Ways to burn calories without going to the gym?



  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Amazes me how many people are just offering advice rather than asking why the OP feels like they need to do 2+ hours of exercise a day and burn 1000 cals a day. Totally OTT and too aggressive.

    I wouldn't think twice about someone who said they were doing 2 hours of exercise a day. The thing that would concern me is that they are doing it for weight loss reasons rather than fitness goal reasons.

    I easily do 2 hours of exercise a day and burn 2000+ calories. But by the same token, I exercise that much because I have specific fitness targets that have nothing to do with the calorie burn or weight loss. For me it is not OTT to do that much.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Amazes me how many people are just offering advice rather than asking why the OP feels like they need to do 2+ hours of exercise a day and burn 1000 cals a day. Totally OTT and too aggressive.

    I wouldn't think twice about someone who said they were doing 2 hours of exercise a day. The thing that would concern me is that they are doing it for weight loss reasons rather than fitness goal reasons.

    I easily do 2 hours of exercise a day and burn 2000+ calories. But by the same token, I exercise that much because I have specific fitness targets that have nothing to do with the calorie burn or weight loss. For me it is not OTT to do that much.

    Being on a calorie counting website, I presume (perhaps wrongly I will admit) that the calorie burn is for weight loss rather than functional fitness. It's just the impression I got from the OP that the major concern was for the amount of calories burnt rather than anything else. Like I said though, I could be wrong.....It has been known. And yes of course, athletes, military folk etc will often do 2+ hours of fitness. I suppose I was thinking from the everyday person point of view. My bad :flowerforyou:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I run for an hour at 5mph and walk for an hour at 4mph. It burns about 700 calories everyday. My goal is to lose 2 pounds a week so I need to find a way to burn 300 more calories. I have a treadmill, pull up bar, dumbbells, but that's about it. What do you guys do to workout? Do you know of any workout videos that work well?

    You do realize that you burn calories just from living right? Also, unless you are obese, you can not lose 2 lbs per week. Thats way too aggressive for weight loss.

    Look up basal metabolic rate. You end up burning 75% of your calories from that alone.

    I've lost 2-4 pounds a week since I've started my new lifestyle of healthy eating and working out and I'm not obese. I've lost about 22 pounds in 7 weeks

    i'd hazard a guess you are probably skinny fat instead!
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    Ill agree with the fact that you seem to be working out way too much and thats a lot of burned calories already so as to why you feel you need to burn more is slightly confusing but I wouldnt judge you. some of the responses are way too judgmental and not very helpful or encouraging. as far as your question goes I love Jillian Michaels, her workouts are awesome and interval training is also very good. That being said, you def are getting huge burns in already and I would maybe even take it down a notch bc you dont want to overdo it, there is a thing as working out TOO much where it actually is less beneficial in the long run and focus more on your diet and clean eating to further your results your after. good luck hun
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    People are saying that you need to do your research because 1000 calories and 2lbs a week is too much but obviously they need to do their research.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    People are saying that you need to do your research because 1000 calories and 2lbs a week is too much but obviously they need to do their research.

    And your reasoning for this is? Please enlighten us with your knowledge then?
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    Like I said, do your research.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Like I said, do your research.

    Great reply. I've found the way that suits me with regards to changing my body and it's worked pretty well over the past 6 months. Hope you have been successful too. It helps if you have good helpful info to share it. That's the point of the forums. To chat and help.Can you help the OP or offer her your opinion or advice? Or is your way top secret?
  • cchanski
    Amazes me how many people are just offering advice rather than asking why the OP feels like they need to do 2+ hours of exercise a day and burn 1000 cals a day. Totally OTT and too aggressive.

    I wouldn't think twice about someone who said they were doing 2 hours of exercise a day. The thing that would concern me is that they are doing it for weight loss reasons rather than fitness goal reasons.

    I easily do 2 hours of exercise a day and burn 2000+ calories. But by the same token, I exercise that much because I have specific fitness targets that have nothing to do with the calorie burn or weight loss. For me it is not OTT to do that much.

    Being on a calorie counting website, I presume (perhaps wrongly I will admit) that the calorie burn is for weight loss rather than functional fitness. It's just the impression I got from the OP that the major concern was for the amount of calories burnt rather than anything else. Like I said though, I could be wrong.....It has been known. And yes of course, athletes, military folk etc will often do 2+ hours of fitness. I suppose I was thinking from the everyday person point of view. My bad :flowerforyou:
    Actually some of us on here may be athletes using it also for weight loss because of specific time of season. I need to drop 12 kg before mid April. 1000-4000 calories of exercise 5-6 days a week is normal in about a month. Right now maybe 5-6000 a week. I used to keep track of it on paper, obviously it is much easier on this website, which a friend of mine who I train with at times directed me too. I think everyone on here has their own reasons
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Amazes me how many people are just offering advice rather than asking why the OP feels like they need to do 2+ hours of exercise a day and burn 1000 cals a day. Totally OTT and too aggressive.

    I wouldn't think twice about someone who said they were doing 2 hours of exercise a day. The thing that would concern me is that they are doing it for weight loss reasons rather than fitness goal reasons.

    I easily do 2 hours of exercise a day and burn 2000+ calories. But by the same token, I exercise that much because I have specific fitness targets that have nothing to do with the calorie burn or weight loss. For me it is not OTT to do that much.

    Being on a calorie counting website, I presume (perhaps wrongly I will admit) that the calorie burn is for weight loss rather than functional fitness. It's just the impression I got from the OP that the major concern was for the amount of calories burnt rather than anything else. Like I said though, I could be wrong.....It has been known. And yes of course, athletes, military folk etc will often do 2+ hours of fitness. I suppose I was thinking from the everyday person point of view. My bad :flowerforyou:
    Actually some of us on here may be athletes using it also for weight loss because of specific time of season. I need to drop 12 kg before mid April. 1000-4000 calories of exercise 5-6 days a week is normal in about a month. Right now maybe 5-6000 a week. I used to keep track of it on paper, obviously it is much easier on this website, which a friend of mine who I train with at times directed me too. I think everyone on here has their own reasons

    Erm did you actually read my last post? I just apologised for making a presumption when I shouldn't. It's been covered. I am fully aware people on here use the site to record their workouts, nutrition for athletic purposes.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    The problem with aggressive weight loss is simple. When you aim for aggressive weight loss, especially when you aren't obese, is that you lose muscle + fat. And since muscle key in athletic performance, looks (its tight and lean and losing it will require you to lose more weight to get to a good composition), you will support your body less, you will weaken your immune system, etc.. So yes, you can lose 2+ lbs a week, but if you are just overweight, then it's going to be muscle too. Keep in mind, muscle is inefficient and requires a lot of calories to maintain it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I run for an hour at 5mph and walk for an hour at 4mph. It burns about 700 calories everyday. My goal is to lose 2 pounds a week so I need to find a way to burn 300 more calories. I have a treadmill, pull up bar, dumbbells, but that's about it. What do you guys do to workout? Do you know of any workout videos that work well?

    You do realize that you burn calories just from living right? Also, unless you are obese, you can not lose 2 lbs per week. Thats way too aggressive for weight loss.

    Look up basal metabolic rate. You end up burning 75% of your calories from that alone.

    I've lost 2-4 pounds a week since I've started my new lifestyle of healthy eating and working out and I'm not obese. I've lost about 22 pounds in 7 weeks

    Losing 1-2 pounds is completely healthy, and burning 1000 calories really isn't that much. Not sure what those others are talking about.

    I typically burn less than 200 calories a day from my workouts and lose 1-2 pounds a week. To me, the idea of burning 1000 calories in one day, just from exercise, sounds insane. My TDEE is 2500, and I eat about 1800-1900, so I end up with a deficit of roughly 750/day. It's much easier to create a deficit with your diet than with spending a quarter of the day working out.
  • masfe
    masfe Posts: 17
    I'd look into this programs:

    Power 90/Power 90 Master (beginner)
    P90x (Intermediate)
    Insanity (advanced)

    And a lot of people mentioned Jillian something, don't remember her name.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Here's my advice -

    Stop thinking of this as a race.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I run for an hour at 5mph and walk for an hour at 4mph. It burns about 700 calories everyday. My goal is to lose 2 pounds a week so I need to find a way to burn 300 more calories. I have a treadmill, pull up bar, dumbbells, but that's about it. What do you guys do to workout? Do you know of any workout videos that work well?

    You do realize that you burn calories just from living right? Also, unless you are obese, you can not lose 2 lbs per week. Thats way too aggressive for weight loss.

    Look up basal metabolic rate. You end up burning 75% of your calories from that alone.

    I've lost 2-4 pounds a week since I've started my new lifestyle of healthy eating and working out and I'm not obese. I've lost about 22 pounds in 7 weeks

    ...I think i just experienced envy....

    Took me 6 months to lose 40 lbs, and another year to lose another ten.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    oh- to contribute to the actual discussing *shakes off envy of folks who can lose more than 2 lbs a week*....

    There are exercises that burn calories when you aren't actively exercising.... but you're an athelete so I guess you already know this. But I'll say it anyways for folks who might not know:

    Lifting Heavy

    and while I haven't heard it touted out on MFP as one of the best exercises out there, I will tell you that rockclimbers are (1) babes, (2) buff, (3) outside, and (4) having a great time.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Try doing intervals on the treadmill, run at 6.0 or faster for a minute , walk at 4.0 for 2 minutes , then repeat, for 30 minutes , you should be dripping sweat when your done. Also you could buy a jump rope . and workout , with that is harder than it seems.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    The problem with aggressive weight loss is simple. When you aim for aggressive weight loss, especially when you aren't obese, is that you lose muscle + fat. And since muscle key in athletic performance, looks (its tight and lean and losing it will require you to lose more weight to get to a good composition), you will support your body less, you will weaken your immune system, etc.. So yes, you can lose 2+ lbs a week, but if you are just overweight, then it's going to be muscle too. Keep in mind, muscle is inefficient and requires a lot of calories to maintain it.

    This! Listen to this poster as they know what they are talking about.

    Weight loss is not a race. The faster you lose the more of the losses that will be from muscle instead of fat. Loss of muscle will lower your metabolism.

    Burning 1000 cals a day will do more harm than good in the long run. Muscle loss, not allowing your muscles to heal, constantly holding onto water, and burn out. Burning that much without eating most of those calories back also doesn't give your body enough to run on.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I run for an hour at 5mph and walk for an hour at 4mph. It burns about 700 calories everyday. My goal is to lose 2 pounds a week so I need to find a way to burn 300 more calories. I have a treadmill, pull up bar, dumbbells, but that's about it. What do you guys do to workout? Do you know of any workout videos that work well?

    You do realize that you burn calories just from living right? Also, unless you are obese, you can not lose 2 lbs per week. Thats way too aggressive for weight loss.

    Look up basal metabolic rate. You end up burning 75% of your calories from that alone.

    I've lost 2-4 pounds a week since I've started my new lifestyle of healthy eating and working out and I'm not obese. I've lost about 22 pounds in 7 weeks

    I would imagine a larger portion of your losses came from muscle instead of fat. It is great to lose quickly, we would all love to lose the weight fast but personally I would like to preserve my muscle instead of getting great losses the whole time but ending up with little muslce in the end. Muscle does more for the look of your body than fat will in the end.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I'm not understanding why you need to burn 1,000 calories a day in exercise?