

  • Im 5' even Currently 198 or 192 depending on whose scale you are looking at mine or the doctors respectively Goal is to lose 45- 48 lbs by April If IVF fails then goal is to get down to 125 but really really want to just get down to 150 for IVF to work.
  • I am a almost 30 yr old mom of 1. 1 more month till I turn 30. My goal is to lose weight not just for myself and family but also to have more children.
  • I tok it and was losing about 2- 3 lbs a week for 3 months. Bad thing was all the doctors appointments to monitor blood pressure and such. However, after 3 month my blood pressure started rsing and had terrible headaches. My advice is be careful, keep stress levels low and if you start to not feel right then come off of…
  • Hi Sarah I am Kim and a fellow PCOSer. Taking charge now is definitly key. I have severe infertility issues and didnt know about PCOS till recently. You are on the right path.
  • Thanks for starting this group. Chunkymonkey we shar a birthday I turn 30 this year on Jan 9th. I hope groups like this can help me stay motivated. :) Right now I weigh 198 according to my scale 192 according to the doctors I think I like his better. I want to lose 45- 48 lbs by April when me and DH are looking into doing…
  • Thanks yall I need all the help I can get. :). Glad to know there are others on this journey with me. Especially working around night shift nurses who like take out food.
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