paupsers Member


  • This sounds like nothing more than a temporary fix, as someone else said. It'd be impossible to maintain this for a lifetime, and after the diet your metabolism would probably be so slow that when you went back to eating normal/healthy levels of food, you would gain a large portion, if not all, of the weight back. I say…
  • Too true. At one point I hadn't drunk regular soda for about 2-3 years and I HATED the taste of it when I tried it again. (Unfortunately, I'm back to liking regular soda--but I don't drink it!) Also, McDonald's McFlurry--my favorite treat--doesn't sit well in my stomach anymore. I still think it's delicious, but it makes…
  • I think "enjoying life" is a great goal! Good luck on your journey!
    in Hello Comment by paupsers February 2011