So your eating less crap, but its still CRAP



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Some people don't have "visible abs" as a goal.

    Lies! Heresey! She's a witch - burn her!

    It's the goal of everyone everywhere to have visible abs for the sake of it and if your diet and training isn't geared towards that you're just not trying hard enough dammit!


    That's Queen Slacker to you, plebe! :laugh:

    How very dare you Andrew Mitchell!

    Your only goal in life is to have abs. You're not fooling anyone you know....

  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I don't give a F what other people eat

    But if you're not getting the results you want and you find yourself making statements like "at least I'm not eating ____" or "my diet isn't great but it could be worse" or "it's not as bad as I used to be" then it's not much of a mystery
  • AkashaDeville
    so very true !!!!
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    No one is going to not eat 'crap' FOREVER. Its just not possible for the majority of normal people...

    A little crap is better than all crap, it had worked for me and many others, and I will keep it that way, because it keeps my mind in the right place, not constantly thinking I am punishing myself.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Hmmm... I see your point... but I tend towards the "Everything in Moderation" trend of thinking. Many people are unable to do a clean break from ALL junk food.

    I think it's a bit unfair to chastise those who are trying and being honest with themselves of what they're eating. You should praise them for actually logging their junk food, no? They're logging that food for accountability.

    That's just how I think about the situation.
  • stukawife
    stukawife Posts: 45 Member
    Ya know, each person eats what they want to eat. The fact of the matter is that its how much you eat....and MFP keeps me aware of how much I am eating and that alone keeps my weight steady. And really...what do you care about waht strangers are eating. I am amzed at the cusssess that many MFP have had and it is alwaysa and inspiration for me.
  • OptimisticlyOptimistic
    So, if you see a "friends" diary - and it's full of crap, but they are under there cal limit for the you comment? If someone in my list doesn't eat at least a net of 1200 - regardless of what it is they've eaten, I don't feel I can compliment them. I don't think that's healthy. But hey, that's just me.
  • stukawife
    stukawife Posts: 45 Member
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    That's funny, many people on here who are in INCREDIBLE shape..... eat icecream and poptarts while posting on this forum....

    Get over yourself, you can be fat on tons of healthy food as well as crap.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I've seen some of the diaries that you're talking about. White bread and margarine for breakfast, a Snickers bar and a bag of chips for lunch, etc. I really had no idea people ate like that!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Baby steps... simple baby steps... not everyone can go from 3 meals of junk food to 0 junk food over night -- so portion control is better than no control at all... as people get more in to forming better habits, better choices fall in to place as well...

    If you don't agree with what the peeps in your friends (pals) list are doing - you have 2 choices: (1) give them some pointers on how they can change things up to be more successful or (2) simply delete them...
  • Ronij59
    Ronij59 Posts: 191 Member
    Wow! I never thought for one minute that this site would be so back biting! It is the opinion of everyone on here that counts whether you agree or disagree is no reason to be so critical of that persons opinion. Each person does have their own method of attaining their weight loss goals. If some one eats "crap" and that works for them, then so be it. For me personally, I can't. My metabolism and body make up just doesnt allow for me to eat alot of those things. Believe me I would love to and do some times. But my body does not like what they do to me. I posted recently about donuts in the office. This is a regular in my profession. Vendors come to solicit business and they bring goodies in such as chocolates or donuts. I love them both but do not partake for fear of what it does to me. However eating too much of a good thing is not always good for you either. Over indulgence is bad in any aspect. So I am on the fence with the original post and with the other comments. I personally feel to each his own.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Some people don't have "visible abs" as a goal.

    Lies! Heresey! She's a witch - burn her!

    It's the goal of everyone everywhere to have visible abs for the sake of it and if your diet and training isn't geared towards that you're just not trying hard enough dammit!


    That's Queen Slacker to you, plebe! :laugh:

    It is a generalized statement, abs aren't my goal either but the overall sentiment is I need to eat better to achieve my goals. If I am eating like crap then I'll have to spend twice or three times the amount of time int he gym to offset it.

    This thread is basically boiling down to the types of FL people want. Cheerleaders, actual help, social commentary or like minded people.

    Some have suggested singling those people out and sending a PM...yet there have been countless threads about the rudeness of "Unsolicited advice" So the OP is staring her observation in the hopes it might some people that are not meeting their goals and haven't put 2 and 2 together yet.

    The witch hunt for the OP is just as judgemental as everyone claiming she is. banghead.gif

    Well if this thread is about people's FL's then I guess I totally missed the point. I sure didn't get that from the OP.

    Having said that, I am generally friends with everyone who has ever asked me to be their friend. I'm not picky. The only people I have removed from my FL are people that quit logging for a long time and have given up. They just clog up my FL.
  • Gurlyknockout
    Gurlyknockout Posts: 115 Member
    You guys are all picking apart a comment to make it about what upsets YOU and missing the point entirely. I guess I know now not to bother with the forums on here. Eat what you want, by all means. Shame on me for caring.

    I have lost more than a significant amount of weight as well as added some decent muscle (still working on it obviously) and I've done it by eating what I want through moderation and avoided my eventual downfall due to deprivation. In some cases, it's not just about what you put in your body, but managing your mentality as well, and I do that through moderation. A "clean" diet is not the only way! So grow up! And find something better to do besides poking around in your friend's diaries!

    :flowerforyou: Yes God forbid me eat a fiber one browine cuz I PMSing!!!! Get off your high horse!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Options should see the way I USED to eat, then!! :laugh:

    ETA: I do get your point, OP. You are concerned that your online friends aren't eating healthfully enough. (Yes, "healthfully" is the correct word, everyone.) It's fine to post your opinion, but I'm surprised that you are upset by the responses you're getting.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Ugh...not another one of these.

    if it bugs you, don't be friends with them.
    BARBnKS Posts: 84 Member
    Don't think the poster was judging but trying to help. Some people don't like vegtables & fruits so they fill up on other not so healthy choices that include a lot of processed foods. It will make their weight loss slower but by writing it down & staying under their goal calories it shows they are trying. I know people do not change overnight to eat healthier but will eventually learn with encouragement if they really want to make a change in lifestyle. If it bothers you to see people eating "crap" & none of your encouraging advice works, don't worry about it, just stay friends with those that have good eating habits to encourage you to stay with your own goals.
  • healthyversionofme
    healthyversionofme Posts: 111 Member
    In my experience a lot of people that start out are just trying to lose weight. They are more worried about the calories in their food rather than the nutrients in their food. If they stick around for a while they learn things and slowly start to make better choices and start to focus more on health. Especially when they start shedding weight and seeing how good they look underneath all the fat.

    this is the best statement so far! we didnt get fat overnight, therefore, its extreme to expect us to stop eating junk immediately and switch to clean eating. What i have noticed from successful losers is that its a work in progress. For many of us, eating less is a big deal and the 1st step. Once we progress and get more intune with our body i am sure the amount of "crap" that we put in will naturally decrease due to the want decreasing. Losing weight is hard, dont encourage people that all or nothing is the only way. Eating less crap is step one. Along the path, cleaner eating will come. Everyone has their own timeline and path. Did you always eat clean? Are you telling me from day 1 you went from cookies to only clean foods? That is a tough extremity. Some can do it and you may be one of those who can, but most cant and dont want too.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    <---- Eats white bread (and dinner rolls) with margarine


    I've seen some of the diaries that you're talking about. White bread and margarine for breakfast, a Snickers bar and a bag of chips for lunch, etc. I really had no idea people ate like that!
  • LunaticGypsy
    Why log in every day and record CRAP. If you want to change your body, CHANGE YOUR DIET!

    Maybe they log it every day because they need to see what they're doing to their bodies in order to help them make changes. This is a long term goal and also an expirement for some people. You have no clue what these people are doing and what really goes on in people's minds so... I agree with most the other people, chill the f out.
