

  • I'm 5'1. A wee shorter than most. My goal is 130. I have a naturally curvy shape, all the ladies in my family do, and when I am anything under 130 I think I look unhealthy. It's all about feeling good, not what the scales say. They are usually wrong anyhow. :)
  • If I start dishing out preferences, then what does that say about me? I'm far from perfect, and sometimes, the legs get a bit prickly. :) Also, I don't prefer cut dudes. My dude eats healthy and stays active and for me that's a bigger turn on than how he "looks". He's got a few hairy spots, and I like them. His friend is…
  • You puree the beets and it's not bad at all. The chocolate flavor takes over. I baked cupcakes, both gluten free and vegan, for a local bistro for a while. Even though I'm not vegan or gluten free, I have to say, they were really moist and delicious! Many of the recipes call for applesauce or pumpkin instead of oil. Now…
  • I have asthma, but I've noticed that as I improve my diet and work towards goals, my asthma has really lessened. I'm walking for my exercise, the more I walk, the less asthma I have. I'll work up to working out when I feel like it's going to be productive. Also staying away from asthma triggers helps. I use my inhaler at…
  • Year of the Rabbit! That's 2011. The year to get my self in check and shine. :)
  • If still seriously hungry, a nice plate of steamed veggies with spices and herbs. It's amazing how many veggies a person can eat for 100 calories. :)
  • Welcome! You're in a great location to get started, with all that warm weather and lovely produce! You'll find nothing but support here, it's a great network of people. We're all looking to improve the way we feel!
  • Just by joining and posting your message, you've now got lots of goal buddies! :) Welcome! If you ever need to vent or talk or anything, shoot me a message. We're all here to improve the way we feel.
  • Hey Doug! I love eggplant, but it seems like every time I cook with it, it turns out different. Glad you posted your post, because it got me thinking about what I can do different next time. Here are a few idears that popped to mind: I know you requested pan frying/sauteing ideas, but have you tried baking or roasting? I…
  • I decided to not post my weight until I'd given myself a month to diet and get on track. I purchased new scales and on Feb 1st, I'll have my first weigh-in. When I do this, I'll be posting my weight on that date as my current weight and essentially start over. I wanted to give myself a chance to get comfortable with my…
  • Hooray! Looking good and happy! :) Thanks for sharing. When I get further down the road, I'll do the same.
  • I just bought some kale, thanks for the recipe!
  • I eat them once a day because I need variety and don't have time to make every meal from scratch. I always eat them with a big, healthy salad on the side. Also, with your sandwich, do you add any veggies? If all you are eating is bread, ham, mayo and fat free cheese... that's not really balanced. I'd add fresh cucumbers,…
  • I may not get to the 30, but I'm going to try my best, without depleting myself or running myself into the ground. More importantly, is feeling good in my skin and my clothes. If I can do that by April, then woot woot woot! :) Thanks everyone! I'm jazzed! *gives out hi-fives*
  • I agree! Having a network of people who are all working on self improvement does wonders! Welcome, I'm a newbie too. Everyone is great at responding to questions and encouraging one another. Make sure to find some people to add to your friends list and you'll be feeling the love in no time. Good luck and have a great day!
  • I let myself fill a craving now and then. It's tough sometimes but I've learned, for me, letting a whole day go is just not worth it. When I have hormonal cravings or parties/gatherings, I allow myself to be human. But it's all sensible, portion controlled items and I balance it out by eating healthy foods and drinking…
  • I'm on thyroxine too. I've noticed that when I'm off of it, I feel terrible. It's accidentally happened a few times. It almost feels like an antidepressant to me. I'm looking to change things in a while, after dieting for the rest of the month. I don't want to diet and change thyroid medication all at once, I think that…
  • I just recently read another post and apparently there's a woman who made crock pot meals for 365 days and they were all gluten free: Looks fun! Lots of varieties and it's the perfect time of year to have crock pot foods. Good luck!
  • April is my birthday month and my personal goal! Sounds good to me! :)