

  • I believe most people on this site are supportive it just the few bad apples :ohwell: ... like I said before you cannot wear someone else's shoes and you cannot make their choices ... everyone has to do it their way and what is correct for them.
  • VEGAN - DON'T BE SO HARSH!:grumble: I agree with the last post ... it is not easy to change a lifetime of wrong food choices ... everyone needs to learn to eat better and make better choices but it is THEIR choice and it is no one else's business what each person eats ... I thought this was a place to ENCOURAGE NOT…
  • Hello I am new also .. this is my 4 day ... :smile:
  • Hi JRobinLee ... I am MeMe .... I have 100 pounds to lose and have only lost sx so far ... I have been on this site for 2 days ... love it ... best way to lose weight is to make an honest person of yourself ... LOL!:love:
  • I am a newbe also ... started two days ago ... need to lose 100 lbs ... I have lost 6 so far ... love this site was introduced to it by a friend who is on this site... wonderful way to keep up and keep honest with a food and exercise diary
  • Quit smoking .. 5 years on 2/15/2013; Now I need to let go of my bad habits which the worst is Honey Roasted Peanuts ... OMG I love them Need to lay off anything white (I am diabetic) rice, potatoes, pasta. Internist said no corn or green peas as they have a High Glycemic Value ... He said nothing in a can ... I am not a…