So your eating less crap, but its still CRAP



  • I don't agree with what OP said but I think so many people having a go is a bit much, it's bullying and that's just as nasty as her openly insulting her friends. If you don't want to be nasty then just ignore this thread and go on being positive to all your friends :)
  • jayce54321
    jayce54321 Posts: 110 Member
    Frozen yogurt IS health food.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I would be sad if I cared so much to make a thread about what people that you don't know eat...hmmmm
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I've seen some of the diaries that you're talking about. White bread and margarine for breakfast, a Snickers bar and a bag of chips for lunch, etc. I really had no idea people ate like that!
    Yes and I've seen people eat refried beans and enchiladas for breakfast too.

  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    If I cut out those foods I would have given up a LONG time ago!!!
  • Wow, I just joined MFP and this post is horrifying. I only joined because MFP will sync with my body media and spark people will not. So many negative comments and such an un-supportive statement this makes me sad. Are all the boards like this? I have lost 115 pounds with sparkpeople and still have quite a ways to go, but I don't think I want to stick around here despite the syncing
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    F this, I'm closing my diary!!

    I feel you. I have my diary closed specifically because I eat what I like (honestly most of it is healthy food too) as long as it's within my goal range and I'm not overdoing it. With that said I've lost 24 lbs since June.
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    I find it upsetting that not everyone eats clean like me! Only MY experience is valid!! Other people having success with less restriction makes my struggle feel less worthy! You can't be in my club! Waah!

    C'mon guys.
  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    Im just wondering what your so called friends are making of this......if you had been my friend you wouldn't be now
  • I just read alot of these posts and eating completely healthy seems impossable to me But I am trying and I think most of us are So give use a chance and we will all keep trying We are all in this together and I cant spell iether
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    She got about 10 new friends in the hour after I first posted. Not everyone takes criticism the same way. Hopefully she addresses her friends directly if she has specific concerns. If they're boohooing about the post, then they probably aren't good friend matches and they can part ways.

    What I don't understand is how popular Jillian Michaels is on this site, but someone making what I thought was a Jillian-ish vent was lambasted.
  • It's hard to give up all the food you love...even if it is crap. With a lifestyle change and not a diet the key is to not limit yourself with the "I can't have that anymore" and say okay I can have that if I have enough calories and if I work my butt off at the gym.

    It's the system that weight watchers uses too which works for a lot of people.

    The goal in the beginning is to create healthy habits like keeping a food diary and logging everything you eat for accountability. Eventually the closer you get to your goal weight you have to buckle down and eat healthy foods but in the beginning its more of creating healthy habits than anything else.
  • VEGAN - DON'T BE SO HARSH!:grumble: I agree with the last post ... it is not easy to change a lifetime of wrong food choices ... everyone needs to learn to eat better and make better choices but it is THEIR choice and it is no one else's business what each person eats ... I thought this was a place to ENCOURAGE NOT DISCOURAGE????
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    I must be bored but here is my 2 cents. A person can eat crap and still lose weight and be healthy. I am sure you have seen SuperSizeMe and we know that eating McDonalds daily sure did a negative number on Spurlock...but what about Don Gorske who eats a Big Mac Every day ( and has NO health issues and is in good shape?

    There are many people here on MFP that drink beer and eat fast food but have excellent body fat ratios.

    My 2 Cents
  • Colexlovely
    Colexlovely Posts: 133 Member
    I think its ok to eat "crap" sometimes, if you are trying to lose weight. Just eat the right portion sizes or serving size and count those calories. What is so wrong with that? I love Oreos. When I eat them I just eat the serving size which is 4,
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Just a quick observation...

    The majority of the avatars telling the OP to cram it because she's a judgmental loser and a meanie pants are not fit, lean, jacked, or awesome looking.

    The majority of the avatars supporting the OP's support of others by telling them the truth about their choices and the impact of said choices on their stated goals are leaner, more fit looking, and in general people whose opinions on subjects such as those this site would find useful I would listen to.

    Just an observation...

    BTW, I had a four-patty Five Guys cheeseburger with fries and a large DQ Resse cup Bizzard with EXTRA STUFF last night as part of my Carb Backloading program. This morning I woke up lean, tight, and ready to take new pictures. I've done this five of the last eight days and I'm down three pounds from two weeks ago. I'm going to drop a weight class for my PL meet next Saturday. Are my choices CRAP? As with all things on this site, it depends on your plans and your goals. In my case, this type of food elicits an insulin response that helps me build and/or maintain muscle mass and replenish glycogen stores while cutting fat the other 18 hours of the day when insulin is suppressed.

    That being said, I'd bet that the OP is referring to people in her circle of friends who have stated goals that are not supported by their food choices and/or plans that do not include those food choices. OP has made some good progress based on her avatar pic, so she probably has valid things to say and the fact she cares about the people in her circle to the point she gets frustrated with them for sabotaging themselves means she's a good MFP pal.

    Heck, I think I'll friend request her right now...

    You're right I must suck at weight loss since I don't agree at all with the OP. I have lucky charms, fruity pebbles, jack in the box, mcdonalds in my diary.

    No, you're quite good at weight loss, and congratulations on your amazing progress. The OP is frustrated with those who complain about NOT LOSING (or making progress toward whatever goal) while they make bad choices.

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Your progress is AWESOME.
  • johnny059qn
    johnny059qn Posts: 163 Member
    Oh and by the way. Since when is Jiff peanut butter considered clean eating? Ever read the ingredients list for that stuff? Isn't that CRAP as well?

    Don't hate on Jif.


    Simply put, mono- and diglycerides are fats. They are made from oil,usually soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, or palm oil, act as emulsifiers (provide a consistent texture and prevent separation), and are used in most baked products to keep them from getting stale. In ice cream and other processed foods, including margarine, instant potatoes, and chewing gum, they serve as stabilizers, which give foods body and improve consistency

    Pretty clean eating IMHO.

    The Jif Natural peanut butter only has 5 ingredients.


    For any other info check out :)
  • I believe most people on this site are supportive it just the few bad apples :ohwell: ... like I said before you cannot wear someone else's shoes and you cannot make their choices ... everyone has to do it their way and what is correct for them.
  • Colexlovely
    Colexlovely Posts: 133 Member
    By the way you can look at my pictures, I am 95% vegan eat "crap" sometimes and I am still dropping weight. Went from 155-117 I have completed p90x, 20 weeks of Turbofire and Now i am doing Insanity. "crap" sometimes doesn't effect you unless you aren't keeping track. I disagree with this post and I think I am in shape. Anyone who can Ride 150 miles for MS. in 2 days is in shape to me:) just saying.
  • People only change what and when they want to. They can't be told or made to change by anyone else. As much as I would like some of my family members to realize what they're eating is not in the best interest of their health, I realized that I have to concentrate on my own situation and hopefully they will see my example and figure out themselves that they could change. If they ask, I give my opinion and discuss it with them, but other than that I don't really say much to people about what they're eating or not eating. MY health and fitness is my main concern.

    So that being said, what I've come to realize in my diet and nutrition is that I want the calories I take in to be the best possible nutrition I can get. That's not to say I don't indulge and eat "crap" by times, but for the most part I like to eat fresh food - meats, fresh fruit and veg, high-fibre grains, dairy that I prepare myself. In general, I find that I can eat less when I'm eating better food because I find it more filling.