

  • Carbs snuggle me at night too! In the form of fat around my midsection!
  • It helps to understand how fat cells work to understand how you gain and loose fat.
  • I found an article of "How Stuff Works" that looks to have some of the information you are after. Simple Science Fitness is probably the best one-stop shop for diet/fitness understanding. -Joey
  • I think this article will help you understand how fat is stored and how to loose fat. Using more energy that you are consuming is one part of the equation, but not the whole equation. Carbohydrates play an important role in how the body uses stored fat.…
  • Avocados are a great fiber source while staying low carb. Drizzle it with some balsamic vinegar if you dislike the taste of raw avocado.
  • Other than the last 20 years or so (Internet, smartphones, etc.), how did people loose weight by counting calories when the tools weren't available to the masses to count those calories? Counting calories seems to be a must if a diet follows the US government provided food recommendations. I am not saying that if you stop…
  • I think the most interesting aspect from a lot of the people who lost weight from low carb diets is that they all gained weight when carbs were introduced significantly in their diets. Weight-loss was effortless when carbohydrates only comprised of less than 25% of their caloric intake. Weight gained occurred when…
  • Topo Chico is my go-to brand for sparkling water. Lemon/lime slices are good in it too.
  • If only we can get off the Imperial system and on to the Metric system for good.
  • I am not sure what the difference is, but we take fermented cod liver oil in our house. Green Pasture is what we use, and they have it available in capsule form. -Joey