

  • well you should gain your weight back to get your period back. losing your period due to malnutrition is something that can make it so you can't have babies ever. i lost my period due to anorexia/bulimia for two and a half years. i didn't feel like a normal girl either. it's really hard but if you get your situation under…
  • i never binged every day, but i am ... was a binger. there are times where i sit in the kitchen and shovel and shovel huge quantities of food into me. and make strange concoctions out of combinations of food that should never go together but i insist they're delicious and make like 8 servings of it, or sit down with a 1/2…
  • yay! thanks everyone. i'm feeling more inspired. now it's time for me to dig around and see what i can come up with out of ya'lls ideas :)
  • 2 slices of Nature's Own Light Wheat Bread: 70 cals (35 each slice), 4 Egg Whites and reduced sugar Ketchup. Total: 148
  • thomas' origonal english muffin 3 egg whites with salt & pepper hot sauce and i can't believe it's not butter! spray 170 Calories total and yummy.
  • I am very grateful that you shared your story. i am suffering right now with the whole under-eating thing, and have been for 9 years of my life and i'm trying really hard to fix things and stories like yours really give me a kick in the butt to remind me how even though i feel like i'm this dark hole i can't crawl out of,…
  • I am in hawaii, on oahu. i have always wanted to venture to australia. someday!
  • I've been doing this alone for a few years, pretty hard! but i'm glad to have found this little feature. very good news. and where are you that it's 3p?? it's 7:10p here now. sun is setting and the breeze is cooling things down, phew.