moontyrant Member


  • Yum Bananas
  • Hello! I saw a pit bull-dachshund mix today! Very cute!
  • I’ve only bought paper plates when I was too depressed to keep my house clean and wash dishes regularly. I’m willing to bet a lot of obese people lack the energy to stand at a sink to wash up, or load and unload a dishwasher. Of course I associate paper plates with struggle so I might be biased.
  • I know this thread is pretty old but I just started Pokémon go so I added you guys. 🥺 none of my friends irl play lol. My trainer code is 7833 8378 8482.
  • I don’t really notice cheese in my wraps and sandwiches but I swapped it out for avocado and it’s amazing!!
  • these pics are ~50 pounds apart.
  • All my jeans from last year look like clown pants on me so I’m getting rid of them. I was feeling good on my walk today and I broke into a light jog and it didn’t feel like I was dying. I pre-logged chocolate for myself (trying to figure out how to treat myself in moderation) but I managed to forget??? To eat them??? And I…
  • My goal is around 1450 too! I try to eat higher volume lower calories options. Like I could have four chips for 120 calories (I saw the nutrition facts and had a Moment) or I can eat an entire bag of popcorn for 100. I also get as much nutrition bang for my caloric buck. I could have a bowl of cereal but a serving of…
  • If I eat breakfast I’m starving all day long. Anyone who seriously says breakfast is the most important meal of the day is either doing a super physical job or owns stock in General Mills. Don’t eat breakfast unless you’re hungry early in the morning, and if you do eat make it something high in protein and fiber. Cereal,…
  • I can get a bath towel all the way around my waist with no gaps. A pair of shorts that were too tight around the middle now need a belt. A ring that used to be uncomfortably tight is now in danger of falling off if I get too excited and start waving my hands around. 🤩
  • Brain meds can affect your weight by changing your energy levels too. When I started my own brain meds my energy levels jumped and I’m a lot more active. Tracking your calories is a good way to make sure the changes in your habits align with your goals. Be patient with yourself and take it easy for a bit: adjusting to…
  • Ooh bump! My sister is into pole but it’s a little high octane for my taste. If you know any Zumba instructors on YouTube I’d live to give them a watch!
  • IS THE WOO NOT NICE??? I always read it as “Woo way to go!!!” My rules: 1. Eat what I like 2. Don’t waste calories on eating anything I don’t like 3. Exercise doing what I like- my time is precious to me and I will not waste a single minute on something I dislike 4. Always come back to log
  • If you can’t make your own serotonin, store bought is fine! Get sunshine, drink water, move your body. Sleep at the same time every night, wake up at the same time every morning. These won’t turn back time but they make a HUGE difference.
  • Eating something you hate 2/3 meals a day every day isn’t sustainable. Breakfast cereal is garbage and should be catapulted directly to the moon. The dairy industry is bullhonky and so is milk. Hard granola bars are he dwarf bread of the pantry. You can go a long way with a granola bar. Miles and miles before you eat it.…
  • This post was a wild ride from start to finish! Thanks for sharing and congrats!
  • If you want to start building confidence you could practice taking selfies. You don't even have to keep them- put them on Snapchat or something. Start wearing clothes that make you feel good, not necessarily sweats and a t shirt but outfits that make you like the way you look in them. Idk if there are people who feel truly…
  • I have my sister on here. It's fun to post things to her feed bc we know we can joke around.
  • I just love courage wolf so much.
  • Auburn. :neutral:
  • I've tried using almond milk but I always get the unsweetened kind. :open_mouth: I'm kind of in the same boat as you, op. Mostly I add my cream and sugar or I suffer. I'm really digging this advice, though.
  • Why would you add vinegar to your beverages? Love yourself.
  • I imagine a reasonable person would either eat a small serving of the "bad" food to be polite, or just crowd their plate with safe foods so they don't have room for "bad" foods. An attention seeker would flip a table and demand raw vegan risotto, hold the rice. Restaurants must be a nightmare, especially mom and pop joints…
  • Cuts out sugar, meaning no baked goods, fruits, yogurts or sweet anythings. No grains, meaning no bread, rice, cereal, sandwiches, beer, many soups. Isn't hard... So meat and greens all day, every day, with the occasional dairy option? It probably isn't hard to transition if you grew up on a diet like this and have access…
  • I don't think you're a bad mom. But if you try to get her to join MFP, you're telling her to lose weight. You might not say "OMG you're gross and you might break my furniture by sitting on it!" but inviting someone to use a calorie counting website definitely means you want them to count calories to the affect of losing…
  • I think it's almost funny that this is such a huge issue in your life, even though your daughter lives out of state. My siblings and I are all overweight, but my parents, who don't get to see two of us often because we live in different cities, seem to be more concerned with how our careers are going, my grades, living…
  • Did your doctor give you the green light to walk 5 or 6 miles daily? I'm no expert, but that sounds like an unhealthy amount of exertion for someone trying to recover from an eating disorder. It may also be why you crash if you eat less than 2800 cals a day, and why you don't seem to put on weight. It can take a long time…