How many carbs?



  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    this. Low carb diets (in my experience) do go hand in hand with weight loss but mostly because it is a really filling way to eat less calories. A bowl of cereal with milk can be 500 cals (if you don't stick to the puny serving size) yet a couple of eggs, veggies and turkey bacon could be 300 and WAY more filling.

    This is why low-carb diets work.

    Going to a low-carb diet does nothing metabolically to your body to make your lose weight.

    However, it does tend to remove highly palatable, calorie-dense foods from one's diet, which can make weight loss easier.

    Here is the weight of a patient fed a controlled diet on 10% fat vs. 70% fat. No difference. And this was done with multiple patients.


    Diet composition does not directly affect body fat mass.
  • Ambrodel
    Should have read "Carbs have very little to do with actual fat loss"

    When starting low carb you will deplete your glycogen stores, since glycogen retains water you will lose water weight. It comes down to the size of your deficit, protein intake, genetics, exercise regime to determine how much fat you lose.

    It helps to understand how fat cells work to understand how you gain and loose fat.
  • snaapz
    snaapz Posts: 41 Member
    I eat 1400-1700 cals per day; and I eat 130g-170g of carb per day. It has worked for me in the past and it is working again now!