OdiEtAmoTe Member


  • Carbs just make me retain water weight (hence the "hydrate" part of "carbohydrate"). At the end of the day, calories matter for weight maintenance. I'm 5'10, male, and 140 pounds; 60%+ of my diet is complex carbs, and I'm pretty lean. I guess it depends on activity level and what works for each person.
  • Wow, I would starve on that amount. I am 140 pounds, male, and 5'10, and I eat 3000-4000 depending on activity level. This site seems low for my calorie needs, so I use this one and it seems to be dead on : http://www.health-calc.com/diet/energy-expenditure-advanced
  • This website didn't work for you: http://www.health-calc.com/diet/energy-expenditure-advanced It's pretty much dead-on accurate for me, as long as you are truthful about the exercise levels. It seems like intense is 13.5+ METs, moderate is 7-8ish, and light is 4-5ish.
  • http://nutritiondata.self.com/tools/calories-burned and http://www.health-calc.com/diet/energy-expenditure-advanced have me around 3500-4000 cals burned a day. I'm 5'10, 145, male. This site gives me 3100ish, I don't know how much I eat exactly, but I am highly active,