

  • Oh this too. I'd bite a random stranger who came rushing up to me too. I put a muzzle on my dog whenever I take her walking, not just because she is a slightly nervous dog and likely to nip other dogs, but because I hope it acts like a warning to other dog owners, unfortunately it doesn't always.
  • I'm over people asking for my help then changing their minds. You either want it or you don't, my time is just as precious to me as yours is to you, so if I've cancelled everything else for the day to cater to your whim please at least show some respect. I hate it when people don't indicate. I hate that my "friend" is…
  • Thanks. I have a friend of a friend who is planning on bringing her kids here for a few weeks and their intention is to leave the two kids aged 8 and 11 in the motel by themselves for the day while the adults go on a daytrip. I said that wasn't legal here and she replied "oh we do it all the time here in Texas". Umm, I'm…
  • Um, ok, lol, Should I climb the Empire State in a silk dress and wail helplessly??
  • Bumping. Anybody???
  • US$ or Australian? Customs in Australia will think you're a bit dodgy if you have less than $100 Australian per night. That doesn't mean it'd be enough. Melbourne can be expensive. Perhaps save as much cash as possible and take a Visa or something as backup. And don't forget travel insurance!
  • She has had counselling, sadly it gave her momentum, she declared the counsellor had said she's had such a hard life (not really, her parents/my grands are wonderful- I credit them for how I turned out) and it was all our fault and that the universe owes her everything, blah blah, blah. A friend of mine from High School…
  • This is my "second" account as my other one isn't anonymous and is stalked by nosey family members. But YES, I understand all too well. In my case it's my Mother and she is being purposely cruel I feel. She's always been fiercely competitive with me, flirting with my boyfriends, taking my friends out partying, or having…
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