

  • Ye, i agree with that. I can do the next 3-4 but not deep at all. 90-day Workout program from beachbody I'm on day 11, already increased my weights from 2.5Kg (started low just to get used) to 5Kg. Loving it aswell
  • Just some weights or resistance bands, and a mat if possible
  • Yup, it might :) Today went slightly better, but still had to pause twice to lower my heart rate, that was at 170 :p And the abs went from 30 to 40 lol
  • Hi tasha, i did, going well so far ;) Same here, feeling good about sculp 1-2, but that yoga segment killed me on sweat 1-2 for some reason :D
  • Pro: you get to eat things that you normally wouldn't. It can also help with your metabolism. Cons: After a while not eating junk food you start to ignore it. Cheat days can bring back those temptations
  • Oh and there's a lot of people that lose weight in whooshes and that will affect your motivation rly hard if you weight yourself everyday
  • You'll just end up changing your routine/lose motivation based on the numbers that the scale shows, which imo is a mistake. If you follow a plan, and then the scale shows that you gained some pounds, that doesn't mean that you should change your plan immediatelly. Just because you gained 1 pound, it doesn't mean that you…
  • When you are sore, that means that your muscle needs to repair. In order to do that you always retain water. So it's pretty common when someone starts to lift weights on the first days to gain some weight. It will keep this way for a while. Unless you're doing something wrong there will be a point where you'll lose weight…
  • You can't target where you lose fat, and it's different for everyone. Some people lose weight on their stomach first, some don't. Just keep losing weight and as you become lean eventually your belly fat will go away
  • I'd look into this programs: Power 90/Power 90 Master (beginner) P90x (Intermediate) Insanity (advanced) And a lot of people mentioned Jillian something, don't remember her name.
  • Because people tend to lower their calories intake by a lot when they go on a diet, and sometimes they do that along with adding exercise. If you're eating 500 calories for example above your maintenance and then suddenly go 1000 calories below your body will suffer, give you less energy, and eventually adapt. Then you…
  • Don't need to start by heavy lifting, you can still lift and lose weight, just go for lighter weights and include cardio
  • Try not to decrease your calorie intake more, or your metabolism will just adapt and make it even harder to lose more weight. I would try to change things, like exercise. Do some different workouts, maybe add some weight exercises (don't need to add a lot of muscle if you don't want to, but muscle usually helps raising…
  • 1200 seem a bit too low. It's always though to know exactly at the beginning how much your maintenance calories are, but if you go too much below that it will give you good results in the short term, but in the long term you'll lack energy and it might hurt your metabolism. The ideal is to go like only 500 below the…
  • You need to measure yourself under the same circumstances (if possible) every time. So weighting yourself when you wake up is usually a good idea. If you do it after your workout you might have ate different during the day, drank different amounts of water, push yourself more/less during the workout, and that might have…
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