What habits have you kicked?!



  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    I used to drink 1-2 glasses of pop with my supper every night. I stopped on dec. 1, 2011 and haven't had a drop since except for 2 oz. of Freescale in a margarita one day. I don't miss it. It was expensive, unhealthy, and heavy to carry home from the store. I think I am better off for saying goodbye to pop!
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    I kicked coca-cola and it's one of the hardest things I've done.
    Harder than booze.
    I can now have one drink without getting readdicted, the booze not the cola.

    I was on a cheese farm this week. The Cheesemaker said the more runny the cheese the less calories so if you have to then eat Camembert or brie.
  • Fat_Cat_Bride
    Fat_Cat_Bride Posts: 16 Member
    I gave up making excuses about why I couldn't do this.

    I love this!

    I am the same. I've given up making excuses.
  • I kicked coca-cola and it's one of the hardest things I've done.
    Harder than booze.
    I can now have one drink without getting readdicted, the booze not the cola.

    I was on a cheese farm this week. The Cheesemaker said the more runny the cheese the less calories so if you have to then eat Camembert or brie.

    A cheese farm?! I must go one day... and be in heaven.... and possibly constipated.
  • Hannah645
    Hannah645 Posts: 75 Member
    I gave up making excuses about why I couldn't do this.

    I love this!

    I am the same. I've given up making excuses.

    This is awesome. As soon as I stopped making excuses, I started losing weight and haven't looked back. Congratulations to everyone though. These are all really great habits to break!
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    I have given up fast food and eating in my car. I used to get a fast food breakfast on the way to work (with a super-sized soda), then a fast food lunch (also super-sized). And then once or twice a week I would get some kind of mocha frappa latte thing. WIth whipped cream. And caramel. And an extra shot.

    I haven't had any of it since September 10, 2012. No, it's not very long. But the money I have saved. Holy cow. Kinda scary that I was eating every penny of our spending money. :blushing:
  • Quit smoking .. 5 years on 2/15/2013;

    Now I need to let go of my bad habits which the worst is

    Honey Roasted Peanuts ... OMG I love them
    Need to lay off anything white (I am diabetic) rice, potatoes, pasta. Internist said no corn or green peas as they have a High Glycemic Value ... He said nothing in a can ... I am not a soda drinker, I have been off sugar for years (at least granulated :smile:) and only use Splenda in my Tea, Coffee and very rare soda (the Zero Sodas) ... CHEESE is another big downfall I can just start cutting chunks of Cheddar and eating it by itself but I love all kinds, American, Cheddar, Mozzarella, Parmsean and the other big one is BREAD ... love it ... I have to do it ... or it is surgery and I don't want baratric sleeve surgery.
  • judykmmg
    judykmmg Posts: 56 Member
    I quit smoking March 2009
    Quit sugar June 2012 (I still have an occasional treat)
    Quit most breads June 2012 - I still eat bread - just not a whole loaf at once
    Quit fast food June 2012
    Haven't had any liquor since 1982 - not because I had to but because it made me feel bad (developed hypoglycemia)
    Habits I'd like to quit: diet sodas - yes it is harder to quit than anything else I've done
  • KayleighWS
    KayleighWS Posts: 15 Member
    I quite smoking. Then I gained more weight but I found that dim sims were not my friend and although I would only have 5-6 as a lunch on weekends they were really high in calories for what you were getting. I also stopped drinking Milo in the evenings. I started once again reading labels! The other bit habit was I was a cheese-a-holic. I know am very mindful of how much cheese I eat and when.
  • praxisproject
    praxisproject Posts: 154 Member
    Not in any particular order:

    * working night shift / rotating shifts (I always thought I "had" to, turns out a new job meant I didn't)
    * making time for foundation health activities, like preparing good food, shopping for good food, getting enough sleep
    * not getting enough sleep
    * using coffee as a solution to not enough sleep
    * smoking
    * drinking
    * sugar
    * starch (pasta, bread, potatoes, rice, corn)
    * not reading ingredients and servings sizes (I was pretty good with the other parts of the label)
    * letting other people tell me what I should or shouldn't be eating / doing to lose weight or get healthier
    * unsupportive friends
    * eating "surprise food" which I didn't plan to eat
    * spending time with negative people
    * spending time with people not working on improving their future
    * skipping breakfast
    * not drinking enough water
    * giving up
    * doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results

    Along the same lines, not exactly a habit, but I've also stopped giving up on improvements to treatments for my other health issues. In 12 months I have found 6 new treatments that have drastically increased my quality of life, giving me the energy to do all of the above. If your doctor is happy to sit back and do nothing to improve a chronic or incurable medical issue, find a new doctor, do your own research, try new things (under medical supervision), talk to your pharmacist, ask about new drugs / treatments.
  • butterflyqueen1984
    butterflyqueen1984 Posts: 141 Member
    When I came home from work I would use to eat about 6 chocolate bourbourns with a cup of tea (with sugar in it). I now don't eat any biscuits and have tea with no sugar in. In fact I cant even stand tea/coffee with sugar in now!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Mindless snacking/ eating. I haven't even missed it, really.
  • praxisproject
    praxisproject Posts: 154 Member
    For anyone trying to create new healthy habits, I highly recommend tinyhabits.com 30 seconds per habit, makes it easy.
  • Currently working on stopping the midnight snacking. It's a lot harder than it looks. :brokenheart:
  • lollyish
    lollyish Posts: 75 Member
    1. Sugar
    2. Alcohol
    I am very proud of the sugar thing. Every now and then I will allow myself a small amount of chocolate, but I don't crave it like I did.
  • bdunt2646
    bdunt2646 Posts: 99 Member
    ive cut back a LOT on pop drinking...so many empty calories!!
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    I have just kicked the cravings for carbs and sugars.....
  • want2belean
    want2belean Posts: 124 Member
    Kicked smoking to the curb - Sept 2012

    and replaced it with working out and eating healthier...
  • conraj74
    conraj74 Posts: 182
    I have kicked my soda and salt addiction.
  • Hi, my name is Silvera and although I am only trying to lose half a stone at 52 I seem to have to work very very hard to do so. I have managed to give up a lot of snacking and taking exercise seems more productive now as I can see what I am achieving. It just seems so very very hard!:wink: