profile to male because I am a crossdressing woman. It threw a lot of people off....until now.

  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Real women have vaginas....
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • ECatherineS
    I won't lie, i'm a 22 year old college student. I'm going to drink, and drink a lot. I'm a huge sucker for red wine and mass quantities of beer. I just try to eat healthy and exercise so i'm able to have such things. My goal is to make this lifestyle change something I can maintain, and a life without beer is just not really realistic for me so you find ways to make it work.
    Try maybe just allowing yourself one of the good ones to soften the blow of the not so tasty ones after? Or maybe just run, a lot. Just find what works for you! haha Cheers!
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    Also, that MFP database is surprisingly robust when it comes to craft beer. I've been able to log brews on here that I never thought I'd find.

    Jester King, Goose Island, Avery, Great Divide.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Lady homebrewer here. I just drink in moderation. I have a single beer as long as it fits my calories. I savor it from "chilled out of the fridge or keg" all the way to "warm enough that the flavours have changed"... I take the time to savour, enjoy, and actually think about the beer. Don't give up good beer, just drink smarter.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I make it fit, and drink a little less than I used to. It's easier for me because I've always preferred light beer. Don't lynch me budlight is the southerners beer of choice. :laugh:
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Real women have vaginas....

    Wait for it...wait for it. I bet there's someone out here who is just dying to tell you that, no this is not true.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,302 Member
    I gave up beer for my recent effort to get the beach body for summer 2013. Didnt give it up altogether though. I have one pint a week. The city I live is famous for microbrews and my local guy always used to save me the latest and the greatest. Now I just eat cottage cheese for an early evening buzz :(
  • louiselebeau
    louiselebeau Posts: 220 Member
    I totally have a cheat day. Also if you dance, you burn calories... so dance after every beer...Dancing shall get more frantic and excited and more calorie burning as the night goes on... That is how you make beer a free food.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Real women have vaginas....

    Wait for it...wait for it. I bet there's someone out here who is just dying to tell you that, no this is not true.

    every body's different
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Lots and lots of cardio. The more you burn, the more you can drink. I'm a microbrew junky and can drink upwards of a 1000 calories at brew pub easy without even getting drunk + food. I found when I was losing the best way was to make sure I did enough exercise previous to going out and eating light during the day.
  • zooles
    zooles Posts: 93 Member
    Coffee and Beer are my liquids the choice.

    Too true!!!!!

    I totally plan for my beer on the weekends and allot for my coffee every morning.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I totally have a cheat day. Also if you dance, you burn calories... so dance after every beer...Dancing shall get more frantic and excited and more calorie burning as the night goes on... That is how you make beer a free food.

    This. The only time I convince myself I can dance is after a couple Coronas.but I'm always down a pound or two the next day.
  • carapline
    carapline Posts: 9 Member
    I could give up anything else but beer. I love the look, the smell, the taste of a good beer. :heart:

    I have been pretty good lately, drinking mainly just on the weekends. Most Fridays I go out to the breweries with friends, which means I drink my 3 pint limit, and then if I go out to eat, I probably have at least one or two more. So....I do go over on Fridays, and possibly Saturdays if I go out then, too. But, I'm at least limiting it to the weekend. I can't cut it back anymore, as I would miss the malty, hoppy beverages too much. :) Fortunately for me, by increasing my activity and watching what I eat (outside of those days I imbibe) I have been slowly losing.
    I had an Alamo Golden Ale in my hand as I was reading! :) I'm still pretty new to beer, but I love trying craft beers and figuring out what I like. I usually have about a beer a week, which is perfect for me because it keeps beverage costs and calorie costs in check. I also drink plenty of water my beer day. It's been a good compromise so far. With one beer I don't feel like I've done too badly, and one beer gets the job done a lot faster when you're netting 1200 cals/day! :)
  • zealousmissjj_wechange
    I don't wear all floofy skirts and dresses, high heels are for laying down in, not for staggering around in.

    Almost choked in my drink there... hahaha, High heels are for laying down in? Girrlllll... you're doing it wrong..

    Oh, I dunno - I don't break my ankle, the guy thinks I'm some sort of sex goddess, everybody's happy - WIN-WIN from where I am.

    That's what I'm saying ;), you're not supposed to break your ankle wearing high heels! I can outrun a guy to catch the bus in high heels. But I bet you would make a sexy kitten laying down in your high heels :wink:. X
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Thanks, that is definitely helpful. I tried ignoring the beer aisle at the grocery store the last few days but today I couldn't help myself. I just started my weight loss journey and finally saw the scale move a few pounds in my favor. After a few beers I started to feel guilty as if I was putting all my hard work to shame. Still trying to find a balance in this whole thing. :)

    You just need to get it sorted in your head to use them as a treat til you are at goal.

    Don't cut them out, just have them once or twice a week as a treat, that is it.

    Otherwise it literally is no different than having a slab of cake.