bdorri00 Member


  • Either listen to music or watch the Braves game! So glad it's baseball season again, helps me workout for a long time without even realizing it!
  • Also, how do you guys get your weight loss bar to show up under your post?
  • I don't have a cheat day every week like some people. I do that for special occasions like birthdays or weddings or when I'm out of town for a ballgame (averages to about one day a month, sometimes two). I just asked the same question about off days from working out and the conclusion I found through searching it and…
  • Thanks everyone for your responses. Along with your responses, I did some searching online and found just what you all are saying...that you need a rest from strength training but it's fine to do at least light cardio every day. I only do strength training about 3 days a week and I let my muscles rest but I do elliptical…
  • First time, I was down about 15 lbs and my friend who I hadn't seen in a few weeks noticed. Then about 5 lbs later, my friend who I see on a regular basis noticed! It was a great feeling!